
Cooking Guide: How to Make Food

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This is a guide on cooking and how to make food in Valheim! Read on to learn more about how to cook food using a cooking station or cauldron and satisfy your hunger, as well as how to avoid burning your food!

How to Cook

Using a Cooking Station

You can start cooking simple food dishes early on with the cooking station.

To craft a cooking station, first, you will need to craft a hammer. With the hammer equipped, you need 2 pieces of wood to create the cooking station. After that, make sure to place it on top of a campfire. When you have done all of that, you can start roasting raw meat.

It takes exactly 36 seconds for raw meat to cook. To know when your food is done, a sizzling sound effect plays, signaling that your food is ready for eating!

Be careful not to burn your food!

From Food to Coal.png

If you leave raw meat roasting for too long, it will burn up! If you leave it there for exactly 35 seconds too long, it will turn into coal. Don't worry though, in exchange for a hearty meal, you get a fuel source!

Cooking in a Cauldron

Later on, you gain the knowledge to craft a cauldron which allows you to cook more complicated dishes!

To be able to craft a couldron, you will need to have tin and a smelter first. Once you already have a smelter, then you can process your tin and craft a couldron. Make sure to put it on top of a campfire!

Cooking Recipes

With the cauldron, to cook a dish, you will need it's recipe. It is similar to crafting at a workbench, having recipes that require the right materials to make. You can check out the list of recipes in our guide below!

Recipe List

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