
List of Tools and Other Weapons

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This guide is a comprehensive list of all available Tools and Other Weapons in Valheim. Read on to know which Tools and Other Weapons are available in the game and their function!

List of Tools and Other Weapons

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Cultivator ImageCultivator Bronze x5
Core Wood x5
Fishing Rod ImageFishing Rod ・Blunt: 5
・Block Power: 5
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 5
・Backstab: 1x
Cannot be crafted.
Hammer ImageHammer Stone x2
Wood x3
Hoe ImageHoe Stone x2
Wood x5
Mead Horn Of Odin ImageMead Horn Of Odin
・Block Power: 4
・Parry Force: 5
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 30
・Backstab: 4x
Cannot be crafted.
Ooze Bomb ImageOoze Bomb ・Blunt: 5
・Block Power: 4
・Parry Force: 0
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 40
・Backstab: 3x
Leather Scraps x5
Ooze x10
Resin x3
Tankard ImageTankard
・Block Power: 4
・Parry Force: 5
・Parry Bonus: 1.5x
・Knockback: 30
・Backstab: 4x
Resin x2
Torch ImageTorch
・Block Power: 10
・Parry Force: 10
・Parry Bonus: 2x
・Knockback: 30
・Backstab: 3x
・Movement Bonus: -5%
Resin x1
Wood x1

How to Use Tools and Other Weapons

There are a many different tools that you can craft in Valheim and each serving their own purpose. For example, torches not only bring light but also deals fire damage when you light an enemy with it.

Though tools are not built like regular weapons, they can serve as a temporary savior if your weapon breaks mid-combat.

Valheim Related Links

Valheim Weapons Done.png

List of Weapons

All Weapon Types

List of Weapons by Type
Silver Sword.pngSwords Copper Knife.pngKnives Bronze Axe.pngAxes
Fang Spear.pngSpears Iron Mace.pngMaces Silver Shield.pngShields
Draugr Fang.pngBows Silver Arrow x20.pngArrows Iron Pickaxe.pngPickaxes
Iron Atgeir.pngAtgeirs Stagbreaker.pngHammers Hammer.pngTools and Other Weapons

All Weapons by Material

List of Weapons by Material
Silver Weapons Black Metal Weapons Iron Weapons
Bronze Weapons Flint Weapons


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