NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

List of All RyuGu Pins

This is a list of all pins from the RyuGu brand in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY) for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. Read on to see a complete list of all RyuGu Pins and their Psychs.

List of All RyuGu Pins

No. Pin Psych Evolution
084 NEO TWEWY ShoGun Void
ShoGun Void
Trip Wire
Cast a chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
085 NEO TWEWY ManjuSage Void
ManjuSage Void
Trip Wire
Cast a chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
086 NEO TWEWY RyuGu Void
RyuGu Void
Trip Wire
Cast a thick, long-lasting chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes stuck.
087 NEO TWEWY HanaDoki Void
HanaDoki Void
Trip Wire
Cast a thick, long-lasting chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes stuck.
088 NEO TWEWY EnJo Blaze
EnJo Blaze
Trip Wire
Cast 2 chains at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of slightly burning the enemy.
089 NEO TWEWY KoYo Blaze
KoYo Blaze
Trip Wire
Cast 3 chains at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of greatly burning the enemy.
090 NEO TWEWY Tsubaki Frost
Tsubaki Frost
Trip Wire
Conjure cross-shaped chains at the target's position. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
091 NEO TWEWY HiGan Frost
HiGan Frost
Trip Wire
Conjure cross-shaped chains at the target's position. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
092 NEO TWEWY InaZuma Surge
InaZuma Surge
Trip Wire
Surround the target with chains. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of moderately shocking the enemy.
093 NEO TWEWY RaiJin Surge
RaiJin Surge
Trip Wire
Surround the target with chains. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy. Engraved with the words, "With FuJin..."
094 NEO TWEWY HoGyoku Gleam
HoGyoku Gleam
Electric Wire
Cast a vertical chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
095 NEO TWEWY KeiRyu Epoch
KeiRyu Epoch
Electric Wire
Cast a horizontal chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
096 NEO TWEWY SuiGen Void
SuiGen Void
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target.
097 NEO TWEWY KoCho Void
KoCho Void
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target.The swords may scatter and stalk multiple foes.
098 NEO TWEWY ShiDare Shade
ShiDare Shade
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. The swords may scatter and stalk multiple foes. Chance of confusing the enemy.
099 NEO TWEWY Tsuzumi Echo
Tsuzumi Echo
Spectral Swords
Serd a swarm of swift swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When a swarm strikes an enemy, it changes courses and purses a new target.
100 NEO TWEWY KaChu Blaze
KaChu Blaze
Stir up a whirlpool of fire around the target that damages any foe caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm slowly follows. Chance of moderately burning the enemy.
101 NEO TWEWY AkaFuji Blaze
AkaFuji Blaze
Stir up a whirlpool of fire around the target that damages any foes caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm slowly follows. Chance of moderately burning the enemy.
102 NEO TWEWY GoKa Blaze
GoKa Blaze
Stir up a whirlpool of fire around the target that damages any foes caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm swiftly follows while spewing embers. Chance of greatly burning the enemy.
103 NEO TWEWY AraUmi Gale
AraUmi Gale
Guardian Glaives
Countless bladelike leaves float on the wind, protecting the wearer and dealing damage to any foe that comes in contact.
104 NEO TWEWY FuJin Gale
FuJin Gale
Guardian Glaives
Countless bladelike leaves float on the wind, protecting the wearer and dealing damage to any foe that comes in contact. Engraved with the words, "With RaiJin..."
105 NEO TWEWY IroGoi Shift
IroGoi Shift
Guardian Glaives
Draw in debris to shield the wearer and deal damage to any foe that comes in contact. Enemies struck by large objects will be knocked back.
106 NEO TWEWY ShoRyu Gleam
ShoRyu Gleam
Guardian Glaives
Conjure swords of light to protect the wearer and deal damage to any foe that comes in contact.

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Pin Brands

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Natural Puppy Brand - NEO Twewy.pngNatural Puppy RyuGu Brand - NEO Twewy.pngRyuGu Shepherd House Brand - NEO Twewy.pngShepherd House
Tigre PUNKS Brand - NEO Twewy.pngTigre PUNKS Top oTop o' Topo Unbranded Brand - NEO Twewy.pngUnbranded

Pin Affinities

All Pin Affinities
Fire Icon.pngFire Ice Icon.pngIce Electric Icon.pngElectric Wind Icon.pngWind
Water.pngWater Stone Icon.pngStone NEO Twewy Affinity Icon - Poison.pngPoison Burst.pngBurst
Sound Icon.pngSound Light Icon.pngLight Darkness Icon.pngDarkness Gravity Icon.pngGravity
Kinesis Icon.pngKinesis NEO TWEWY Noisepedia Time Icon.pngTime No Affinity IconNone -


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