
Mountain Biome Guide | List of Enemies & Resources

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Valheim - Mountain Biome
This is a guide to the Mountain Biome found in Valheim. Read on to learn what enemies appear in the Mountain Biome, available resources, dungeons, and more!

What are Mountain Biomes?

What are Mountain Biomes
Mountain Biomes are high, snowy regions of Valheim where even the terrain is stacked against you! These particular biomes apply the Freezing Debuff as soon as you approach their base.

It is recommended that you stock up on Frost Resistance Mead first before venturing up the mountains.

Mountains are currently the only sources of Silver Ores in Valheim and their deposits are discovered with the aid of the Wishbone, a special item dropped by Bonemass.

The Mountain is also home to Valheim's fourth boss, Moder.
The Mountain and Moder Guide

Enemies Found in Mountains

Enemy Drops
Drake Freeze Gland
Drake Trophy
Draugr Entrails
Draugr Trophy
Draugr (Archer) Entrails
Draugr Trophy
Draugr Elite Entrails
Draugr Elite Trophy
Fenring Wolf Fang
Fenring Trophy
Moder Dragon Tear
Moder Trophy
Stone Golem Crystal
Stone Golem Trophy
Wolf Wolf Pelt
Wolf Fang
Raw Meat
Wolf Trophy

Mountain Available Resources

Dragon Egg Picked up from dragon nests in the Mountain biome.
Resin Enemy Drop from Greydwarves or obtained by chopping trees.
Silver Ore Obtained from Silver Veins in the Mountain biome.
Wood Obtained by chopping trees or from picking up branches on the ground.

Dungeons Found in Mountains

There are currently no available dungeons in the Mountain Biome.

Upcoming Mountain Biome Update

Valheim - Cult of the Wolf update
The Mountain Biome is expected to receive a major update during Valheim's second planned update titled Cult of The Wolf. Read more about it and Valheim's 2021 roadmap as a whole by clicking the button below:
Roadmap 2021: Full Valheim Update Schedule

Valheim Related Guides

Valheim - Biome Banner 2.png

List of Biomes

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