
Update Schedule 2021: Full Valheim Roadmap

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A new update is available for Valheim! See the patch notes below.

Valheim Update Schedule

This is an article about the confirmed update schedule and roadmap of updates released by Iron Gate Studios for Valheim. If you want to know more about the future of Valheim and expected changes for 2021, bookmark this page to get updates!

This is a developing page for Valheim's update roadmap in the year 2021. As soon as more content is confirmed, we will update this article immediately!

Valheim Full Update Schedule

Update Name Expected Release Date
Hearth and Home April 2021
Cult of the Wolf June 2021
Ships and the Sea August 2021
Mistlands October 2021

These are our predicted dates for the updates coming to Valheim in 2021. Given that there are four updates definitely coming in 2021, as well as 9 other planned additions if Odin allows it, we predict that each update will be released every two months or so, if not sooner.

Valheim Update Roadmap 2021

Valheim Roadmap

Iron Gate Studios recently posted a roadmap for Valheim in the year 2021 on Steam. While the roadmap itself doesn't give any kind of indication as to what will actually be in each expansion, we have laid out all our expectations for the said updates!

Update 1: Hearth and Home

Update 1 Hearth and Home

Release Date TBD

This is the first update lined up for Valheim in 2021. As the name suggests, Hearth and Home will probably introduce base and home building improvements!

Hearth and Home: Release Date and Update Info

New Building Options and Furnitures

Base Building Improvements

This update could include new furniture and building options to put in your base! Valheim already boasts a wide array of building materials already so this is very exciting!

New Crops and Planting Options

New Food and Crops

Your base is not only limited to your longhouse but also extends outside. Maybe we are going to get more crops to cook and even more tamable animals in the game! Also, maybe they will introduce biome specific crops and animals to encourage multi-biome base building!

Update 2: Cult of the Wolf

Update 2 Cult of the Wolf

Release Date TBD

This is the second update lined up for Valheim this year. This update could focus more on combat and the mountain biome - considering how scarce the content is in that region compared to Swamp and Plains.

Will Probably Focus on the Mountain Biome

Focuses on Mountain Biome

Wolves are predominantly found in the Mountain biome and we are happy if the mountain biome is getting some much-needed love! This region is very barren compared to Swamps and Meadows so new animals and materials would be a welcome addition!

Combat Updates?

Combat Updates

Wolves are not just pets but combat companions too! This update may bring in more uses to wolves when tamed like materials tracking to improve on exploration!

Cult of the Wolf: Release Date and Update Info

Update 3: Ships and the Sea

Update 3 Ships and the Sea

Release Date TBD

This is the third planned update for Valheim in 2021. As the name suggests, this is an update that focuses on ships and the Ocean biome in Valheim!

New Ships and Parts!

New Ships and Parts

With the existence of portals, most ships are now reduced to a glorified bridge between islands. With this update, maybe that will change!

We expect that ship customization and even more sailing mechanics will be introduced in the game. Maybe they will introduce a new mechanic to get resources from enemy ships? We are excited!

New Boss?

New Ocean Boss

The Ocean biome is the only released biome with no boss. We think this could be a proper way to introduce one! Combined with improved sailing and some more added ship mechanics, maybe those Krakens will finally be angry for all the Chitins we farmed from their backs.

Ships and the Sea: Release Date and Update Info

Update 4: Mistlands

Update 4 Mistlands

Release Date TBD


The fifth and final update for 2021 focuses mainly on introducing an entirely new biome called the Mistlands. With new biomes comes new items, enemies, resources, and of course, a new boss! We are excited about this update the most and can't wait for more news!

Voyage to the Mistlands: Release Date and Update Info

Other Planned Updates

Other Planned Updates

Along with the major updates above, Iron Gate Studios is also planning on releasing several fixes and improvements in the overall experience of the game. These updates will be secondary to the major updates and will only be released if Odin wills it.

  • Multiplayer Interactions
  • Combat Improvements
  • Moon Phases
  • Tar Pits
  • Vendor Inventory Expansion
  • Svartalfr Brigands
  • More Unique Locations
  • Sandbox Mode (finally!)
  • Munin

Valheim Related Guides

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Valheim News and Updates

Patch Notes

Update History and How to Update

List of Previous Patch Notes
0.148.7 0.148.6
0.147.3 0.146.8

Upcoming Updates

List of Planned Updates
Update Schedule and Roadmap
Update 1:
Hearth and Home
Update 2:
Cult of the Wolf
Update 3:
Ships and the Sea
Update 4:


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