
List of Raids: How do Raids Work?

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Valheim - List of Raids and How They Work.png
This is a guide about raids in Valheim. Read on to learn general information, strategies, and possible raid parties that can attack your base!

What are Raids?

Valheim (Raids) - What are raids.png
Raids are events in Valheim in which certain monsters attack your base in the form of a raid party. These events can occur as early as day three into your session as long as you've established a base in the world.

The objective is to defend your base by surviving long enough until the raid ends.

It is important to note that certain raid parties can break your base's structures, so simply waiting for the raid to end may not be an option.

Raids get harder as you defeat more bosses in the game, but it is possible to be raided before the first boss, Eikthyr.

How Do Raids Start?

Valheim (Raids) - How do Raids Start.png
A raid starts once you see an ominous text at the top of your screen — Your base will also be highlighted with a red circle on your map during the raid.

Raids can only occur if you are near your base so don't worry about getting attacked while exploring in a distant location!

Tips & Tricks

Upgrade & Maintain Your Gear

Valheim (Raids) - Upgrade and Maintain equipment.png
The quality and maintenance of your gear is very important — especially since raids can happen at almost any time when inside your base!

Always make sure that your gear is in tip-top shape by using your workbench or forge. Upgrading your gear via these stations may also prove beneficial.

Eat up!

Valheim (Raids) - Maintain food buff.png
Eating food increases your maximum HP for a limited time. This is one of the most important features in the game, as you can easily hit over 100 HP depending on the combination of food items you consume.

Always make sure to top your HP off before and during a raid!

Plan Your Base's Layout

Valheim (Raids) - Plan Your Base
The overall design of your base can lead to a successful defense or ruin.

Use hoes and pickaxes to manipulate the terrain to your advantage and prevent raid parties from casually walking into your base.

Fortify your position further by building defensive structures such as Stakewalls and Sharp Stakes around your base.

Avoid Being Surrounded

Valheim (Raids) - Avoid Being Surrounded.png
Remember that the objective is to survive. You do not have to rush into an engagement if met with a disadvantageous situation. Take your time and plan your attacks.

Avoid running into the thick of things and slowly chip away at the raid party.

Stall For Time

Valheim (Raids) - Stall For Time.png
You do not necessarily have to eliminate the entire raid party to successfully defend your base as raids seem to be on a specific timer.

Bunkering up inside your base or just kiting the enemies until the raid ends is a viable strategy if things get too rough.

List of Raids

This section is currently under construction. Check back later for updates!

Pre-Eikthyr Raids

Spawn Conditions Available once you build a base and haven't killed any boss yet.
Enemy Types
Boar Deer

Greydwarf Raids

Spawn Conditions Available once you defeat Eikthyr at least once
Enemy Types
Greyling Greydwarf
Greydwarf Shaman Greydwarf Brute

Troll Raids

Spawn Conditions Available once you defeat The Elder at least once
Enemy Types

Swamp Creature Raids

Spawn Conditions Available once you defeat The Elder at least once and discovered a Swamp biome.
Enemy Types
Draugr Draugr (Archer)
Draugr Elite Skeleton

Skeleton Raids

Spawn Conditions Available once you defeat Bonemass at least once
Enemy Types
Skeleton Rancid Remains

Surtling Raids

Spawn Conditions Available once you defeat Bonemass and a Surtling at least once.
Enemy Types

Drake Raids

Spawn Conditions Available once you defeat Bonemass at least once.
Enemy Types

Drake Raids encase your base in a freezing mist, applying the Freezing Debuff to anyone caught within its event radius. It is recommended that you stock up on Frost Resistance Mead as soon as you defeat Bonemass in the Swamp.

Fuling Raids

Spawn Conditions Available once you defeat Moder at least once.
Enemy Types
Fuling Fuling Shaman
Fuling Berserker

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

You can get raided even before discovering the raids' respective biomes.


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