
How to Get the Interrogator's Mask | Armor Stats and Info

This is a page for the armor Interrogator's Mask from Outriders. Learn about this armor's stats, other useful info, as well as how to get the Interrogator's Mask!

Interrogator's Mask Overview

General Info

Interrogator's Mask
Rarity Rare


Armor Level
1572 32

Note that the stats shown here are the highest values that we have been able to confirm so far available to this armor. These numbers may be updated in the future

How to Get the Interrogator's Mask

Completing Hunter Quest Replays

Noah will reward you with several armor along with one Legendary armor after capturing all the targets in replays of the Hunter Quest.

All Hunter Quests Guide

Expeditions Drop Pod Loot

This armor can be one of the loot drops in the Drop Pods in Expeditions. Drop Pod Loots offer Rare, Epic, and Legendary items.

Expeditions Guide

Picked up from Enemies and Loot

Armor is often dropped by enemies after defeating them, and can also be obtained by opening lootable chests found around the quest area.

Take note that a higher World Tier increases the chance of getting better armor so make sure to adjust your World Tier!

World Tier Guide

Purchased from Vendors

Each armor vendor has a pool of weapons that refreshes every 30 minutes. If the Interrogator's Mask is not present when visiting an armor vendor, you'll have to wait for the list to refresh and see if Interrogator's Mask is included in the new list.

Take note that items from the shops in Outriders are randomized for every player.

Outriders Related Links

List of Armor

List of Helmets

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Forest HelmetForest Helmet Goggles of the Edge of TimeGoggles of the Edge of Time GravediggerGravedigger's Cowl
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Helmet of the Space AbyssHelmet of the Space Abyss Helmet of the Space LegionHelmet of the Space Legion Helmet of the SummitHelmet of the Summit
Helmet of the VanguardHelmet of the Vanguard Hood of the Spacetime PioneerHood of the Spacetime Pioneer Hunt MasterHunt Master's Mask
InquisitorInquisitor's Helmet InterrogatorInterrogator's Mask Ivory and BoneIvory and Bone
Law BenderLaw Bender's Helmet Lucky UshankaLucky Ushanka MarshalMarshal's Helmet
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Ragged ShawlRagged Shawl Reinforced HelmetReinforced Helmet RitualistRitualist's Gaze
RoninRonin's Amigasa ScholarScholar's Mask ScoutScout's Helmet
Seismic CommanderSeismic Commander's Helmet SergioSergio's Beret Special Unit HelmetSpecial Unit Helmet
Spirit EmbalmerSpirit Embalmer's Mask Currently UnavailableStatue's Head Tarnished HelmetTarnished Helmet
Terrestrial HelmetTerrestrial Helmet Tooka HelmetTooka Helmet Torrential DownpourTorrential Downpour's Goggles
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Worn HelmetWorn Helmet WraithWraith's Mask Yruuk OtarahYruuk Otarah's Mask

Armor Types

Armor Types
Helmets Body Armor
Pants Gloves
Armor Sets
Legendary Armor


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