
All Armor Sets and Set Bonuses

Outriders All Armor Sets and Set Bonuses

This page lists all armor sets in Outriders. Below is a list of all armor sets in the game, all armor set bonuses, and how to obtain each set!

Armor Set List

Armor Set Set Bonus
Torrential Downpour Scrapnel creates additional cluster bombs after explosion.
Reforged Increase Feed the Flames damage and Thermal Bomb damage.
Lava Lich Increase damage of Eruption by 40% and decrease its cooldown by 10%.
Deathproof Reduce the Cooldown of Boulderdash by 90%.
Chronosuit Reverting time replenish ammo in your clip.
Seismic Commander Increase damage toward enemies with Bleed by 150%.
Torturer Triples the size of Volcanic Rounds' damaging aura that surrounds each bullet.
Borealis Monarch Increase Weapon Damage on frozen enemies by 80%. Also Crit Damage is increased for all party members by 10% for 8 seconds after using the Cold Snap ability.
Edge of Time Increase damage for both Temporal Blade and Cyclone Slice.
Statue Using either Tremor or Golem increases Firepower by 100% and Weapon Leech by 100% for you and your teammates.
Marshal Endless Mass pulls enemies and causes up to 4 of them to share 10% Anomaly and 30% Weapon damage for 5 seconds.
Cannonball Killing an enemy with Melee Skill replenishes ammunition in your current magazine.
Plague Sower Upon applying Toxic status, gain 5% damage reduction for 5 seconds. Stacks up.
Grim Inventor While Tool of Destruction is active, a confirmed hit with Pain Launcher refills 20% of the ammunition for both Minigun and the RPG. This only happens once for each Tool of Destruction usage.
Trespasser Player can't die while inside Slow Trap.
Ugake Otarah Hunt the Prey does not consume cooldown when teleporting behind an enemy marked with Venator's Knife.
Acari Every enemy damaged by Heatwave grants 50% Anomaly Power bonus for 10 seconds.

Outriders Related Links

List of Armor

Armor Types
Helmets Body Armor
Pants Gloves
Armor Sets
Legendary Armor


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