NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Preload Guide | How to Preload

How to Preload NEO World Ends With You

This is a guide on how to pre-load NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Read on to learn how to preload the game ahead of its scheduled release date.

Preloading NEO: TWEWY

Download in Advance

TWEWY Preload

A week prior to its release, NEO: The World Ends with You has been made available for preload on the Nintendo Switch and PS4! In order to get access to the preload, pre-order the digital game through their official website, Nintendo eShop, or the PlayStation store.

Pre-Order Guide

Benefits of Preloading

NEO TWEWY Benefits of Preload

If you preload the game NEO: The World Ends with You, you will be able to play the game on the day of release right away from 12:00 AM on July 27, 2021. If you've been highly anticipating this new installment of The World Ends with You series, preloading is the way to go!

Release Time and Release Date

How to Preload

From the Nintendo eShop

Step 1 Nintendo Eshop.jpg
Select the Nintendo eShop on your Nintendo Switch home page.
Step 2
Find NEO: The World Ends with You by searching via the search bar, or by going to the "Coming Soon" section.
Step 3 Select the NEO: The World Ends with You full version.
Step 4 Select Proceed to Purchase. (Download will start after confirming the purchase)

From PlayStation Store

1 PS4 Pre-Order The World Ends with You.jpg
Open the PlayStation Store and search for "The World Ends with You". Select NEO: The World Ends with You.
Select Pre-Order then Proceed to Checkout. Finally, Confirm Pre-Order in order to succesfully pre-order.

Preloading Requirements

Storage Requirement

Nintendo Switch microSD card.jpg

Console Storage Requirement
Nintendo Switch 6.3GB
PlayStation 4 7.8 GB

If your memory is near full, you might need to delete other game data, or prepare a microSD card to store more. Make sure your Switch or PS4 has enough memory space available for the game before preloading.

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