NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Chain Battles Guide and Rewards | How to Increase Chain Limit

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This is a guide to chain battles in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Learn how to fight chain battles and the rewards for defeating each Reduction!

Chain Battles Overview

How to Fight Chain Battles

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Chain Battles occur when you touch multiple Noise symbols while Scanning. Once you touch 1 Noise symbol, the Fight will start automatically after a few seconds. The best way to always get Chain Battles is to attract a lot of Noise symbols first (without letting any touch you) by running around the area. There's no limit to how far the Noise symbol will follow you, but you can't run too far ahead of it.

What are Reductions?

NEO TWEWY Chain Battle Reduction.jpg
Chain Battles chain together Reductions, which are the rounds you fight groups of Noise in. The number of Reductions you fight in a chain is determined by the number of Noise symbols you attract prior to activating Fight.

There is a break in action after clearing each Reduction, but your team doesn't recover HP in between Reductions.

How to Increase Chain Limit

Social Network Reward

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At the start of the game, you're only allowed to Chain a maximum of 5 Noise symbols before the Chain Battle automatically starts. You can increase the Chain Limit later on by purchasing Chain Extender through the Social Network tab that you unlock on Day 4. Each Chain Extender adds 5 to your chain limit.

Purchase Chain Extender from Tsukihime

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To purchase Tsukihime's reward in your Social Network, you first need to make a connection with Eiru by finishing Side Quest: Identity Crisis. Once you finished this, Eiru will be added to your network, hence linking Rindo to Tsukihime.

To purchase the Chain Extender from her, you'll first need to reach VIP Level 3 with the Cony x Cony brand. Afterward, you'll be able to purchase Chain Extender from her for 4 Friendship Points.

How to Increase VIP Level Quickly

Purchase Chain Extender from Seiji-of-Some-Trades

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To unlock Seiji-of-Some-Trades in your Social Network, complete his side quest, Get by with a Little Help(er) available on Week 2, Day 5. Purchasing 3 items from Trader Ryoji's at the Expressway Underpass is a pre-requisite to establishing the connection to Seiji-of-Some-Trades.

After linking up with Seiji, you'll be able to purchase Chain Extender from him for 4 Friendship Points.

Week 2, Day 5 Side Quests

Purchase Chain Extender from Kubo

NEO TWEWY Chain Extender Kubo.jpg

Kubo has the final Chain Extender to purchase. You can only purchase from him after linking up with Shoka on the Final Day of Week 2. Kubo's Chain Extender is similarly sold for 4 Friendship Points.

Week 2, Day 7 Walkthrough

Chain Battle Rewards

Increased Pin Drop Rate

NEO TWEWY Chain Battle 5.jpg

The drop rate of Pins is multiplied by the number of Reductions in the Chain Battle. Most of these Pins you obtain through Chain Battles will be repeated copies of the same Pins, so you can utilize this and sell them to farm money.

How to Farm Pins

Increased PP Multiplier

NEO TWEWY Rounds PP Multiplier.jpg
Chain Battles also increase the Pin Point (PP) multiplier. You earn PP based on the number of Reductions you fight multiplied by a multiplier that is also affected by the number of Reductions you fight. The multiplier increases by 0.1 for every Reduction fought after the first.

For example, in the image above, the team fought in 3 rounds, so 3 is multiplied by 1.2 (because only 2 rounds/Reductions were added after the first).

How to Farm Pin Points (PP)

Graffiti Reward

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You earn the Risk vs. Return Graffiti for completing an 8-reduction chain battle. You also earn the High-Stakes Hijinks Graffiti for completing a 20-reduction chain battle. For PlayStation users, these are also unlockable as Trophies.

20-reduction chain in Scramble Crossing

Scramble Crossing typically has the most Noise in any given day. An easy 20-reduction chain battle can be completed on Week 2, Day 3. To not waste so much time, it's recommended to complete the 20-reduction chain on Easy difficulty.

How to Get All Graffiti

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