
How to Get the Borealis Monarch Armor Set

This is a page for the Borealis Monarch Armor Set in Outriders. Read on to see where to get the Crown of the Borealis Monarch, Robe of the Borealis Monarch, and Waistcloth of the Borealis Monarch, as well as the set bonus for this armor set!

Borealis Monarch Set Pieces

Borealis Monarch Set Pieces

Borealis Monarch Set
Crown of the Borealis MonarchCrown of the Borealis Monarch Robe of the Borealis MonarchRobe of the Borealis Monarch
Waistcloth of the Borealis MonarchWaistcloth of the Borealis Monarch Gloves of the Borealis MonarchGloves of the Borealis Monarch Boots of the Borealis MonarchBoots of the Borealis Monarch

Borealis Monarch Set Bonus

Class Technomancer
Set Bonus Increase Weapon Damage on frozen enemies by 80%. Also Crit Damage is increased for all party members by 10% for 8 seconds after using the Cold Snap ability.

How to Get the Borealis Monarch Set Pieces

Picked up from Enemies and Loot

Armor are often dropped by enemies after defeating them, and can also be obtained by opening lootable chests found around the quest area. Take note that a higher World Tier increases the chance of getting better armor so make sure to adjust your World Tier!

World Tier Guide

Bought from Tiago

After finishing the main story, you will unlock Expeditions where you can obtain even better gear and Drop Pod Resources. You can use DPRs to buy Legendary Items from Tiago, who has the same role as shops, except his wares are much better.

Take note that items from Tiago's shop are randomized for every player.

Expeditions Guide

Outriders Related Links

List of Armor

List of Armor Sets

Torrential Downpour Reforged Lava Lich
Deathproof Chronosuit Seismic Commander
Torturer Borealis Monarch Edge of Time
Statue Marshal Cannonball
Plague Sower Grim Inventor Trespasser
Ugake Otarah Acari

Armor Types

Armor Types
Helmets Body Armor
Pants Gloves
Armor Sets
Legendary Armor


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