
List of Spears

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This guide is a comprehensive list of all available Spears in Valheim. Read on to know which Spears are available in the game and their function!

List of Spears

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Abyssal Harpoon ImageAbyssal Harpoon ・Pierce: 10
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 1x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Chitin x30
Fine Wood x8
Leather Scraps x3
Ancient Bark Spear ImageAncient Bark Spear ・Pierce: 55
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Ancient Bark x10
Iron x10
Troll Hide x4
Bronze Spear ImageBronze Spear ・Pierce: 35
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Bronze x6
Deer Hide x2
Wood x5
Fang Spear ImageFang Spear ・Pierce: 70
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Ancient Bark x10
Leather Scraps x2
Silver x2
Wolf Fang x4
Flint Spear ImageFlint Spear ・Pierce: 20
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 20
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Flint x10
Leather Scraps x2
Wood x5

How to Use Spears

The Spears in Valhiem are ideal weapons to use if you want to maintain a safe distance from the enemy while also dealing decent damage. Pairing it up with a shield is ideal if the enemy gets too close since trying to hit enemies with a spear is a bit difficult if they get too close.

Valheim Related Links

Valheim Weapons Done.png

List of Weapons

All Weapon Types

List of Weapons by Type
Silver Sword.pngSwords Copper Knife.pngKnives Bronze Axe.pngAxes
Fang Spear.pngSpears Iron Mace.pngMaces Silver Shield.pngShields
Draugr Fang.pngBows Silver Arrow x20.pngArrows Iron Pickaxe.pngPickaxes
Iron Atgeir.pngAtgeirs Stagbreaker.pngHammers Hammer.pngTools and Other Weapons

All Weapons by Material

List of Weapons by Material
Silver Weapons Black Metal Weapons Iron Weapons
Bronze Weapons Flint Weapons


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