NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

List of All Pins

NEO TWEWY List of All Pins

This is a complete guide to Pins in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Read on to see a complete list of all Pins and to learn about each Pin's Psych, brand, and more!

What are Pins?

Collect Pins by Defeating Noise

NEO TWEWY Pin Psych.jpg

Collect Pins by defeating the enemies known as Noise. Collecting Pins allows you to unlock different Psychs for your characters to use during combat.

Equip Pins to Change Character Combat

NEO TWEWY Change Pins.jpg

Changing the equipped Pin of a character changes their Psych, which changes their ability during combat. A character can only have 1 Pin/Psych equipped to them at any time.

How to Equip Pins

To change equipped Pins, open the Main Menu with X (Switch) or Triangle (PS4), then go to the Pins tab. Here, you'll see the characters on your team and their currently equipped Pins. Select a character in order to swap their Pin with any of your currently unequipped Pins.

List of All Pins

Pin Brands

Pin Brands
Cony x Cony Brand - NEO Twewy.pngCony x Cony croaky panic Brand - NEO Twewy.pngcroaky panic gara gara Brand - NEO Twewy.pnggaragara
Gatto Nero Brand - NEO Twewy.pngGatto Nero Hog Fang Brand - NEO Twewy.pngHog Fang Il Cavallo Del Re Brand - NEO Twewy.pngIl Cavallo del Re
Joli Becot Brand - NEO Twewy.pngJoli bécot Jupiter of the Monkey Brand - NEO Twewy.pngJupiter of the Monkey Monocrow Brand - NEO Twewy.pngMonocrow
Natural Puppy Brand - NEO Twewy.pngNatural Puppy RyuGu Brand - NEO Twewy.pngRyuGu Shepherd House Brand - NEO Twewy.pngShepherd House
Tigre PUNKS Brand - NEO Twewy.pngTigre PUNKS Top oTop o' Topo Unbranded Brand - NEO Twewy.pngUnbranded

