
Part 4: The Mountain and Moder | Walkthrough and Progression Guide

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Valheim (Walkthrough & Progression) - The Mountain and Moder Guide.png
This is part four of our Walkthrough and Progression Guide for Valheim. Read on to learn important tips and strategies to overcome the Mountains and its boss, Moder!

Preparing for the Mountain: List of Key Objectives

Step Key Objectives
1 Stock up on Frost Resistance Mead
2 Search for Silver Ore in the mountains
3 Craft the Wolf Armor Set and Drake Helmet
4 Search the mountains for three Dragon Eggs

Stock Up on Frost Resistance Mead

Craft the Mead Base in the Cauldron Place the Mead Base in the Fermenter

The Mountain biomes apply the Freezing Debuff to anyone who dares to venture up their peaks! You can nullify this debuff early on by stocking up on Frost Resistance Mead. This mead is also vital for Moder's boss fight later on.

Fortunately, three ingredients for its Mead Base are located within the Swamp and Black Forest biomes. The last ingredient, Honey, is obtained from Beehives.

Search for Silver Ore in the Mountains

Defeating Bonemass rewards you and your allies with Wishbones. This special item shares the same equipment slot as Megingjord, and is primarily used to detect hidden treasure throughout Valheim — This includes Silver Ore deposits in the Mountains as well!

Craft the Wolf Armor Set and Drake Helmet

Once you've mined at least 44 Silver Ores, place them in the Smelter to refine them into Silver and make the Wolf Armor Set.

Two pieces of this set grant its wearer Frost Resistance and stacks with Frost Resistance Mead:

We recommend making the Wolf Armor Chest first so you can explore the Mountains without needing the Mead. If you're lucky and managed to obtain a Wolf Trophy early on, you can easily make the Wolf Cape first for less needed materials instead.

The Drake Helmet requires two Drake Trophies to craft, so prepare a good stock your preferred arrows for some Drake hunting in the Mountains!

Search the Mountains for Three Dragon Eggs

Three Dragon Eggs are required to summon Moder later on. Take note that Dragon Eggs are the heaviest items in Valheim (200 weight) and cannot be transported via Portals.

Having the Megingjord at this stage of the game helps a lot. Buy one from The Trader if you haven't yet!

Preparing for the Mountain: List of Side Objectives

Priority Side Objectives
★★★ Stock up on Arrows
★★★ Look for one of Moder's vegvisirs
★★★ Hunt Drakes for their Freeze Glands and Trophies
★★★ Craft and upgrade a Draugr Fang
★★★ Upgrade your Wolf Armor and Drake Helmet
★★★ Defend your Base against Raids
★★ Gather Obsidian from the mountains

Stock Up on Arrows

Priority Level: ★★★

The Mountain biomes are homes to flying monsters named Drakes. Make sure you always bring at least a full stack of Flinthead, Bronzehead, or Ironhead Arrows with you!

Look for one of Moder's Vegvisirs

Priority Level: ★★★

Keep an eye out for Moder's Vegvisirs in the Mountains. These are typically found near derelict stone structures and wood cabins — especially if they're guarded by Draugrs or Skeletons.

Hunt Drakes for their Freeze Glands and Trophies

Priority Level: ★★★

Aside from their highly coveted Trophies, Drakes also drop Freeze Glands, which is used to craft items such as the Frostner and Frost Arrows.

Craft and upgrade a Draugr Fang

Priority Level: ★★★

The Draugr Fang is an amazing bow that applies Poison damage regardless of which arrow you use. Consider making this immediately after the Wolf Armor Set.

Upgrade your Wolf Armor and Drake Helmet

Priority Level: ★★★

Take your time and upgrade your new armor for a much-needed boost in defense. With the exception of Drakes, monsters in Mountain biomes exclusively deal physical types of damage.

Moder, in particular, deals an incredibly high amount of physical damage on the ground with its Claw Swipe and Bite attacks.

Defend your Base against Raids

Priority Level: ★★★

New raids are unlocked since you've already defeated Bonemass at this stage of the game.

Drake Raids, in particular, encase your base in a mist that applies the Freezing Debuff for the duration of the raid! Make sure you stock up on Frost Resistance Mead your base as soon as possible.

Click the button below to know more about raid mechanics and a list of possible raids:
List of Raids: How do Raids Work?

Gather Obsidian from the Mountains

Priority Level: ★★

Obsidian is a type of stone that is primarily used to craft Obsidian, Poison, and Frost Arrows. Consider mining a good chunk of these to craft some of the best arrows in the game!

How to Summon and Defeat Moder

Valheim - How to Summon and Defeat Moder
Once you've cleared all of the Key Objectives above, it's time to fight Valheim's fourth boss!

Click the button below to see our in-depth guide against Moder:
Moder Boss Guide

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