
How to Beat 【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede


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MementoMori's 【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede is one of the witches players will frequently encounter across the game. Read on to learn how to make use of the game's witches and mechanics to defeat them in battle.

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How to Beat 【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede

How to Beat 【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede Overview

【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede
PvE Rank PvP Rank
MementoMori - A Icon
MementoMori - S Icon
Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR (Limited) MementoMori - Radiance Icon Radiance MementoMori - Warrior Icon Warrior Attacker

Elfriede is a powerful witch that scales off of a commonly-utilized mechanic in the game; Buffs and Debuffs. Properly managing your and your enemies' afflictions allows Elfriede to reach terrifying damage modifiers, easily beating other offensive powerhouses such as Florence in raw numbers, if left unchecked.

【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
• Exponential Damage Gain
• Difficult to Defeat As Collateral
• Empowers Debuffer Allies
• Extremely Reliant On Teammates
• Relatively Volatile Damage
• Weak On Early Turns

【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede Skill Analysis

Memento Mori - Demonic Judgement Icon
Demonic Judgement
Memento Mori - Prayer for Salvation Icon
Prayer for Salvation

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Demonic Judgement Icon
Demonic Judgement
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Deals 1 physical attack equal to 800% of Elfriede’s ATK to 2 random enemies. The physical attack’s damage increases by 200% of Elfriede’s ATK for each debuff that all targets are afflicted with (1200% of her ATK max).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The increase in damage for each debuff that all targets are afflicted with becomes equal to 400% of Elfriede’s ATK (1600% of her ATK max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
The targets of this skill become 3 random enemies.
Level 4 (Unlocks by level 181)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 1400% of her ATK (2200% of her ATK max).
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Prayer for Salvation Icon
Prayer for Salvation
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
At the start of the turn, this skill increases the chance to inflict a debuff of all allies other than Elfriede by 15% for 2 turns. This skill activates 1 time every 4 turns.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The number of turns of[Increased Chance to Inflict a Debuff]becomes 4.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The increase in all targets’ chance to increase a debuff becomes 30%.

Both of Elfriede's active skills work rather similarly. The only difference is that her Angelic Decimation skill increases damage based on the number of buffs her allies possess, while her Demonic Judgement skill depends on the number of debuffs her targets have.

As expected, the strongest among them in terms of pure numbers is her skill which relies on stacking debuffs on her enemies. This skill can reach staggering damage values if paired with the right witches, particularly those who can deal with persistent debuffs. This is only helped by her passive skill, which makes it much easier for her party to inflict them.

Memento Mori - Angelic Decimation Icon
Angelic Decimation
Memento Mori - The Pope’s Blessing Icon
The Pope’s Blessing

Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - Angelic Decimation Icon
Angelic Decimation
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Increases Elfriede’s chance to hit by 50% for 2 turns, and deals 1 physical attack equal to 400% of her ATK to 3 random enemies. The physical attack’s damage increases by 25% of Elfriede’s ATK for each buff that all allies are enhanced with (600% of her ATK max).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
The increase in damage for each buff that all allies are enhanced with becomes equal to 50% of Elfriede’s ATK (800% of her ATK max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 800% of her ATK (1200% of her ATK max).
Skill Skill Effect
Memento Mori - The Pope’s Blessing Icon
The Pope’s Blessing
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 41)
At the start of the battle, this skill grants Elfriede a buff that increases her DEF, P. DEF, and M. DEF by 5% 2 times (10 times max) (cannot be dispelled). If she is granted a buff from an active skill, the stack count of this skill’s buff increases by 2. If Elfriede is attacked and takes damage that exceeds 10% of her max HP, the damage is cut by 40%. The damage cutting activates 1 time every turn.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 121)
The number of times this skill grants its buff at the start of the battle becomes 4. The number the buff’s stack count increases by if she is granted a buff from an active skill becomes 4.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
The amount her DEF, P. DEF, and M. DEF increases by becomes 10%.

On the other hand, Elfriede starts the turn with a skill that increases damage depending on the amount of buffs her party has, instead. Her passive allows her to quickly stack damage bonuses through the efforts of allies. At the same time, she progressively becomes more difficult to defeat due to the defense increase and damage cut effects.

