Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Cold-Blooded Perk - How to Use and Unlock

Cold-Blooded is a perk in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6) belonging to the Recon specialty. See how to use, how to unlock, and an overview of the Cold-Blooded perk.

How to Use Cold-Blooded

Invisible to Scorestreaks and Thermals

Cold-Blooded prevents you from getting targeted by AI Scorestreaks (like the Overwatch Helo or Sentry Turret) while also preventing you from appearing as a highlight in player-controlled Scorestreaks (like the Chopper Gunner). If you're getting stomped, then maybe switch to this so you don't die to the enemy scorestreaks.

Additionally, when Cold-Blooded, you won't appear as a highlight in Thermal Optics. If an enemy views you from behind a Thermal 6x or a K&S Thermal Holo, you'll blend in with the rest of the scenery.

How to Unlock Cold-Blooded

Unlocked at Level 41

The Cold-Blooded perk is unlocked when you reach Level 41. You can earn XP to level up by playing matches in Multiplayer mode. The XP gained scales with your performance during the match.

Cold-Blooded Perk Overview

Cold-Blooded Basic Info

Perk Overview
Cold-Blooded Icon Cold-Blooded
How to Unlock Reach level 41.
Perk Slot 3
Description Undetectable by AI targeting and thermal optics. Player-controlled Scorestreaks don’t highlight you. Immune to Spy Cam.

Black Ops 6 (BO6) Related Guides


List of All Perks

All Perks by Specialty

Enforcer Perks
Assassin IconAssassin Bruiser IconBruiser Dexterity IconDexterity
Gung-Ho IconGung-Ho Double Time IconDouble Time Bankroll IconBankroll Scavenger IconScavenger
Recon Perks
Ghost IconGhost Tracker IconTracker Engineer IconEngineer
Vigilance IconVigilance Cold-Blooded IconCold-Blooded Forward Intel IconForward Intel Ninja IconNinja
Specialist Perks
Flak Jacket IconFlak Jacket Dispatcher IconDispatcher Quartermaster IconQuartermaster
Guardian IconGuardian Fast Hands IconFast Hands Tac Mask IconTac Mask Gearhead IconGearhead


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