
List of Potions: Meads and Wines

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This is a list of all the Mead in the game Valheim.

List of Potions, Meads, and Wines

Item Name How to Get
You need to place a Barley wine base: Fire resistance in a fermenter and wait for 2 in-game days.
You need to place a Mead Base: Frost Resistance in a fermenter and wait for 2 in-game days.
You need to place a Mead Base: Medium Healing in a fermenter and wait for 2 in-game days.
You need to place a Mead Base: Medium Stamina in a fermenter and wait for 2 in-game days.
You need to place a Mead Base: Minor Healing in a fermenter and wait for 2 in-game days.
You need to place a Mead Base: Minor Stamina in a fermenter and wait for 2 in-game days.
You need to place a Mead Base: Poison Resistance in a fermenter and wait for 2 in-game days.
You need to place a Mead Base: Tasty in a fermenter and wait for 2 in-game days.

Meads are Like Potions

Provides Bonuses

Valheim Healing and Stamina Mead.png

Meads function like Potions in Valheim. They provide instant bonuses and restoration especially when you are in a pinch!

Meads Have Cooldowns

In Valheim, you cannot spam the usage of meads. When you use a certain mead, you cannot pop in another for a short while. Take note of this especially when doing boss fights.

Processed in the Fermenter

Valheim Build a Fermenter.png

Meads are processed from Mead Bases inside Fermenters. They need to sit inside these barrels for two (2) in-game days so plan accordingly!

Valheim Related Guide

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All Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials
Crafting Materials Ore and Scrap Metal Trophies
Food Ingredients Key Items
Potions and Mead Seeds Valuables
Other Items


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