NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Phoenix (Pin No. 312): Overview and Rating

This is a guide on the Phoenix pin (No. 312) in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Read on for Phoenix's Psych abilities and rating, how to get Phoenix, and Phoenix evolution.

Phoenix Pin and Psych Overview

Phoenix Pin Info

Phoenix (Pin No. 312)
NEO TWEWY Phoenix Pin
Affinity None
Max Level 3
Value ¥4,380
Psych Circuit Breaker

Circuit Breaker Psych Info

Circuit Breaker
Pierce the target with your rainbow tail feathers. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby. Inflicts enemy with a random status effect.
Command Switch
NEO TWEWY Circuit Breaker Switch
NEO TWEWY Circuit Breaker PS4
Max Power 1299
Limit 12 times
Reboot 14.4 seconds
Growth Normal

Phoenix Beatdrop Attack

Grimy Gross
Strike again after inflicting a status ailment on an enemy.

Phoenix Ability

Phoenix does not have an Ability.

How to Get Phoenix Pin

Noise Drop

Phoenix CantusPhoenix Cantus

Phoenix Pin Evolution

Phoenix does not have an Evolution.

Is Phoenix Pin Worth It?

Phoenix Rating

Pin Rating NEO TWEWY Pins A tier
Reason This pin is highly valuable. In terms of damage and crowd control, this pin is almost unmatched. It will definitely make your third week more bearable.

So zetta useful in most equations.

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Pin Affinities

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Fire Icon.pngFire Ice Icon.pngIce Electric Icon.pngElectric Wind Icon.pngWind
Water.pngWater Stone Icon.pngStone NEO Twewy Affinity Icon - Poison.pngPoison Burst.pngBurst
Sound Icon.pngSound Light Icon.pngLight Darkness Icon.pngDarkness Gravity Icon.pngGravity
Kinesis Icon.pngKinesis NEO TWEWY Noisepedia Time Icon.pngTime No Affinity IconNone -

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1 Yen1 Yen 5 Yen5 Yen 10 Yen10 Yen 50 Yen50 Yen
100 Yen100 Yen 500 Yen500 Yen 1,000 Yen1,000 Yen 5,000 Yen5,000 Yen
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