
Ashlands Biome Guide | List of Enemies & Resources

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Valheim - Ashlands Biome

This is a guide to the Ashlands Biome found in Valheim. Read on to learn what enemies appear in the Ashlands Biome, available resources, dungeons, and more!

What are Ashlands Biomes?

What are Ashlands Biomes
The Ashlands are peculiar Biomes of smoke and fire that seem to only occupy the southern pole of Valheim. Ashland biomes are currently the only source of Flametal Ore in Valheim and seem to be only inhabited by Surtlings, which can be killed for their Surtling Cores.

Enemies Found in Ashlands

Enemy Drops
Surtling Coal
Surtling Core
Surtling Trophy

Ashlands Available Resources

Flametal Ore Mined from Glowing Metal nodes in Ashlands Biome. (Requires Iron Pickaxe)

Dungeons Found in Ashlands

There are currently no available dungeons in the Ashlands Biome.

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Valheim - Biome Banner 2.png

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