
List of Crafting Materials

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This is a list of Crafting Materials in the game Valheim.

List of Crafting Materials

Item Name How to Get Spawn Code
Obtained from Ancient Trees in the Swamp biome or from chests inside Sunken Crypts. ElderBark
Obtained from Fuling Villages in the Plains biome. Barley
Obtained by smelting Black metal scraps in a Blast Furnace. BlackMetal
Enemy Drops from Leeches. Bloodbag
Obtained from Skeletons, Chests, or Bone Piles. BoneFragments
Crafted using Copper and Tin. Bronze
Crafted using Bronze. BronzeNails
Obtained from Wraiths or chests inside Sunken Crypts. Chain
Mined from the back of Leviathans. Chitin
Burnt Food or made from the Charcoal Kiln. Coal
Smelt Copper ores. Copper
Chop Pine trees in the Black Forest biome. RoundLog
Enemy Drop from Deer or obtained from chests. DeerHide
Obtained by slaying Moder. DragonTear
Enemy Drop from Birds or obtained from chests. Feathers
Chop Birch trees. FineWood
Obtained by smelting Flametal Ores in a Blast Furnace. Flametal
Obtained from Fuling Villages in the Plains biome. Flax
Picked up near bodies of water. Flint
Enemy Drop from Drakes in the Mountain biome. FreezeGland
Enemy Drop from Greydwarves. GreydwarfEye
Harvested from trees in the Swamp biome using pickaxes or axes. Guck
Obtained by slaying Eikthyr. HardAntler
Obtained by smelting Scrap Iron. Iron
Crafted using Iron in the Forge. IronNails
Obtained from Boars, Chests, or Muddy Scrap Piles in Sunken Crypts. LeatherScraps
Refined from Flax via the Spinning Wheel. LinenThread
Enemy Drop from Loxes. LoxPelt
Enemy Drop from Deathsquitos. Needle
Mined from Obsidian Deposits in the Mountain biome. Obsidian
Enemy Drop from Blobs. Ooze
Obtained by breaking beehives on abandoned structures around the world. QueenBee
Enemy Drop from Greydwarves or obtained by chopping trees. Resin
Coming soon SerpentScale
Crafted using the Stonecutter. SharpeningStone
Smelted from Silver ores using a Smelter. Silver
Picked up from the ground or mined from rocks using a pickaxe. Stone
Obtained from Burial Chambers and Surtlings. SurtlingCore
Tin ImageTin
Smelt Tin ores. Tin
Enemy Drop from Trolls. TrollHide
Enemy Drop from Wolves. WolfFang
Enemy Drop from Wolves. WolfPelt
Obtained by chopping trees or from picking up branches on the ground. Wood
Can be bought from Haldor the Trader. YmirRemains

What are Crafting Materials?

Materials Used for Crafting and Building

Crafting recipe.png

Crafting Materials are items found all over Valheim that are used to craft tools and items as well as build structures for your base.

Valheim is a survival-craft game so knowing what each material does is essential to overcome the challenges of Odin!

Also Used for Upgrading Weapons and Armors

Upgrade via the Forge.png

Valheim boasts a robust progression system that allows you to upgrade your Viking's weapons, armors, and tools. These require a lot of crafting materials that can be farmed in the world!

Valheim Related Guides

Items and Materials Template.png

All Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials
Crafting Materials Ore and Scrap Metal Trophies
Food Ingredients Key Items
Potions and Mead Seeds Valuables
Other Items


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