
List of Buildings (Structures)

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Valheim Buildings Banner.jpg
This is a guide to all of the buildings (structures) in Valheim. Read more to find out what each of them needs and what they do!

List of Buildings


Structure How to Use
Campfire ImageCampfire Place on ground .Creates warmth and comfort. Allows you to use cooking stations on it, and it wards away cold and wetness.
Bonfire ImageBonfire Place on ground. Creates warmth and comfort. Allows you to use cooking stations on it, and it wards away cold and wetness. Larger than the campfire.
Hearth ImageHearth Place on floors. Creates warmth and comfort. Allows you to use cooking stations on it, and it wards away cold and wetness. Larger than the campfire.
Wood Stack ImageWood Stack Build this to store a stack of 50 wood. Upon deconstruction, it drops the whole stack of wood.
Stone Pile ImageStone Pile Build this to store a stack of 50 stones. Upon deconstruction, it drops the whole stack of stone.
Portal ImagePortal Use this to create portals that quickly transport you far distances. It's a good idea to link portals to your home base.
Ward ImageWard Build this to lock doors and chests, as well as prevent griefers from destroying your home or building around your home.
Cart ImageCart Use this to transport heavy materials,
Longship ImageLongship Build this on the coast and use it to sail across the sea. This is the improved version of the Karve that can go faster and has even more storage slots.
Raft ImageRaft Build this on the coast and use it to sail across the sea.
Karve ImageKarve Build this on the coast and use it to sail across the sea. This is the improved version of the Raft that can go faster and has storage slots.


Structure How to Use
Cooking Station ImageCooking Station Place on top of a fire, then add meat to it.
Cauldron ImageCauldron Place on top of a fire in order to be able to make potions and meads.
Workbench ImageWorkbench Use this to craft better non-metal items and enable building around the area.
Chopping Block ImageChopping Block Place this near a workbench to up its level.
Tanning Rack ImageTanning Rack Place this near a workbench to up its level.
Adze ImageAdze Place this near a workbench to up its level.
Tool Shelf ImageTool Shelf Place this near a workbench to up its level.
Stonecutter ImageStonecutter Place it around a workbench to enable building of stone structures.
Artisan Table ImageArtisan Table Build it so you are able to build a Spinning Wheel, Blast Furnace and Windmill.
Forge ImageForge Use this to forge metal items from metal bars.
Forge Bellows ImageForge Bellows Place this near a forge to up its level.
Anvils ImageAnvils Place this near a forge to up its level.
Grinding Wheel ImageGrinding Wheel Place this near a forge to up its level.
SmithSmith's Anvil Place this near a forge to up its level.
Forge Cooler ImageForge Cooler Place this near a forge to up its level.
Forge Toolrack ImageForge Toolrack Place this near a forge to up its level.
Smelter ImageSmelter Place this on the ground to use it. Put in coal on one side and ores on the other to produce bars.
Blast Furnace ImageBlast Furnace Place this on the ground to use it. Functions like the smelter, but is used for Black Metal.
Charcoal Kiln ImageCharcoal Kiln Place this on the ground to use it. Put in wood to produce coal.
Windmill ImageWindmill Place this down and place barley in it. When its windy, it can process barley into barley flour.
Spinning Wheel ImageSpinning Wheel Input flax into this and it will convert it to linen.
Beehive ImageBeehive Place apart from other beehives to generate honey.
Fermenter ImageFermenter Place in a sheltered area and use it to create potions from Mead Base made in cauldrons.


