NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

How to Beat Iris Cantus | Boss Fight Guide

Iris Cantus.png

This is a guide to beating Iris Cantus in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Learn about Iris Cantus' attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Iris Cantus Basic Information


No. 082 Noise Group NEO TWEWY Noisepedia - Iris Cantus Noise Type.png
NEO TWEWY Noisepedia - Iris Cantus.png
The one Reaper who always had Shoka's interests at heart. Don't get too close or you'll be blown away by the chakram-esque symbols flying around her.
Location W3D2 (Boss Noise, Story)


HP 35000
PP 1100
EXP. 850
NEO TWEWY - Fire Icon.png Fire

The data shown is set on Normal Diffculty.

Drop Rates

Easy Drop: AraUmi Gale
Rate: 4.00%
Normal Drop: Shadow Matter
Rate: 3.00%
Hard Drop: Shadow Matter
Rate: 3.00%
Ultimate Drop: Iris
Rate: 0.30%

The data shown is on 1x Drop Rate.

Iris Cantus Attacks and Abilities

Damaging Force Field


Iris Cantus can conjure a force field around her that will damage anyone who goes near it. Attacking her with a melee attack when her damaging force field is up will only do your team harm.

Spear Throw

Spear Throw.jpg

Iris Cantus can also hurl three spears at your team that inflict damage. She does this several times during the fight and it can deplete your team's HP if not avoided.

When you see the spears coming your team's way, dodge quickly.

Rain of Pain

Rain of Pain.jpg

Iris Cantus can summon rain from the sky that damages and poisons your team for as long as you stay under it.

She can summon this rain on both sides of the arena and your team will only have a narrow path where you can dodge the spears safely. Tread carefully!



Finally, she can also pick a random member of your team to punish. Failing to take down the structure before Iris Cantus gets to your team member will result to tons of damage.

Best Pins for Iris Cantus

Yukimitsu IconYukimitsu
Topo the Adventurous IconTopo the Adventurous
All Burned Out IconAll Burned Out

Iris Cantus' weakness is fire. Topo the Adventurous and All Burned Out can deal massive damge to Iris Cantus from a safe distance. Once her force field is gone, you can then hit her with Yukimitsu.

Tips & Strategies for Beating Iris Cantus

Strategy Checklist
CheckmarkFight from a safe distance

CheckmarkDamage her as much as you can when her damaging force field isn't up

CheckmarkStay away from the rain

CheckmarkAttack the structure instead of Iris Cantus

Fight From a Safe Distance

Attacking Iris Cantus with a melee attack while her damaging force field is up will only deal damage to your team. With this in mind, it is recommended to fight her from a safe distance.

Damage Her as Much as You Can When Her Damaging Force Field Isn’t Up

No Force Field.png

Dealing tons of damage to Iris Cantus will cause her damaging force field to break. This is the best time to launch your best combos at her and build up your groove.

Stay Away From the Rain

Staying under her rain of pain for a long time will cause tons of damage to your team. Make sure to stay dry!

Attack the Structure Instead of Iris Cantus

Attack Structure.jpg

When Iris Cantus punishes one of your characters, make sure to attack the structure instead of her. Doing this will free your character in a matter of seconds and your team's HP won't be lowered.

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