NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Week 2, Day 4: Urban Legends Chapter Guide and Walkthrough

Week 2 Day 4 Banner.png

This is a walkthrough for Urban Legends, Week 2, Day 4 of NEO: The World Ends with You. Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, puzzle solutions, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Sound Surfer Urban Legends Inversion

Urban Legends Basic Information

Character Information

Week 2
Day 4
Boss Mammoth R&B (Boss)
A group of Reapers who fled Shinjuku when it fell three years ago have taken charge of Shibuya. Frustrated with the unfair nature of this Game, Rindo and the gang decide to cooperate with their rivals in an attempt to turn the tables on the impossibly powerful Ruinbringers.

Pins You Get in this Chapter

Event Reward
After encountering the Plague Noise in Center Street. NEO TWEWY Runaway Rocket PinRunaway Rocket
After scoring 100 points from the Reaper's mission: Investigate the Urban Legends. NEO TWEWY Jealous Rage PinJealous Rage
After reporting all the information about the Urban Legends. NEO TWEWY Dilaton PinDilaton

Urban Legends Main Objectives

Head for Tipsy Tose Hall/Investigate the urban legends

1 NEO TWEWY - 01 Talk to the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Reaper at Central Crossing.
From your location, enter Center Street and talk to the Reaper guarding the path to Tipsy Tose Hall. He will then ask you to solve urban legends around Shibuya and earn 100 points to gain passage to the area. Continue reading for a guide on how to solve each urban legend. You can do this in any order and only need to solve at least 4 mysteries to earn 100 points.

Solve the mystery of Center Street's urban legends

2 NEO TWEWY - 02 Remind People.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind people of the urban legend on Center Street.
Activate your scanner and use Fret's powers to assemble a memory. Then, look for the woman with a green thought fragment near the alley and remind her of the urban legend.
3 NEO TWEWY - 03 Hog Fang.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngCheck the Hog Fang shop.
After reminding the woman, investigate the noise in the shop near you and talk to the owner.
4 NEO TWEWY - 04 - Shepherd House.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngHead to Shepherd House and defeat the Purehearts.
Head to Shepherd House and enter the shop. You will then have to fight the Variabeauties outside of the shop. Defeat them to progress through your investigation.
5 NEO TWEWY - 05 Erase the Noise.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngErase the Noise on your way back to the Reaper.
After dealing with the Variabeauties, return to the Reaper. On your way back, a mysterious Noise will ambush you. Survive the ambush to get to the Reaper.
6 NEO TWEWY - 06 Tell the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTell the Reaper about your discovery.
Return to the Reaper and report about your discovery to earn points.

Solve the mystery of Spain Hill's urban legends

7 NEO TWEWY - 07 Spain Hill.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind people of the urban legend on Spain Hill.
Upon reaching Spain Hill, activate your scanner and use Fret's powers to assemble a memory. Then, look for the woman with a green thought fragment near the entrance to Center Street and remind her of the urban legend.
8 NEO TWEWY - 08 Count Steps.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngBegin counting the steps.
Head to the bottom of the stairs and begin counting the steps to 18. After counting, you'll need to scan the thoughts of the women on top of the stairs.
9 NEO TWEWY - 09 Erase the Noise.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngErase the Noise.
After letting Nagi do the ritual, you'll be attacked by a Noise. Erase it to finish the mystery.
10 NEO TWEWY - 06 Tell the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTell the Reaper about your discovery.
After erasing the Noise, return to the Reaper in Center Street and report about your discovery to earn points.

Solve the mystery of Cat Street's urban legends

11 NEO TWEWY - 11 Remind People.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind people of the urban legend on Cat Street.
Upon reaching Cat Street, activate your scanner and use Fret's powers to assemble a memory. Then, look for the man with a green thought fragment and remind him of the urban legend.
12 NEO TWEWY - 12 Telephone People.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngCheck the telephone pole and scan the people within the vicinity.
Follow the waypoint and investigate the telephone pole. Activate your scanner after and read the thoughts of every person with a red thought fragment in the area.
13 NEO TWEWY - 13 Stairs Sound.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngInvestigate the sound near the stairs.
After scanning everyone's thoughts, follow the waypoint to investigate the sound near the stairs.
14 NEO TWEWY - 06 Tell the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTell the Reaper about your discovery.
After discovering the truth, return to the Reaper in Center Street and report about your discovery to earn points.