Pin List

No. Pin Psych Evolution
Mom's Secret Ingredient
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back. Chance of slightly poisoning the enemy.
002 NEO TWEWY A Mysterious Gift
A Mysterious Gift
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back. Chance of moderately poisoning the enemy.
003 NEO TWEWY Topo the Generous
Topo the Generous
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
004 NEO TWEWY Once Upon a Dream
Once Upon a Dream
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
005 NEO TWEWY Music of the Woods
Music of the Woods
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charged it to knock the enemy back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
006 NEO TWEWY The World Within
The World Within
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
007 NEO TWEWY Topo the Ingenious
Topo the Ingenious
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
008 NEO TWEWY My Precious Moments
My Precious Moments
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
009 NEO TWEWY Topo the Beloved
Topo the Beloved
Grenade Launcher
Toss a bomb at the target. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
010 NEO TWEWY Balloon Trip
Balloon Trip
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 8 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be sent flying on impact.
011 NEO TWEWY Riled-Up Ribbon
Riled-Up Ribbon
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 10 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact. Chance of chaining the enemy.
012 NEO TWEWY Topo the Talented
Topo the Talented
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 8 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
013 NEO TWEWY A Forlorn Treasure
A Forlorn Treasure
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 8 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact. Chance of confusing the enemy.
014 NEO TWEWY Cave of Secrets
Cave of Secrets
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 10 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact. Chance of confusing the enemy.
015 NEO TWEWY Petals of Love
Petals of Love
Laser Inferno
Shoot a laser at the target. Chance of slightly burning the enemy.
016 NEO TWEWY Topo the Adventurous
Topo the Adventurous
Laser Inferno
Shoot a laser at the target. Chance of greatly burning the enemy.
017 NEO TWEWY An Inseparable Pair
An Inseparable Pair
Laser Inferno
Shoot a laser at the target. Chance of knocking the enemy down.
018 NEO TWEWY Fairytale Memories
Fairytale Memories
Laser Inferno
Shoot a laser at the target. Chance of freezing the enemy.
019 NEO TWEWY Top o
Top o' Topo
Laser Inferno
Shoot a laser at the target. Chance of slightly shocking the enemy.
020 NEO TWEWY The Prismatic Princess
The Prismatic Princess
Laser Inferno
Shoot an erratic laser at the target.
021 NEO TWEWY The Benevolent King
The Benevolent King
Laser Inferno
Shoot an erratic laser at the target.
022 NEO TWEWY Hammond
Hammond's New Home
Diffusion Beam
Simultaneously shoot 2 lasers at the target. Chance of confusing the enemy.
023 NEO TWEWY Topo the Famished
Topo the Famished
Diffusion Beam
Shoot 3 fanning lasers at the target. Chance of freezing the enemy.
024 NEO TWEWY The Enchanted Baker
The Enchanted Baker
Diffusion Beam
Shoot 5 fanning lasers at the target. Chance of freezing the enemy.
025 NEO TWEWY Joli becot
Joli becot
Massive Hit
Strike your target with an aerial kick. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
026 NEO TWEWY Angelic Kick
Angelic Kick
Massive Hit
Strike your target with an aerial kick. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
027 NEO TWEWY Soul Ablaze
Soul Ablaze
Massive Hit
Strike your target with an aerial kick. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
028 NEO TWEWY Killer Princess
Killer Princess
Massive Hit
Strike your target with an aerial kick. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
029 NEO TWEWY Gust of Gorgeous
Gust of Gorgeous
Massive Hit
Garb your gams with a gust of wind, then strike your target with an aerial kick to draw in foes in a wide area. Fully charge it to unleash a 3-hit attack that sends the enemy flying.
030 NEO TWEWY Wicked Wind
Wicked Wind
Massive Hit
Garb your gams with a gust of wind, then strike your target with an aerial kick to draw in foes in a wide area. Fully charge it to unleash a 3-hitt attack that sends the enemy flying.
031 NEO TWEWY Sistah Subwoofer
Sistah Subwoofer
Massive Hit
Strike your target with an aerial kick. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying. Charging up for an attack takes less time than usual.
032 NEO TWEWY Disco Divekick
Disco Divekick
Massive Hit
Strike your target with an aerial kick. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying. Charging up for an attack takes less time than usual.
033 NEO TWEWY Pink Matador
Pink Matador
Meteor Strike
Assail the target with a lightning orb from above. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down.
034 NEO TWEWY Electric Manicure
Electric Manicure
Meteor Strike
Assail the target with a lightning orb from above. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down.
035 NEO TWEWY Bolt of Beauty
Bolt of Beauty
Meteor Strike
Assail the target with a lightning orb from above. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down, then generate a shock wave to send surrounding enemies flying.
036 NEO TWEWY Marvelous Crash
Marvelous Crash
Meteor Strike
Pelt your target with a rock from above. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down.
037 NEO TWEWY Crater
Crater's Kiss
Meteor Strike
Pelt your target with a rock from above. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down.
038 NEO TWEWY Cranberry Crystal
Cranberry Crystal
Meteor Strike
Pelt your target with a rock from above. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down, then generate a shockwave to send surrounding enemies flying.
039 NEO TWEWY Cherry Bomb
Cherry Bomb
Vehicular Assault
Slam the target with an object from above. The object is chosen at random during charging. Enemies struck by large objects will be knocked down.
040 NEO TWEWY Jealous Rage
Jealous Rage
Vehicular Assault
Slam the target with an object from above. The object is chosen at random during charging. Enemies struck by large objects will be knocked down.
