
How to Get Frequent F.A.S.E.R and Mod Effects | Is Frequent F.A.S.E.R Worth It?

Frequent F.A.S.E.R is a Pyromancer Mod in Outriders. Find out whether Frequent F.A.S.E.R is a good Mod to use, the effects of Frequent F.A.S.E.R, and more!

Frequent F.A.S.E.R Overview

General Info

Frequent F.A.S.E.R
Frequent F.A.S.E.R
Tier I
Description F.A.S.E.R. Beam: Reduces the skill's cooldown by 30%.

Is Frequent F.A.S.E.R Worth It?

Mod Ranking A Rank Icon
Reason Having the ability to use this skill twice is useful for crowd controlling enemies and giving yourself some breathing room during combat.

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List of Mods

Tier I Pyromancer Mods

Anomaly HungerAnomaly Hunger Armor MeltingArmor Melting Ash Armor DownAsh Armor Down
Ash GraspAsh Grasp Ash Increase RangeAsh Increase Range Big BoomBig Boom
BlacksmithBlacksmith Bullet AbsorptionBullet Absorption Burning GroundBurning Ground
Burnt-OutBurnt-Out CindersCinders DebrisDebris
Ember ShieldEmber Shield EmpowermentEmpowerment ExtinguisherExtinguisher
Extra MagExtra Mag Final BreathFinal Breath Fire EaterFire Eater
Fire FrenzyFire Frenzy Frequent F.A.S.E.RFrequent F.A.S.E.R Giga BlastGiga Blast
Healthy LifestyleHealthy Lifestyle Heat LeechHeat Leech HellfireHellfire
Increased DurationIncreased Duration Inferno WaveInferno Wave Irradiation WaveIrradiation Wave
Lasting FireLasting Fire Lava ShotsLava Shots Magma CoatMagma Coat
NovaNova Pants on FirePants on Fire Phoenix ForcePhoenix Force
PompeiiPompeii Pure PowerPure Power Radiation FlamesRadiation Flames
Reload BoostReload Boost Ride the WaveRide the Wave Size MattersSize Matters
SunburntSunburnt Third DegreeThird Degree Tidal WaveTidal Wave
True BlastTrue Blast Volcanic ArmorVolcanic Armor Volcanic DustVolcanic Dust
Wide GripWide Grip WildfireWildfire

Tier III Pyromancer Mods

Ashen ChampionAshen Champion Ashes and LeechesAshes and Leeches BrandedBranded
Death SentenceDeath Sentence DetonatorDetonator Double FunDouble Fun
ETNA ETNA Fire TsunamiFire Tsunami Flame GrasperFlame Grasper
Improved DamageImproved Damage Currently UnavailableMaster Consumer Strength From FireStrength From Fire

Mod Types

Mod Types
Technomancer Mods Pyromancer Mods
Trickster Mods Devastator Mods
Weapon Mods Armor Mods
Best Mods to Equip Best Defensive Mods


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