NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Black Cat Ensembles | How to Get All Black Cat Pins

NEO TWEWY Black Cat Pins

This is a guide on the Black Cat Pin Ensemble in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Read on to learn where to buy and which Noise drop Black Cat pins!

Black Cat Ensemble Ability

NEO TWEWY Black Cat Ensemble

Black Cat Ensemble Tremendously increases Attack when all six pins are worn concurrently.

When all 6 Black Cat pins are equipped, the damage dealt by each Pin is almost tripled. The power of each Pin is boosted by approximately 250%. This is the recommended ensemble to take on Rhyme's Dive.

Rhyme's Dive Guide

How to Get All Black Cat Pins

Black Cat Crush (Pin No. 254)

Pin Psych Stats
NEO TWEWY Black Cat Crush PinBlack Cat Crush Lance Lunge
Assail the target with Mr. Mew. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back, then launch a 3-hit attack that sends them flying. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."

Max. Power: 782
Limit: 9 times
Reboot: 17.3 seconds

How to Get

NEO TWEWY Black Cat Crush

You can buy Black Cat Crush at the Gatto Nero store in the 104 Building for 960,000 Yen after unlocking Another Day .

Black Cat Cards (Pin No. 255)

Pin Psych Stats
NEO TWEWY Black Cat Cards  PinBlack Cat Cards Trick Cards
Throw an adorable Mr. Mew card. Keep attacking to release a final card that knocks the enemy back. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."

Max. Power: 982
Limit: 16 times
Reboot: 14.4 seconds

How to Get

NEO TWEWY Black Cat Cards

Black Cat Cards is dropped by Cervus Cantus Alpha on Hard difficulty. This boss can be located at West Side Bus Terminal during Another Day.

In order to increase the Pin drop rate, be sure to defeat the Noise with a Killer Remix. You can equip Threads with the Jackpot or Mother Lode abilities.

Black Cat Burst (Pin No. 256)

Pin Psych Stats
NEO TWEWY Black Cat Burst PinBlack Cat Burst Piercing Pillar
Manifest a Mr. Mew pyramid below the target. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."

Max. Power: 882
Limit: 2 times
Reboot: 12 seconds

How to Get

NEO TWEWY Black Cat Burst.jpg

After unlocking Another Day, you can get Black Cat Burst at the Gatto Nero store in the 104 Building by trading it for 3 Scarletite and 1 Sfermion.

Black Cat Comet (Pin No. 257)

Pin Psych Stats
NEO TWEWY Black Cat Comet PinBlack Cat Comet Meteor Strike
Slam the target from above with a meteorite shaped like Mr. Mew. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."

Max. Power: 982
Limit: 1 time
Reboot: 12 seconds

How to Get

NEO TWEWY Black Cat Mr. Mew

Black Cat Comet is dropped by Mr. Mew (2nd fight) on Ultimate difficulty. Battle the 2nd Mr. Mew through the Final Time Trial (Takeshita Street, Another Day) to ensure the Pin drop. If this is too difficult, you can replay Week 2, Day 7, but its drop rate won't be guaranteed.

Black Cat Blades (Pin No. 258)

Pin Psych Stats
NEO TWEWY Black Cat Blades PinBlack Cat Blades Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of Mr. Mews soaring at the target. Whenever a Mr. Mew strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. Chance of freezing the enemy. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."

Max. Power: 942
Limit: 1.9 seconds
Reboot: 12 seconds

How to Get

NEO TWEWY Soul Pulvis Blue Noise.jpg
Black Cat Blades is dropped by Soul Pulvis on Hard difficulty. If you didn't get it on your first encounter, you can replay Week 3, Day 7' to encounter its Blue Noise right at the start, on Takeshita Street.

Black Cat Burn (Pin No. 259)

Pin Psych Stats
NEO TWEWY Black Cat Burn PinBlack Cat Burn Firesurge
Stir up a whirlpool of black flames around the target that damages any foes caught inside. Wherever the target goes, Mr. Mew slowly follows. Chance of confusing the enemy. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."

Max. Power: 982
Limit: 4.4 seconds
Reboot: 14.4 seconds

How to Get

NEO TWEWY Felidae Cantus Drop

Black Cat Burn is dropped by the Felidae Cantus on Normal or Hard difficulty. This boss can be located at Expressway Underpass during Another Day. 100% drop rate can be attainable with a Max Level of 85 or higher, but if it's still lacking, just make sure to defeat it with a Killer Remix.

Full House Reward

Graffiti Unlock Condition
NEO TWEWY Full House GraffitiFull House Equip a 6-pin set.
How to Get the Black Cat Pin Ensemble

Getting all Black Cat Pins and equipping all 6 to your party will unlock the Full House Graffiti, as well as the PSN Trophy of the same name for PlayStation players.

How to Get All Graffiti

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