Structure How to Use
Wood Floor 2x2 ImageWood Floor 2x2 Build this as flooring for your buildings.
Wood Floor 1x1 ImageWood Floor 1x1 Build this as flooring for your buildings.
Wood Wall ImageWood Wall Use this as a wall for your buildings.
Wood Wall Half ImageWood Wall Half Use this to cover up half slots filled up by roofs or to make waist high walls.
Wood Door ImageWood Door Use this to create an openable door into your building.
Wood Gate ImageWood Gate Use this to create a bigger two-door openable gate into your building.
Wood Stair ImageWood Stair Use this to allow you to ascend one half-wall upwards.
Wood Ladder ImageWood Ladder Use this to allow you to ascend one wall upwards.
Thatch Roof 45° ImageThatch Roof 45° Use this as roof to your buildings.
Wood Wall 26° ImageWood Wall 26° Use this to cover up holes in your wall made by 26° Thatch Roofs.
Thatch Roof i-corner 26° ImageThatch Roof i-corner 26° Use this for inner corner roofs of L-shaped structures.
Thatch Roof o-corner 26° ImageThatch Roof o-corner 26° Use this for outer corner roofs of L-shaped structures.
Thatch Roof Ridge 26° ImageThatch Roof Ridge 26° Use this as centerpieces of 26° Thatch Roofs if your building is an odd amount of tiles wide.
Thatch Roof 26° ImageThatch Roof 26° Use this as roof to your buildings.
Wood Roof Cross 45° ImageWood Roof Cross 45° Use this to support 45° Thatch Roofs.
Wood Wall 45° ImageWood Wall 45° Use this to cover up holes in your wall made by 45° Thatch Roofs.
Thatch Roof i-corner 45° ImageThatch Roof i-corner 45° Use this for inner corner roofs of L-shaped structures.
Thatch Roof o-corner 45° ImageThatch Roof o-corner 45° Use this for outer corner roofs of L-shaped structures.
Thatch Roof Ridge 45° ImageThatch Roof Ridge 45° Use this as centerpieces of 45° Thatch Roofs if your building is an odd amount of tiles wide.
Wood Roof Cross 26° ImageWood Roof Cross 26° Use this to support 26° Thatch Roofs.
Wood Pole 1m ImageWood Pole 1m Use this as a support for structures, normally under them touching both the structure and the ground for support.
Wood Pole 2m ImageWood Pole 2m Use this as a support for structures, normally under them touching both the structure and the ground for support. Can also be stacked to make pillars or placed in water to make docks.
Wood Beam 1m ImageWood Beam 1m Use this as a roof support.
Wood Beam 2m ImageWood Beam 2m Use this as a roof support.
Wood Beam 26° ImageWood Beam 26° Use this as a roof support.
Wood Beam 45° ImageWood Beam 45° Use this as a roof support.
Wood Iron Pole ImageWood Iron Pole Use this as a support for structures, normally under them touching both the structure and the ground for support. Can also be stacked to make pillars or placed in water to make docks.
Wood Iron Beam ImageWood Iron Beam Use this as a roof support.
Wood Dragon Adornment ImageWood Dragon Adornment Use this to adorn your roof or walls with a dragon head.
Stone Wall 4x2 ImageStone Wall 4x2 Use this as a wall for your buildings.
Stone Wall 2x1 ImageStone Wall 2x1 Use this as a wall for your buildings.
Stone Wall 1x1 ImageStone Wall 1x1 Use this to cover up half slots filled up by roofs or to make waist high walls.
Sharp Stakes ImageSharp Stakes Build these outward facing stakes to damage any enemies that approach the pointy ends.
Stakewall ImageStakewall Build these as an outer wall to your base.
Roundpole Fence ImageRoundpole Fence Connect these to build outdoor waist high fences that can be jumped over.
Log Pole 4m ImageLog Pole 4m Use this as a pillar for your buildings.
Log Pole 2m ImageLog Pole 2m Use this as a pillar for your buildings.
Log Beam 2m ImageLog Beam 2m Use this as a roof support.
Log Beam 4m ImageLog Beam 4m Use this as a roof support.
Stone Pillar ImageStone Pillar Use this as a pillar for your buildings.
Stone Arch ImageStone Arch Use this as a pillar for your buildings.
Stone Floor 2x2 ImageStone Floor 2x2 Build this as flooring for your buildings.
Iron Gate ImageIron Gate Use this to create a bigger two-door openable gate into your building.
Stone Stair ImageStone Stair Use this to allow you to ascend one half-wall upwards.


