New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Psychic Sidekick Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Psychic Sidekick, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Psychic Sidekick, as well as the reward!

Psychic Sidekick Map and Request Information

General Info

Course River (Day) Lv. 1 or 2
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap PsyduckPsyduck
Target Pokemon 2 New Pokemon Snap MagikarpMagikarp
Quest Giver Phil
How to Unlock ・After adding Psyduck to your Photodex.
Request Text ・“Hey, you gotta hear this! I saw Magikarp floating in the air, but it definitely wasn't using Splash! I wonder what that was all about.”

Course and Map Information

Psychic Sidekick Map.jpg

River (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

How to Clear Psychic Sidekick

Find the Bubbles in the River and Toss an Illumina Orb

Bubbles in the River.jpg

Before reaching the first waterfall of the course, you can find a Magikarp swimming in the river. After a while, it will submerge itself underwater and make a few bubbles rise. Toss an Illumina Orb at the bubbles to make the Magikarp jump onto the shore.

Use the Scanner to Get Psyduck's Attention

Catch the Attention of Psyduck.jpg

Once Magikarp is on land, use the scanner to get Psyduck's attention. Psyduck will be standing next to a palm tree with a couple of Aipom. You may need to use the scanner a few times for Psyduck to notice the Magikarp.

Take a Photo of Psyduck Using Psychic

Psyduck using Psychic.jpg

After Psyduck notices the Magikarp, it will walk towards it and start using Psychic to lift Magikarp into the air. Capture a photo of Psyduck as it uses Psychic on the Magikarp. Both Pokemon need to be in the frame to count for the request, but the focus of the shot must be on Psyduck.

Reward for Clearing Psychic Sidekick

Psychic Sidekick Reward.jpg

Hand Colored

Completing this request will reward you with the following collectible: Hand Colored.

List of Unlockables

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Belusylva Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

River (Day) LenTalk Requests
Overhead Friend Psychic Sidekick Drilbur Propeller
Cleffa's Training


3 Anonymous6 months

Psyduck keeps fleeing because of aipom

2 Anonymousover 2 years

You have to wait for the second pair of margicarp! Then it will work


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