
List of Legendary Armor (Unique Armor)

Outriders List of Legendary Armor.jpg

This is a page for the Legendary Armor found in Outriders. Learn about the legendary tier armor in the game as well as other info about each of them below!

What are Legendary Armor?

Legendary Armor are the highest and rarest tier of five tiers of Armor quality.

Legendary Armor are considered unique armor, not just by their appearances but also the mods that they have attached. They are also a part of a full armor set, which gives set bonuses if you have a specific number of set pieces equipped. Mods from Legendary Armor are exclusive and cannot be found on other armor.

To increase the chances of obtaining Legendary Armor, set your World Tier to the highest available tier and start farming!

How to Farm Legendary Items

Armor Sets

Each Legendary Armor is part of an Armor Set. Equipping a specific number of pieces from the same Armor Set activates the set's bonuses. Most of the Armor Sets also represent one of the branches of each Class, which also give the same bonuses as their class tree specializations to optimize their Builds.

All Armor Sets and Set Bonuses

List of Legendary Armor

Armor Type
Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Footgear Boots
Boots of the Reforged Boots
Lower Robe of the Lava Lich ImageLower Robe of the Lava Lich Pants
Charms of the Lava Lich Gloves
Upper Robe of the Lava Lich Body Armor
Helmet of the Lava Lich Helmet
Deathproof Mask Helmet
Deathproof Chest Armor ImageDeathproof Chest Armor Body Armor
Deathproof Leg Armor Pants
Deathproof Gauntlets Gloves
Deathproof Footgear Boots
Cowl of the Reforged Helmet
Armor of the Reforged Body Armor
Waistcloth of the Reforged Pants
Chronosuit Mask Helmet
Upper Chronosuit Body Armor
Lower Chronosuit ImageLower Chronosuit Pants
Chronosuit Footgear ImageChronosuit Footgear Boots
Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Goggles Helmet
Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Armor Body Armor
Torrential Downpour's Gloves Gloves
Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Leg Armor Pants
Footwear of the Edge of Time ImageFootwear of the Edge of Time Boots
Gloves of the Edge of TIme ImageGloves of the Edge of TIme Gloves
Pants of the Edge of Time ImagePants of the Edge of Time Pants
Armor of the Edge of Time ImageArmor of the Edge of Time Body Armor
Goggles of the Edge of Time ImageGoggles of the Edge of Time Helmet
Robe of the Borealis Monarch ImageRobe of the Borealis Monarch Body Armor
Crown of the Borealis Monarch ImageCrown of the Borealis Monarch Helmet
TorturerTorturer's Footgear Boots
TorturerTorturer's Vest Body Armor
TorturerTorturer's Mask Helmet
TorturerTorturer's Waistcloth Pants
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Footgear Boots
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Gloves Gloves
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Leg Armor Pants
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Armor Body Armor
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Helmet Helmet
Plague SowerPlague Sower's Trousers Pants
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Gloves Gloves
Mask of the Cannonball ImageMask of the Cannonball Helmet
Gauntlets of the Cannonball ImageGauntlets of the Cannonball Gloves
MarshalMarshal's Helmet Helmet
StatueStatue's Feet Boots
Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Waistcloth Pants
Chronosuit Gloves ImageChronosuit Gloves Gloves
Footgear of the Cannonball ImageFootgear of the Cannonball Boots
AnomalyAnomaly's Visage Helmet
Leg Armor of the Cannonball ImageLeg Armor of the Cannonball Pants
Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Talisman Body Armor
Vest of the Cannonball ImageVest of the Cannonball Body Armor
Plague SowerPlague Sower's Coat Body Armor
Gauntlets of the Acari ImageGauntlets of the Acari Gloves
Ivory and Bone ImageIvory and Bone Helmet
TrespasserTrespasser's Armor Body Armor
Lucky Ushanka ImageLucky Ushanka Helmet
Hands of the Reforged ImageHands of the Reforged Gloves
Boots of the Lava Lich ImageBoots of the Lava Lich Boots
Helmet of the Acari ImageHelmet of the Acari Helmet
Waistcloth of the Borealis Monarch ImageWaistcloth of the Borealis Monarch Pants
Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Arm Wraps Gloves
Plague SowerPlague Sower's Boots Boots
Cranium of a Lost Creature ImageCranium of a Lost Creature Helmet
OlOl' Reliable Helmet
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Leg Armor Pants
Explosive Temper ImageExplosive Temper Helmet
Plague SowerPlague Sower's Skull Helmet
Gloves of the Borealis Monarch ImageGloves of the Borealis Monarch Gloves
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Coat Body Armor
Statue's Legs Pants
Statue's Hands Gloves
Statue's Torso Body Armor
Statue's Head Helmet
Marshal's Footgear Boots
Marshal's Waistcloth Pants
Marshal's Gauntlets Gloves
Marshal's Armor Body Armor
Plague Sower's Hands Gloves
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Boots Boots
Grim InventorGrim Inventor's Mask Helmet
Boots of the Borealis Monarch ImageBoots of the Borealis Monarch Boots
RoninRonin's Amigasa Helmet
SergioSergio's Beret Helmet
Ugake OtarahUgake Otarah's Boots Boots
Ugake Otarah's Cowl Helmet
Trespasser's Boots Boots
Trespasser's Talons Gloves
Trespasser's Cowl Helmet
Torturer's Gloves Gloves
Boots of the Acari Boots
Waistcloth of the Acari Pants
Armor of the Acari Body Armor

Outriders Related Links

List of Armor

Armor Types
Helmets Body Armor
Pants Gloves
Armor Sets
Legendary Armor


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