Structure How to Use
Bed ImageBed Build this and interact with it to sleep and set your spawn point. It adds a comfort level of 1.
Dragon Bed ImageDragon Bed Build this and interact with it to sleep and set your spawn point. It adds a comfort level of 2.
Chest ImageChest Use this to hold items. It has 10 slots.
Reinforced Chest ImageReinforced Chest The Reinforced Chest is used to hold multiple items. This chest has 24 slots to hold items.
Personal Chest ImagePersonal Chest Use this to hold items. Only the player who places this down can have access to the chest.
Stool ImageStool Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Chair ImageChair Increases comfort level by 2 when placed.
Bench ImageBench Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Raven Throne ImageRaven Throne Increases comfort level by 3 when placed.
Lox Rug ImageLox Rug Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Sign ImageSign Interact with it to write text onto it. It displays the text in-game on the sign.
Item Stand (Horizontal) ImageItem Stand (Horizontal) Use this to lay down items on a table.
Item Stand (Vertical) ImageItem Stand (Vertical) Use this to hang an item on the wall.
Hanging Brazier ImageHanging Brazier Increases comfort level by 1 when placed. Be careful as it generates smoke.
Standing Green-Burning Iron Torch ImageStanding Green-Burning Iron Torch This is a standing light source that uses Guck as fuel. It brightens the surrounding area.
Standing Wood Torch ImageStanding Wood Torch This is a standing light source that uses Resin as fuel. It brightens the surrounding area.
Standing Iron Torch ImageStanding Iron Torch This is a standing light source that uses Resin as fuel. It brightens the surrounding area.
Sconce ImageSconce This is a light source that is hung on walls. Use resin for fuel.
Table ImageTable Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Wolf Rug ImageWolf Rug Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Deer Rug ImageDeer Rug Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Black Banner ImageBlack Banner Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Blue Banner ImageBlue Banner Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
White and Red Striped Banner ImageWhite and Red Striped Banner Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Red Banner ImageRed Banner Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Green Banner ImageGreen Banner Increases comfort level by 1 when placed.
Yuleklapp (Yellow) ImageYuleklapp (Yellow) No use as of now.
Yuleklapp (Green) ImageYuleklapp (Green) No use as of now.
Yuleklapp (Red) ImageYuleklapp (Red) No use as of now.
Jack-o-turnip ImageJack-o-turnip No use as of now.
Maypole ImageMaypole Increases comfort level by 1 when in a room. Build around it when found.
Yule Tree ImageYule Tree Increases comfort level by 1 when in a room.

What Are Buildings?

Buildings are structures in Valheim that allow you to do several things.

Craft Better Items

List oof Structures Crafting Station.jpg
Some buildings are crafting stations that allow you to craft better items, and some buildings improve these crafting stations.

Process Items

List of Structures Processing Items.jpg
Some buildings allow you to process and refine raw materials to higher levels. This can be as simple as cooking meat to something as complex as smelting metal or making flour.

A Variety of Other Uses

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There are too many different uses you get from buildings to list, some that include transporting heavy tools to creating wormholes to different buildings, and more.

How to Construct Buildings and Build Structures

Basic Building

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Use a Hammer and then right-click to access the build menu.
Valheim Build Menu.jpg
You can select items depending on the category. Simply click on the category and click the item you wish to construct.
Valheim How to Build Structures.jpg
Once you select an item, the item will appear in front of your crosshairs and it can be rotated with the scroll wheel, canceled with right-click, or placed with a left-click. Alternatively, you can disable its snapping function by holding Left Shift.


When building your base, you will notice some pieces turning from green to red and breaking. This is because that piece is not stable enough. The stability of a piece depends on how many pieces away it is from a "Grounded" piece, which is a piece that is touching the ground. Understanding how stability works is the first step to making the building of your dreams!
Structural Integrity and House Building Guide


Another reason why your building might break is due to it losing its durability. This is the health of the object, once it hits zero it will break. There are two ways for the durability to go down.

Rain and Decay

If you leave wooden buildings out without a roof or submerged in water, they can rot and decay down to 50% durability max. This will make it be easier to be destroyed. It will even start to look like it's rotting and decaying.


Another way of losing durability is taking damage from attacks. These can destroy buildings,

Repairing Buildings

You can repair buildings with your hammer for free! This will not cost any materials but will require you to be near the required Crafting station. To repair, you will swap to your hammer, right-click then choose the repair option. Now you can left-click on highlighted buildings to repair them back to full health!

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