
List of Food Ingredients

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This is a list of Food Ingredients in the game Valheim.

List of Food Ingredients

Item Name How to Get Spawn Code
Ground from Barley using a Windmill. BarleyFlour
Brewed using a Cauldron. BarleyWineBase
Can be gathered from beehives. MushroomBlue
Can be gathered from the Black Forest Biome. Blueberries
Can be gathered from the Plains Biome. Cloudberry
Randomly spawns on the ground and can be picked up. Dandelion
Enemy Drop from Draugrs. Entrails
Can be gathered from beehives. Honey
Enemy Drop from Loxes. LoxMeat
Coming soon MeadBaseFrostResist
Coming soon MeadBaseHealthMedium
Coming soon MeadBaseStaminaMedium
Coming soon MeadBaseHealthMinor
Coming soon MeadBaseStaminaMinor
Coming soon MeadBasePoisonResist
Coming soon MeadBaseTasty
Can be gathered from the Meadows Biome or the Black Forest Biome Mushroom
Enemy Drop from Neck. NeckTail
Can be gathered from the Meadows Biome. Raspberry
Fished using the Fishing Rod. FishRaw
Enemy Drop from Boars, Wolves, and Deer. RawMeat
Coming soon SerpentMeat
Scattered around the world especially the Black Forest biome. Thistle
Obtained from farming. You will need Turnip Seeds to plant them with a Cultivator and wait for a few days. Turnip
Can be gathered from dungeons. MushroomYellow

What To Do With Food Ingredients

Used to Cook Food

Cooking Raw Fish.png

The food in Valheim is a very important mechanic that you should know. Eating certain types of food will ensure that you have enough health points and stamina to take on the challenges of the game. These can either be cooked on a Cooking station or the Cauldron!

Knowing where to get the ingredients to make such food is very important because you will use the knowledge from start to end!

Best Food Combos: Which Food to Eat

Ferment Into Mead or Wine

Valheim (Walkthrough & Progression) - Build a Fermenter.png

Food ingredients call Mead Bases are primary ingredients to make Meads and Wine. Meads and Wine act like the potion of the game - granting resistances and restoration to Vikings who drink them.

Mead Bases are not made instantly though - they must be processed in a Fermenter for two (2) in-game days before it turns into Meads and Wine so plan accordingly!

List of Mead

Valheim Related Guides

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All Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials
Crafting Materials Ore and Scrap Metal Trophies
Food Ingredients Key Items
Potions and Mead Seeds Valuables
Other Items


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