NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Week 1, Day 5: Head to Head Chapter Guide and Walkthrough

Day 5 Banner.png

This is a walkthrough for Head to Head, Week 1, Day 5 of NEO: The World Ends with You. Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, puzzle solutions, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

Previous Day Current Day Next Day
Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Head to Head Into the Crossing

Head to Head Basic Information

Chapter Information

Week 1
Day 5
Boss Fuya
Struggling to earn the points they need, the Wicked Twisters follow Minamimoto's advice to steal points from rival teams. Rindo sets his sights on the Deep Rivers Society, but their leader, Fuya, gets the better of the gang, and their fortunes seem worse than ever.

Week 1 - Day 5

Pins You Get in this Chapter

Event Reward
After completing the Reaper's special mission in Tower Records Shibuya: Help the man decide where to buy the CD. NEO TWEWY Tigres Assemble! PinTigres Assemble!
After defeating the Noise for the Reaper guarding the entrance to Center Street district. NEO TWEWY Righteous Rabbit PinRighteous Rabbit

Head to Head Main Objectives

Gather intel on the golden pig/Scan around Tipsy Tose Hall for the golden pig

NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngHead towards Center Street.
From your position, move towards the path to Center Street and this will trigger a cutscene.
2 NEO TWEWY - Day 5.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngScan and erase the golden pig.
Activate your scanner and get near the golden pig symbol to initiate combat. Defeat the golden pig to move forward with the story.

Follow the golden pig to Center Street

NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter Center Street.
Follow the waypoint to enter Center Street district. Along the way, you'll enter a conversation with the Deep Rivers Societist.

Check on Ryoji/Scan Ryoji's thoughts/Imprint Ryoji with a solution to his troubles

4 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (1).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngInteract with Ryoji.
Upon entering Center Street, interact with Ryoji. You will also meet Motoi during this interaction.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngScan and imprint Ryoji's thoughts.
Activate your scanner and scan Ryoji's thoughts. You will then be prompted to imprint his thoughts. To do this, you need to collect keywords from other people's thoughts. Keep your scanner activated and look for NPCs with red thoughts bubbles above them.
6 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (2).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngPut together words for Ryoji.
After collecting the necessary keywords, return to Ryoji and combine the words high-quality and meet. This will imprint an idea on Ryoji's head.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngContinue looking for keywords for Ryoji.
Activate your scanner once again and look for red thought bubbles for keywords. Some of them would require you to engage in battle this time by diving into their mind.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngImprint Ryoji's thoughts again.
Return to Ryoji and combine the phrase peace of mind and the word protect.

Follow the golden pig to Spain Hill/Scan Spain Hill for the golden pig

9 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (3).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter Spain Hill.
After gathering intel from Ryoji, follow the waypoint to enter Spain Hill district.
10 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (9).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngMove upwards into the district.
Use the stairs to get to the main street. Along the way, you'll encounter members from the Deep Rivers Societist and a man in a red shirt.
11 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (4).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngScan the area for the golden pig.
Once you've reached main street, use your scanner and take the stairs outside the Parco building. In the balcony, get near the golden pig symbol to erase it.

Follow the golden pig to TOWER RECORDS

12 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (5).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter TOWER RECORDS.
After erasing the golden pig, follow the waypoint to enter TOWER RECORDS district. Upon entering the district, talk to Deep Rivers Societists in the center of the crossing.

Follow the golden pig to the Scramble Crossing/Complete the Reaper's special mission

NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Reaper.
After talking with the Deep Rivers Societists, follow the waypoint and interact with the Reaper guarding the path to Scramble Crossing.
14 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (6).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngImprint the man's thoughts.
The Reaper will be asking you to imprint the thoughts of the man in a suit near you. Scan for keywords around the district and then combine the words internet and buy. The Reaper will grant you passage after completing his special mission.

Scan the Scramble Crossing for the golden pig

15 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (7).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngScan and erase the golden pig.
Once you're in Scramble Crossing, activate your scanner and erase the golden pig in the area.

Follow the golden pig to Center Street

NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Reaper.
After erasing the golden pig, talk to the Reaper guarding the path to Center Street. He will then ask you to erase the Noise he'll throw out at you. Defeat the Noise to gain entry to the district.
17 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (8).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngHead to Shepherd House.
Once you're in Center Street, go to Center Street and talk to the Deep Rivers Societists again. After the cutscene, you'll be engaging in combat to erase the golden pig.

Follow the golden pig to Spain Hill

NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter Spain Hill.
After erasing the golden pig, follow the waypoint to return to Spain Hill district.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngConfront the leader of the Deep Rivers Society.
Head upwards the main street and confront the leader of the Deep Rivers Society. This will then trigger a lengthy cutscene where you will be prompted to travel back in time once again at the end of it.

