NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Best Pin Combinations (Psych Combos)

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This is a guide on the Best Psych Combos in the game NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Read on to learn which pin combinations work best and how to use them in order to increase Groove fast.

Best Psych Combos


Having Psych Combos is the most efficient way to increase Groove and unleash your power. To do that, perfect timing is needed to achieve to keep the Beatdrop Combo alive. Here we recommend various pin combinations depending on how many members there are in the party.

3-Pin Combination

Pin Combination
Honor and Sacrifice IconHonor and Sacrifice Gust of Gorgeous IconGust of Gorgeous Diamonds in the Sky IconDiamonds in the Sky

For the times that there will only be 3 members in the party, we recommend using these pin combinations.

When using this combo, start with Gust of Gorgeous to knock back the Noise then follow with Honor and Sacrifice. Repeatedly tap this until the Beatdrop combo appear and quickly switch to Diamonds in the Sky and repeatedly tap this until expended and finish the remaining energy for Honor and Sacrifice.

By the time the two pins are replenished, Gust of Gorgeous will be ready to use so unleash it to keep the combo running and repeat the process, this time instead of Honor and Sacrifice, use Diamonds in the Sky for the 2nd pin since it has a lower reboot time.

If at anytime you did not achieve a Beatdrop Combo, reset the pattern and you can achieve the Beatdrop Combo.

Pin Combination
Just Keep SwimminJust Keep Swimmin'! Topo the Adventurous IconTopo the Adventurous In My Misery IconIn My Misery

Start with Just Keep Swimmin'! and after the finisher, a Beatdrop gauge will appear which you should immediately hit with In My Misery. There is a chance that the Beatdrop gauge will appear immediately after using In My Misery so once it did, hit it with Topo the Adventurous which will likely make the Beatdrop gauge appear again. If the Beadrop gauge did appear after using Topo the Adventurous, use up the remaining energy for Just Keep Swimmin'!.

If the Beatdrop gauge did not show up when using either In My Misery or Topo the Adventurous, it is advisable to wait for everything to reboot first before attempting to do this pattern again as In My Misery has a slower reboot than others.

To be updated once we discovered more epic combos!

4-Pin Combination

Pin Combination
Yukimitsu IconYukimitsu What Can Never Be IconWhat Can Never Be Fairytale Memories IconFairytale Memories
Lovely Launcher IconLovely Launcher

For the times when there will be 4 members in the party, we recommend using these pin combinations.

Unleash Fairytale Memories while charging up What Can Never Be. Once the Beatdrop gauge appear, release What Can Never Be. Once the enemy is knocked back, charge immediately with Yukimitsu until the Beatdrop gauge appeared again and follow with Lovely Launcher. Once the Beatdrop gauge appear again while unleashing Lovely Launcher, finish up the remaining energy for Yukimitsu which should be enough for another Beatdrop gauge. This should be enough time to reboot both Fairytale Memories and What Can Never Be, allowing you to repeat the combo again.

A potential downer for this combo is the Beatdrop gauge sometimes does not appear when using Fairytale Memories especially when you are dealing with more monsters since the Beatdrop gauge will only appear if you focus the beam on one enemy only. In this case, we recommend to start with Yukimitsu as it is guaranteed to achieve the Beatdrop gauge once you finished the

Lovely Launcher also has the ability, Groove Boost II which increases Groove when landing a combo.

Pin Combination
Yukimitsu IconYukimitsu Lightning in My Hands IconLightning in My Hands My Precious Moments IconMy Precious Moments
Bolt of Beauty IconBolt of Beauty

Charge and release both My Precious Moments and Bolt of Beauty. If timed right, this should achieve the Beatdrop combo almost immediately. After doing this, you have the option to repeat this process or switch up to Lightning in My Hands. If you choose the latter, after barraging the Noise with electric, a Beatdrop gauge will appear. Once it does, hit it with Yukimitsu to increase Groove. You may use Yukimitsu first before Lightning in My Hands but we recommend using Lightning in My Hands first as it has a longer orange sweet spot for Beatdrop Bonus. Repeat this process until the battle ends.

To be updated once we discovered more epic combos!

5-Pin Combination

Pin Combination
Yukimitsu IconYukimitsu Lightning in My Hands IconLightning in My Hands Freestyle Launcher IconFreestyle Launcher
My Precious Moments IconMy Precious Moments Bolt of Beauty IconBolt of Beauty

For the times when there will be 5 members in the party, we recommend using these pin combinations.

This is similar to the pin combination under the 4-Pin Combinations section, with an added Pin. This allows Groove to increase faster since both Lightning in My Hands and Freestyle Launcher are under the Y/Square input although the Pin Multi-Wield Social Network Reward is required to use this combination.

To be updated once we discovered more epic combos!

6-Pin Combination

Pin Combination
Yukimitsu IconYukimitsu Lightning in My Hands IconLightning in My Hands HOG Healer IconHOG Healer
Freestyle Launcher IconFreestyle Launcher My Precious Moments IconMy Precious Moments Bolt of Beauty IconBolt of Beauty

For the times when there will be 6 members in the party, we recommend using these pin combinations.

This is similar to the pin combination under the 5-Pin Combinations section, with a healer Pin. This combination is recommended for the later parts of the game where Noises are now stronger.

Pin Combination
HOG Healer IconHOG Healer Catch a Wave IconCatch a Wave Freestyle Launcher IconFreestyle Launcher
Spin Twinz IconSpin Twinz

Charge up Spin Twinz and once you released it, immediately hit the Noise targeted with Catch a Wave. If timed correctly, a Beatdrop Bonus can be immediately achieved and you can continue to finished up the remaining energy for Catch a Wave. Another Beatdrop gauge may appear once Catch a Wave's energy is exhausted. Barrage it with Freestyle Launcher (3x) once the gauge appeared to achieve the bonus. You can do this continuously since three different characters have it equipped.

Pin Combination
Just Keep SwimminJust Keep Swimmin'! Topo the Adventurous IconTopo the Adventurous In My Misery IconIn My Misery
Stay Gold IconStay Gold Calamitous Candle IconCalamitous Candle

This combination used similar Pins with the one under 3-Pin Combination section with an another set of Pins for added combination.

Charge up Calamitous Candle, Stay Gold, and Balloon Trip and once you released it, a Beatdrop Bonus can be achieved almost immediately. If not, follow it up with Just Keep Swimmin'!. After the finisher, a Beatdrop gauge will appear again which you should immediately hit with In My Misery. There is a chance that the Beatdrop gauge will appear immediately after using In My Misery so once it did, use up the remaining energy for Just Keep Swimmin'! until the Beatdrop gauge appear again. Hitting with Topo the Adventurous after that will likely make the Beatdrop gauge appear once more, allowing you continue the Groove.

To be updated once we discovered more epic combos!

Same Button Pins

Shoka - Social Network NEO TWEWY

You can efficiently use Pins once you unlocked the skill, Pin Multi-Wield. This skill will allow you equip extra pins assigned to the same button, making unleashing combinations with 5 or more party members easier.

Unlock Shoka and Tsugumi for 8 Friendship Points each in your Social Network to purchase Pin Multi-Wield twice.

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