
Boss Guide: How to Beat All Bosses

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Valheim All Bosses

This is a guide to the five bosses in Valheim. Learn tips for summoning and defeating all bosses, as well as boss attack patterns and recommended equipment for each boss battle!

How Many Bosses Are There?

There are a total of five Bosses in the current version of Valheim. Each of these Bosses must be defeated to progress through the game, making the journey to find and defeat each boss equivalent to a chapter of the full story of Valheim.

The five bosses include the deer Eikthyr, the giant tree The Elder, the ooze Bonemass, the dragon Moder, and the current final boss, the troll king Yagluth.

What Happens When You Beat Yagluth?

Upon defeating Yagluth, players will receive a Yagluth Trophy and three Yagluth Things. Hanging the Yagluth Trophy grants a stat bonus like the other Boss Trophies, but does not provide a clear ending to the game.

The Yagluth Things currently do not have any effect in-game, and their description calls them a “placeholder item,” so we're expecting these items to be replaced with a new item in a later update, which will likely help players continue to the next stage of the game.

How to Locate Bosses

Find the Vegvisirs and thier Altars

In order to fight the bosses, you will first need to find their altars to summon them. This can be difficult as their altars are not marked on the map in the beginning. If you want the boss' location marked on your map, you can try finding their Vegvisirs. These are runestones you can find in the world, usually located in specific areas and will mark the corresponding boss' altar. Each boss altar has more than one Vegvisirs that marks them, making it easier to find than just finding the altar.

How to Summon All Bosses

Offer Specific Items as Sacrifice

The next step after locating the boss' altar is to offer a specific item as sacrifice. The sacrifice will differ from boss to boss and will be hinted at by the runestone at the altar.

Boss Hint
How to Solve
Valheim First BossEikthyr "Hunt his kin"
Slay Deer to collect two Deer Trophies, and use them to summon the boss.
Valheim Second BossThe Elder "Burn their young"
Collect three Ancient Seeds from Greydwarf Nests or Greydwarf Brutes in the Black Forest, and sacrifice these at the Ancient Bowl.
Valheim Third BossBonemass "Cook their remains"
Collect ten Withered Bones in the Swamp, and sacrifice these at the Skull Altar.
Valheim Fourth BossModer "Sacrifice her spawn"
Find three Dragon Eggs in the Mountains and sacrfice them at the Sacrificial Altar.
Valheim Last BossYagluth "And his dying soul was split and shared among all his kin"
Collect five Fuling Totems from Fuling Villages or Berserkers, and sacrifice them at the Mystical Altar.

How to Beat All Bosses


Valheim First Boss
Valheim's first boss is Eikthyr, a lightning-infused deer that calls the Meadows its home. While not especially difficult, this fight serves as a great tutorial about Valheim's various combat and stamina mechanics.

Eikthyr Boss Guide

The Elder

Valheim Second Boss
The Elder is a gigantic tree monster that resides in the Black Forest and is the second boss of Valheim. It is recommended that you craft Bronze Armor and Fire Arrows for its fight.

The Elder Boss Guide


Valheim Third Boss
Bonemass is located in the Swamp and is the third boss of Valheim. FIghting this giant mass of bone and slime can be a daunting task without the proper gear and preparation!

Bonemass Boss Guide


Valheim Fourth Boss
Moder is Valheim's fourth boss, and calls the Mountains its home. It is recommended that you craft and fully upgrade the Wolf Armor Set, and stock up on Poison and Obsidian Arrows for its fight.

Moder Boss Guide


Valheim Last Boss
Yagluth is the ruler of the Plains, and is the fifth, and final boss of Valheim. This particular boss is, by far, the strongest out of all bosses in the game. Make sure you craft and upgrade endgame equipment first before summoning it!

Yagluth Boss Guide

What Happens When You Beat a Boss?

The Boss' Trophy

Forsaken Altar.jpg
One of the items a boss will drop upon defeat is the boss' trophy! This has a 100% chance of dropping so you can be sure you will get it. With the trophy you can bring it to a Forsaken Altar and offer it. Once you have offered the boss' trophy to its forsaken altar, you will unlock its Forsaken Power! Forsaken Powers are temporary buffs that can be activated with the F key by default. More info on Forsaken Powers below!

Boss Forsaken Power
Eikthyr Your ability to run and jump is improved.
Run stamina usage: - 60%
Jump stamina usage: -60%
The Elder Faster wood cutting.
Bonemass Resistance VS physical damage.
Damage modifier: Resistant VS Blunt
Damage modifier: Resistant VS Slash
Damage modifier: Resistant VS Pierce
Moder Always tailwind while sailing.
Yagluth Resistance vs elemental damage.
Damage modifier: Resistant VS Fire
Damage modifier: Resistant VS Frost
Damage modifier: Resistant VS Lightning

Which Forsaken Power to Equip?

A Progression Item is Dropped

Another drop that is guaranteed when beating the boss is an item that will help you progress through the game. These can be items that will unlock you new recipes for equipment that can help you gather new resources or items that unlocks a dungeon for you. Whatever this item is, it will help you get better material for you to progress with!

Boss Drop
Eikthyr Hard Antlers x 3
The Elder Swamp Key x 1
Bonemass Wishbone x 1
Moder Dragon Tear x 10
Yagluth Yagluth Thing x 3

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