Witches to Beat 【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede

【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede Hard Counters

MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Lea IconLea

A great way to counter Elfriede is to simply defeat her allies before they throw their skills. This can be done using fast and powerful attackers such as Florence and Cordie. However, take note that some of Elfriede's common allies, such as Rusalka, can be very difficult to defeat during the early turns.

MementoMori - Primavera IconPrimavera MementoMori - Lunalynn IconLunalynn MementoMori - Eir IconEir

Another method to stop Elfriede's allies from using their skills is to prevent them from moving via action-hindering debuffs. This can be done by using fast debuffers such as Primavera and Lunalynn. As a bonus, Elfriede is also susceptible to those debuffs herself.

MementoMori - Gil’uial IconGil’uial MementoMori - Nina IconNina MementoMori - Yuni IconYuni

Lastly, one can work directly against Elfriede's gimmick by dispelling her and her allies' buffs or their team's debuffs. But while this is certainly a viable strategy, do take note that many Buffers such as Olivia can apply their skill to their entire party. Overtaking the buff and debuff count between both teams may pose a challenge without sufficient preparation.

【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede General Counters

MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Mertillier IconMertillier
MementoMori - Witch Illya IconWitch Illya MementoMori - Moddey IconModdey MementoMori - Carol IconCarol
MementoMori - Morgana IconMorgana MementoMori - Richesse IconRichesse MementoMori - Priscilla IconPriscilla

【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede Sample Counter Teams

Emerald Burst Damage

Attacker / Debuffer Buffer Attacker Buffer Debuffer
MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Lea IconLea MementoMori - Mertillier IconMertillier MementoMori - Nina IconNina

Lea is an amazing witch to carry against Elfriede teams due to her speed, damage, and relative immunity to damage on the first two turns from Stealth. On top of that, this skill can easily score a cheeky kill on Elfriede immediately due to Cordie and Lea's burst damage, or otherwise inflict Fainted on her. The other supports ensure that the effects of buffs and debuffs are somewhat stymied as Cordie and Lea work their damage.

Double Attacker Balanced

Attacker Buffer Attacker / Debuffer Debuffer Debuffer
MementoMori - Florence IconFlorence MementoMori - Merlyn IconMerlyn MementoMori - Cordie IconCordie MementoMori - Soltina IconSoltina MementoMori - Gil’uial IconGil’uial

Like the team above, this lineup focuses on letting Cordie and Florence deal with Elfriede's teammates while Soltina and Gil'uial keep the others subdued with their Silence, Sleep, and Fainted debuffs.

Witches Not To Use Against 【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede

MementoMori - Fia IconFia MementoMori - Sivi IconSivi MementoMori - Amour IconAmour

Due to Elfriede's rapid scaling and reliance on creating and maintaining an advantageous position against her enemies, witches who rely on the endgame will have difficulty surviving the required number of turns before their skills reach their full potential, at least not without any proper support.

MementoMori - Amleth IconAmleth MementoMori - Ophelia IconOphelia

Witches that rely on retaliatory tactics will be hard-pressed to go against the kind of teams Elfriede would be in, especially those that rely on creating massive status disparities.

MementoMori - A.A. IconA.A. MementoMori - Ivy IconIvy

Similarly, witches who rely on basic attacks to deal high damage to increase their average output will find it difficult to do so after Elfriede has already stacked up her defensive bonuses.

Tips for Beating 【The Witch of Longinus】Elfriede

Do Not Let Elfriede's Teammates Run Rampant

Do whatever it takes to stop Elfriede's teammates from throwing their buffs and debuffs on the field. Elfriede scales rapidly from those effects and can output massive damage, particularly on her second turn. Do note, however, that some Elfriede teams will run Ophelia to protect their team, so adjust accordingly.

Raise the Debuff RES of Your Witches

Debuffs are generally undesirable to have on a team. This is especially true for those against Elfriede teams, which tend to use a massive amount of them. While overtaking Prayer for Salvation's increased chance to inflict debuffs will still be challenging, not having a decent amount of Debuff RES will just allow action-hindering debuffs to completely stall the game.

Early Focus Fire Works

Witches such as Witch Illya and Belle, who can both deal damage multiple times on a single target with their first active skills, can immediately defeat Elfriede before she stacks her defensive boosts and without having their damage output affected much by the damage cut effect.

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