Solve the mystery of the Scramble Crossing's urban legends

15 NEO TWEWY - 15 Remind People.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind people of the urban legend on the Scramble Crossing.
Upon reaching the Scramble Crossing, activate your scanner and use Fret's powers to assemble a memory. Then, look for two women with green thought fragments near the entrance to 104 and remind them both of the urban legend.
16 NEO TWEWY - 16 Remind People About Jumbotron.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind people of the hidden frame on the jumbotron.
Use Rindo's powers again to assemble a memory and then look for people with green thought fragments.
17 NEO TWEWY - 17 Tower Records.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter TOWER RECORDS.
All the information you've gathered should lead you to TOWER RECORDS. Enter the area to continue solving the mystery.
18 NEO TWEWY - 18 Modi Building.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngHead inside Modi building and erase the Noise.
Head inside Modi building and investigate the brown pillar. A Reaper will then attack you by throwing a Noise at you. Erase the Noise to finish the mystery.
19 NEO TWEWY - 06 Tell the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTell the Reaper about your discovery.
After erasing the Noise, return to the Reaper in Center Street and report about your discovery to earn points.

Solve the mystery of 104's urban legends

20 NEO TWEWY - 20 Remind People.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind people of the urban legend on 104.
Upon reaching 104, activate your scanner and use Fret's powers to assemble a memory. Then, look for a man and a woman with green thought fragments outside the 104 Building and remind them both of the urban legend.
21 NEO TWEWY - 21 Cross the Front.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngInvestigate the crossing.
Follow the waypoint and investigate the crossing in front of the 104 building.
22 NEO TWEWY - 22 Defeat the Purehearts.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngDefeat the Purehearts.
Talk to the Pureheart by the sidewalk and defeat them in a battle to solve the mystery.
23 NEO TWEWY - 06 Tell the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTell the Reaper about your discovery.
After defeating the Purehearts, return to the Reaper in Center Street and report about your discovery to earn points.

Solve the mystery of O-EAST's urban legends

24 NEO TWEWY - 24 Remind People.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind people of the urban legend on O-EAST.
Upon reaching O-EAST, activate your scanner and use Fret's powers to assemble a memory. Then, look for a woman with a green thought fragment next to the east entrace to Dogenzaka and remind her of the urban legend.
25 NEO TWEWY - 25 Enter Dogenzaka.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter Dogenzaka.
After scanning the woman's thoughts, enter Dogenzaka from any of two entrances.
26 NEO TWEWY - 26 Dive Into the Trash Man.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngDive into the Trash Man's mind and erase the Noise.
Interact with the Trash Man on the sidewalk and use Nagi's powers to dive into his head. Erase the Noise possessing him to complete the mystery.
27 NEO TWEWY - 06 Tell the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTell the Reaper about your discovery.
After erasing the Noise, return to the Reaper in Center Street and report about your discovery to earn points.

Solve the mystery of Shibuya Hikarie's urban legends

28 NEO TWEWY - 28 Remind People.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind people of the urban legend on Shibuya Hikarie.
Upon reaching Shibuya HIkarie, activate your scanner and use Fret's powers to assemble a memory. Then, look for a man and a woman with green thought fragments in front of the Shibuya Station and remind them both of the urban legend.
29 NEO TWEWY - 29 Investigate the Graffiti.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngInvestigate the graffiti on the ceiling.
Follow the waypoint and investigate the graffiti painted on the ceiling next to the shop.
30 NEO TWEWY - 30 Fortress.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter the Expressway Underpass and check the vantage points.
Enter the Expressway Underpass and check the vantage points in the area. You will then have to answer which arrow points left when viewed from the area. Select the blue arrow as your answer.
31 NEO TWEWY - 31 Enter the Expressway Underpass.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngCheck the bus stop on West Exit Bus Terminal and erase the Noise.
Head to the West Exit Bus Terminal and interact with the bus stop. A Reaper will then attack you by throwing a Noise at you. Erase the Noise to finish the mystery.
32 NEO TWEWY - 06 Tell the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTell the Reaper about your discovery.
After erasing the Noise, return to the Reaper in Center Street and report about your discovery to earn points.

Report back to the Reaper

33 NEO TWEWY - 33 Enter Tipsy Tose Hall.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter Tipsy Tose Hall.
Once you've solved at least four mysteries, that should be enough to earn you 100 points. Return to the Reaper to gain access to Tipsy Tose Hall.
34 NEO TWEWY - 34 Defeat the Boss.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngDefeat the Boss.
Upon reaching Tipsy Tose Hall, you'll immediately enter the Boss fight. Erase the Boss to finish the day.