Avoid getting ambushed by the gilded pigs and the Deep Rivers Society

20 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (10).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Deep Rivers Societists again.
Now in the past, head towards the entrance to Center Street and talk to the Deep Rivers Societists again.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to Scramble Crossing.
Use Rindo's powers to travel back in time to Scramble Crossing. Once there, check the shop next to the path to Center Street.
22 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (11).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngReturn to Tipsy Tose Hall.
Travel back to Tipsy Tose Hall again using Rindo's powers and interact with the Deep Rivers Societists once again. Use Fret's powers this time to remind them.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to Center Street.
After reminding the Deep Rivers Societists, use Rindo's powers to travel back to Center Street. Dive inside the thoughts of the man in the suit and erase the Noise.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to to the Deep Rivers Societist.
After erasing the Noise, talk to the Deep Rivers Societists again.
25 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (12).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to TOWER RECORDS SHIBUYA.
Use Rindo's powers to travel back to TOWER RECORDS SHIBUYA. Interact with the man in a white suit and imprint his thoughts. Activate your scanner to look around for keywords. Return to him and combine the words appropriate and time to proceed with the story.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngReturn to Center Street again.
Return to Center Street again and talk to the Deep Rivers Societist in front of the Shepherd House again. After the cutscene, return to Ryoji and imprint his thoughts again using keywords from other people. Combine the words soul and cry to imprint his thoughts.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngReturn to Scramble Crossing again.
After dealing with Ryoji, use Rindo's powers to return to Scramble Crossing again and talk the Deep Rivers Societists. You will then have to answer their secret riddle. Answer in order: The river, flows, swift and clear.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngReturn to Tipsy Tose Hall.
Use Rindo's powers once again and return to Tipsy Tose Hall. Talk to the man in a brown suit.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to Spain Hill.
Using Rindo's powers again, travel back to Spain Hill this time and imprint the thoughts of the man in the red shirt using the keywords Shibuya River and Go up, which you can collect from other people in the area.
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to Tower Records Shibuya.
After dealing with the man in a red shirt, travel back to TOWER RECORDS SHIBUYA using Rindo's powers and interact with the Deep Rivers Societists located in the middle of the crossing.
31 NEO TWEWY - Day 5 (13).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngReturn to the present timeline and fight the boss.
Use Rindo's powers to change your fate. Now in the present timeline, confront the leader of the Deep River Society and take them down.

Head to Head Side Quests

Good Noise Hunting

Quest Overview

Location Spain Hill
Quest Giver Yusei Isaya
NEO TWEWY 1,000 Yen Pin1,000 Yen FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Yusei Iseya Icon.pngYusei Iseya


Head to Spain Hill.
Go up the stairs at the side of the building and look for Yusei Iseya - a boy standing halfway up the stairs.
Scan the area and interact with the boy to know about what's bothering him.
Use Nagi's Dive to eliminate the noise inside the boy's head.
It is recommended to be at least level 19 before fighting the noise for this side quest. Equipping pins with fire, burst, gravity, wind, stone, sound, time, magnetic, and electric affinities will help a lot.
You have helped Yusei Iseya and he's now ready to study more!

Fangirl in Crisis

Quest Overview

Location Scramble Crossing
Quest Giver Yuika Kaga
NEO TWEWY Rare Metal PinRare Metal FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Yuika Kaga Icon.pngYuika Kaga


Head to Scramble Crossing.
Walk towards the Hachiko Statue and you'll notice a woman in need of help.
Scan and interact with the woman - Yuika Kaga
Use Rindo's Imprint.
Pick Favorite and Cherish.
Simply interact with Yuika Kaga again to complete the side quest.

Don You Forget About Me

Quest Overview

Location Dogenzaka
Quest Giver Ken Doi
NEO TWEWY 1,000 Yen Pin1,000 Yen FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Yoko Norimoto Icon.pngYoko Norimoto


Head to Dogenzaka.
Go to The Don's restaurant and interact with it to learn more about his problem.
Use Fret's Remind to solve the picture puzzle.
Remind the woman standing near the restaurant.
Go up the alley from where you reminded the woman near the restaurant. You'll see another woman in need of a reminder of The Don's Curry. Remind her too.
Finally, remind the woman standing on the second floor of the building near the entrance to Dogenzaka.
Head back to The Don's restaurant to solve his predicament.

Boss Strategy: Fuya


Fuya plants multiple bombs in an area during the fight so make sure to stay away from them. He also fights alongside the Deep Rivers Society that will launch long-ranged attacks at your team.
The key to this fight is to take down Fuya first so you can move freely without worrying about bombs. Use pins with poison affinity like Mom's Secret Ingredient

How to Beat Fuya

NEO: The World Ends with You Related Links

Story Guides

NEO TWEWY Story Walkthrough Partial Banner.jpgStory Walkthrough
NEO TWEWY Prologue WalkthroughPrologue
Week 1
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersThe Reapers' Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgGet Twisted
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Deep Dive Day 3.jpgDeep Dive
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Day 4 Real Eyes Realize Real Lies.jpgReal Eyes Realize Real Lies
(Day 4)
Day 5 Banner.pngHead to Head
(Day 5)
Day 6 Banner.pngInto the Crossing
(Day 6)
Day 7 Banner.pngGame Theory
(Day 7)
Week 2
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersNew Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgLiving Legend
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgSound Surfer
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgUrban Legends
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgInversion
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 6 Banner.jpgDesire Destination
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 7 Banner.jpgCheckmate
(Day 7)
Week 3
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersSudden Death
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgDearly Beloved
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgRestart
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgComeback
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgVision
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgBackstabbed
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY Partial Day 24.jpgSHIBUYA
(Day 7)

Mission Guides

Day Guide
Week 1, Day 1 All Skull Locations in Scramble Crossing
Week 1, Day 4 How to Find Backstreet Refreshments
Sinful Ramen Puzzle Solution
Week 2, Day 1 How to Solve Vending Machine Puzzle
Week 3, Day 1 How to Beat Plague Noise

Optional Quests

All Optional Quests
All Side Quests Banner.pngSide Quests NEO TWEWY Secret Reports Banner.jpgSecret Reports
NEO TWEWY Partial Another Day.jpgAnother Day
All Endings Guide


1 Anonymousabout 3 years

How do you get into dongenzaka to do the Don You Forget About Me side quest? Its blocked off even after doing all main objectives before the boss.


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