NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

How to Raise STYLE Quickly

STYLE Raising Guide Banner
This is a guide on how to raise STYLE in the game NEO: The World Ends With You (NEO: TWEWY). Read on to learn how to raise STYLE quickly and what STYLE is for.

This page contains mild spoilers. Please proceed with caution!

How to Raise STYLE

Wicked Twisters Love

Consuming Food is currently the only way to increase STYLE. When consuming food, consider the calories and keep an eye on the fullness meter in the upper right corner when dining out. Once the fullness meter is full, Players won't be able to eat anymore. To lower the fullness meter, Players have to engage in battles to burn these calories.

To increase STYLE quickly, we recommend filling up the fullness meter to the brim then do chain battles. Do this repeatedly until you're satisfied with your STYLE level. Consider the Player's favorite food as well since eating their favorite foods will sometimes give bonus increases to one of the stat points.

List of Food with STYLE buff are in the table below.

No. Name Price STYLE Shop Street
2 Cafe au Lait 750 1 Hachiko Cafe Scramble Crossing
8 Chocolate Chunk Scone 320 1 Hachiko Cafe Scramble Crossing
9 Chicken Soup Curry 1,480 2 Hachiko Cafe Scramble Crossing
14 Superhero Soda 210 1 Justice Burger Scramble Crossing
20 Sinful Noodles 1,280 1 Glutton 4 Gluten Center Street
23 Churrasco Skewer 880 3 SBY BBQ Tipsy Tose Hall
24 Dry-Aged Beef Steak 1,980 5 SBY BBQ Tipsy Tose Hall
26 Grilled Alligator 8,200 1 SBY BBQ Tipsy Tose Hall
27 Fruit Cocktail 700 2 Udagawa Parfait Ugdawa Backstreets
28 Dark Chocolate Dream 1100 4 Udagawa Parfait Ugdawa Backstreets
29 Ruby Chocolate Delight 2200 7 Udagawa Parfait Ugdawa Backstreets
30 Ladies' Night Parfait 3,300 9 Udagawa Parfait Ugdawa Backstreets
31 Boba Milk Tea 420 1 Bubblevision Spain Hill
32 Matcha Boba Latte 480 2 Bubblevision Spain Hill
33 Strawberry Boba Latte 480 2 Bubblevision Spain Hill
34 Mango Boba Milk Tea 480 3 Bubblevision Spain Hill
35 Muscovado Boba Latte 800 3 Bubblevision Spain Hill
37 Dal Curry 850 2 Spicy Curry Don Dogenzaka
39 Triple Triad Plate 1,500 3 Spicy Curry Don Dogenzaka
40 Japanified Biryani 1,200 1 Spicy Curry Don Dogenzaka
46 Bowl of Oden 520 1 Moyai Mart West Exit Bus Terminal
50 Tokyo Roast Beef Bowl 1480 1 Donburi Town Center Street
51 Nagoya Eel Bowl 1980 3 Donburi Town Center Street
52 Grand Slam Meat Bowl 2,900 3 Donburi Town Center Street
57 Acai Smoothie 600 1 Vegelovers Tower Records Shibuya
58 Air in a Can 4,280 6 Vegelovers TOWER RECORDS SHIBUYA
61 Pani Puri Plate 700 1 Asia Fantasia Tokyu Plaza
63 Xiaolongbao Set 1,000 4 Asia Fantasia Tokyu Plaza
64 Muscat Grape Crepe 500 4 fluffy n sweet MIYASHITA PARK
65 Very Berry Bouquet 500 3 fluffy n sweet MIYASHITA PARK
68 Sweet Potato Swirl 800 1 fluffy n sweet MIYASHITA PARK
74 Salty Lemon Ramen 800 3 Suzu Slurpz Dogenzaka
78 Berry Blend Tea 520 1 somedrinks Shibuya Stream
80 Bubbly Berry Blend 800 2 somedrinks Shibuya Stream
86 Anko Dango Skewer 550 1 Kyoto Sweets Shibuya Hikarie
87 Zunda Dango Skewer 580 1 Kyoto Sweets Shibuya Hikarie
88 Crispylicious Taiyaki 650 2 Kyoto Sweets Shibuya Hikarie
89 Creamy Matcha Anmitsu 850 2 Kyoto Sweets Shibuya Hikarie
90 Triple Matcha Parfait 1,300 3 Kyoto Sweets Shibuya Hikarie
91 Fluffy Pancake Stack 900 3 Cutie Pies Takeshita Street
92 Chocolate Pancake Stack 1,200 3 Cutie Pies Takeshita Street
93 Creamy Berry Shaved Ice 1,000 3 Cutie Pies Takeshita Street
94 Chocomint Shaved Ice 1,000 4 Cutie Pies Takeshita Street
95 Mango Shaved Ice 1,300 3 Cutie Pies Takeshita Street