Urban Legends Side Quests

Brotherly Bugaboo

Quest Overview

Location Dogenzaka
Quest Giver Taku Ihama
NEO TWEWY Dilaton PinDilaton FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Taku Ihama Icon.pngTaku Ihama


1 Brotherly Bugaboo.jpg
Head to Dogenzaka and go up the stairs of the building to Rindo's right. Talk to the man to hear about his problems.
2 Scan.jpg
Use Scan to be able to interact with the man's thoughts.
3 Dive.jpg
Use Nagi's Dive to get rid of the noise in the man's head.
4 Defeat All Noise.jpg
Defeat all of the noise. Equipping pins with darkness, kinesis, fire, burst, electric, wind, ice, poison, and water affinities will make the fight easier.
5 Solved.jpg
Defeating all the noise will clear the side quest.

Don Worry, Be Happy

Quest Overview

Location Dogenzaka
Quest Giver Buddy Rapids
NEO TWEWY Adamantite PinAdamantite FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Buddy Rapids Icon.pngBuddy Rapids


1 The Don
Head to Dogenzaka and go to The Don's Restaurant.
2 Buddy Rapids Problem.jpg
Interact with the restaurant to see Buddy Rapids complaining about the restaurant's service.
3 Follow Buddy Rapids Outside.jpg
Follow him outside.
4 Scan.png
Scan the area to interact with the man's thoughts.
5 Imprint.jpg
Use Imprint.
6 Choose Tasty Curry.jpg
Choose Tasty and Curry.
7 Solved.jpg
Imprinting the right words will prevent him from giving a bad review of the restaurant. Problem solved!

It's All Greek to Sumio

Quest Overview

Location West Exit Bus Terminal
Quest Giver Sumio Tanaka
NEO TWEWY Orichalcum PinOrichalcum FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Sumio Tanaka Icon.pngSumio Tanaka


1 It
Head to West Exit Bus Terminal and look around for Sumio Tanaka - a member of the Purehearts.
2 Problem.png
He will ask you for advice regarding Motoi's message.
Read Motoi's message.
4 Respond.jpg
You can answer either Agree to everything or Use a quote. Both will work just fine.
5 Solved.png
Side quest complete!

Urban Legends Pig Noise Locations

West Exit Bus Terminal

Location Noise Type Reward

West Exit Bus Terminal, Front of Vending Machine near Tokyu Plaza and Sumio Tanaka (Side Quest: It's All Greek to Sumio)
Pig Bolero
Pig Mambo
10,000 Yen

Tipsy Tose Hall

Location Noise Type Reward

Tipsy Tose Hall, Across SBY BBQ
Pig Waltz
Pig Jive

List of Pig Noise

Boss Guide: Mammoth R&B

Ice and Gravity Pins Work Well Against the Mammoth R&B

The Mammoth R&B's attack range will take most of horizontal space of the arena due to its long trunk. You can evade this by backing off at the very edge or more effectively, getting behind the boss' back.

The boss will also stomp the ground, causing a shockwave that could hit anything within range. Use the evade button once you see the Mammoth R&B telegraphing its stomp. The boss is weak against Ice and Gravity pins, so it is recommended to equip any of the two before entering the battle.

How to Beat Mammoth R&B

NEO: The World Ends with You Related Links

Story Guides

NEO TWEWY Story Walkthrough Partial Banner.jpgStory Walkthrough
NEO TWEWY Prologue WalkthroughPrologue
Week 1
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersThe Reapers' Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgGet Twisted
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Deep Dive Day 3.jpgDeep Dive
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Day 4 Real Eyes Realize Real Lies.jpgReal Eyes Realize Real Lies
(Day 4)
Day 5 Banner.pngHead to Head
(Day 5)
Day 6 Banner.pngInto the Crossing
(Day 6)
Day 7 Banner.pngGame Theory
(Day 7)
Week 2
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersNew Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgLiving Legend
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgSound Surfer
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgUrban Legends
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgInversion
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 6 Banner.jpgDesire Destination
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 7 Banner.jpgCheckmate
(Day 7)
Week 3
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersSudden Death
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgDearly Beloved
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgRestart
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgComeback
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgVision
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgBackstabbed
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY Partial Day 24.jpgSHIBUYA
(Day 7)

Mission Guides

Day Guide
Week 1, Day 1 All Skull Locations in Scramble Crossing
Week 1, Day 4 How to Find Backstreet Refreshments
Sinful Ramen Puzzle Solution
Week 2, Day 1 How to Solve Vending Machine Puzzle
Week 3, Day 1 How to Beat Plague Noise

Optional Quests

All Optional Quests
All Side Quests Banner.pngSide Quests NEO TWEWY Secret Reports Banner.jpgSecret Reports
NEO TWEWY Partial Another Day.jpgAnother Day
All Endings Guide


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