List of All Food

Best Food with STYLE Buff (Week 1)

Certain restaurants start to unlock during Week 1. Here we list the restaurants unlocked and the best food for style buff available on Week 1.

Restaurant Food STYLE Favored by
Restaurant - Suzu Slurpz (Chinese Noodles)Suzu Slurpz (Dogenzaka) Salty Lemon Ramen 3 Fret
Restaurant - Bubblevision (Tapioca Tea)Bubblevision (Spain Hill) Mango Boba Latte 3 Minamimoto
Restaurant - Donburi Town (Rice Bowls)Donburi Town (Center Street) Nagoya Eel Bowl 3 Fret
Restaurant - Kyoto Sweets Shibuya East (Sweet Treats)Kyoto Sweets Shibuya East (Shibuya Hikarie) Triple Matcha Parfait (unlocked in Social Network) 3 Fret
Restaurant - SBY BBQ (Barbeque)SBY BBQ (Tipsy Tose Hall) Churrasco Skewer 3 Rindo
Dry-Aged Beef Steak 5 Rindo
Restaurant - Udagawa Parfait (Parfait Parlor)Udagawa Parfait (Udagawa Backstreets) Dark Chocolate Dream 4 Rindo
Ruby Chocolate Delight 7 Minamimoto
Ladies' Night Parfait (unlocked in Social Network) 9 Fret
Restaurant - Veggelover (Organic Cafe)Vegelovers (Tower Records Shibuya) Air in a Can (unlocked in Social Network) 6 Beat

Best Food with STYLE Buff (Week 2)

New restaurants will unlock once you progress the story. Restaurants unlocked during Week 1 will remain open and restaurants available starting Week 2 are listed in the table below.

Restaurant Food STYLE Favored by
Restaurant - Cutie Pies (Adorable Sweets)Cutie Pies (Takeshita Street) Fluffy Pancake Stack 3 Fret
Chocolate Pancake Stack 3 Rindo
Creamy Berry Shaved Ice 3 Nagi
Chocomint Shaved Ice 4 Fret
Mango Shaved Ice (unlocked in Social Network) 3 Nagi
Restaurant - Asia Fantasia (Street-Style Restaurant)Asia Fantasia (Tokyu Plaza) Xiaolongbao Set (unlocked in Social Network) 4 Rindo
Restaurant - Spicy Curry Don (Curry Bowls)Spicy Curry Don (Dogenzaka) Triple Triad Plate 3 Rindo

Spicy Curry Don is available since Week 1 but the food is only available starting Week 2.

Best Food with STYLE Buff (Week 3)

New restaurants will unlock once you progress the story. Restaurants unlocked during Week 1 and Week 2 will remain open and restaurants available starting Week 3 are listed in the table below.

Restaurant Food STYLE Favored by
Restaurant - fluffy fluffy 'n' sweet (Miyashita Park) Very Berry Bouquet 3 Fret
Muscat Grape Crepe 4 Fret

What is STYLE For?

While threads can be equipped regardless of STYLE level, unique abilities from the equipped threads can only be unlocked by reaching a certain STYLE level.

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