041 NEO TWEWY Bad Romance
Bad Romance
Vehicular Assault
Slam the target with an object from above. The object is chose at random during charging. Enemies struck by large objects will be knocked down.
042 NEO TWEWY Seductive Snare
Seductive Snare
Seize the target, then wave them about. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
043 NEO TWEWY Deadly Fragrance
Deadly Fragrance
Seize the target, then wave them about. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
044 NEO TWEWY Grin Reaper
Grin Reaper
Heavy Slugger
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Rapidly tap the button to unleash a barrage of punches followed by a hard hit that knocks the enemy back.
045 NEO TWEWY Grunge Punch
Grunge Punch
Heavy Slugger
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Rapidly tap the button to unleash a barrage of punches followed by a hard hit that knocks the enemy back.
046 NEO TWEWY Jungle King
Jungle King
Heavy Slugger
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Rapidly tap the button to unleash a barrage of punches followed by a hard hit that knocks the enemy back.
047 NEO TWEWY Primal Roar
Primal Roar
Heavy Slugger
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Rapidly tap the button to unleash a barrage of punches followed by a hard hit that knocks the enemy back.
048 NEO TWEWY Right Claw
Right Claw
Heavy Slugger
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Unleash a barrage of punches, then finish with a hard hit that knocks the enemy back.
049 NEO TWEWY Wicked Howl
Wicked Howl
Heavy Slugger
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Unleash a barrage of punches, then finish with a hard hit that knocks the enemy back.
050 NEO TWEWY Tigres Assemble!
Tigres Assemble!
Heavy Slammer
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Rapidly tap the button to leap into the air, then slam down to knock the enemy down.
051 NEO TWEWY Rock
Rock 'n' Rock
Heavy Slammer
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Rapidly tap the button to leap into the air, then slam down to knock the enemy down.
052 NEO TWEWY Crusher Rush
Crusher Rush
Heavy Slammer
Close in on your target and assail them with your fists. Rapidly tap the button to leap into the air, then slam down to knock the enemy down.
053 NEO TWEWY Mosh
Mosh 'n' Mash
Heavy Onslaught
Hold and release the button to close in on your target and assail them with your fists, then finish with a hard hit that knocks the enemy back. Hold longer to throw more punches.
054 NEO TWEWY Fangs of Ice
Fangs of Ice
Heavy Onslaught
Hold and release the button to close in on your target and assail them with your fists, then finish with a hard hit that knocks the enemy back. Hold longer to throw more punches. Chance of freezing the enemy.
055 NEO TWEWY Slashcicle
Heavy Onslaught
Hold and release the button to close in on your target and assail them with your fists, then finish with a hard hit that knocks the enemy back. Hold longer to throw more punches. Chance of freezing the enemy.
Healing Aura
Restore a bit of your team's HP in an instant. (Single Use. Pin gauge will not refill automatically or reboot.)
057 NEO TWEWY Bright Chord
Bright Chord
Healing Aura
Restore your team's HP in an instant. (Single use. Pin gauge will not refill automatically or reboot.)
058 NEO TWEWY Clawed Guardian
Clawed Guardian
Healing Aura
Restores a large amount of your team's HP in an instant. (Single Use. Pin gauge will not refill automatically or reboot.)
059 NEO TWEWY Bootleg Tune
Bootleg Tune
Inspiring Aura
Hold the button to boost the damage your team deals to enemies.
060 NEO TWEWY Headliner
Inspiring Aura
Hold the button to greatly boost the damage your team deals to enemies.
061 NEO TWEWY Discordance
Inspiring Aura
Hold the button to boost your Groove.
062 NEO TWEWY Maiden Beat
Maiden Beat
Inspiring Aura
Hold the button to boost your Groove.
063 NEO TWEWY Blizzard Bunny
Blizzard Bunny
Dynamite Darts
Shoot an exploding arrow at the target. Fire 8 arrows within a fixed time to trigger a massive explosion that knocks back any nearby enemies. High chance of freezing the enemy.
064 NEO TWEWY Frosty Friendship
Frosty Friendship
Dynamite Darts
Shoot an exploding arrow at the target. Fire 12 arrows within a fixed time to trigger a massive explosion that knocks back any nearby enemies. High chance of freezing the enemy.
065 NEO TWEWY Stellar Self-Portrait
Stellar Self-Portrait
Dynamite Darts
Shoot an exploding arrow at the target. Fire 8 arrows within a fixed time to trigger a massive explosion that knocks back any nearby enemies. High chance of freezing the enemy.
066 NEO TWEWY Gorgeous Gemstone
Gorgeous Gemstone
Dynamite Darts
Shoot an exploding arrow at the target. Fire 12 arrows within a fixed time to trigger a massive explosion that knocks back any nearby enemies. High chance of freezing the enemy.
067 NEO TWEWY Rapturous Rabbits
Rapturous Rabbits
Dynamite Darts
Shoot an exploding arrow at the target. Fire 8 arrows within a fixed time to trigger a massive explosion that knocks back any nearby enemies.
068 NEO TWEWY Classical Cacophany
Classical Cacophany
Dynamite Darts
Shoot an exploding arrow at the target. Fire 12 arrows within a fixed time to trigger a massive explosion that knocks back any nearby enemies.
069 NEO TWEWY Magical Metamorphosis
Magical Metamorphosis
Dyanamite Darts
Shoot an exploding arrow at the target. Fire 15 arrows within a fixed time to trigger a massive explosion that knocks back any nearby enemies.
070 NEO TWEWY Black Hole Bunny
Black Hole Bunny
Dynamite Darts
Shoot an exploding arrow at the target. Fire 20 arrows within a fixed time to trigger a massive explosion that knocks back any nearby enemies.
071 NEO TWEWY Cold Cony x Cony
Cold Cony x Cony
Piercing Pillar
Conjure a pillar of ice beneath the target. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
072 NEO TWEWY Glacial Getaway
Glacial Getaway
Piercing Pillar
Conjure a pillar of ice beneath the target. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
073 NEO TWEWY Polar Princess
Polar Princess
Piercing Pillar
Conjure a pillar of ice beneath the target that strikes 3 times. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
074 NEO TWEWY Calamitous Candle
Calamitous Candle
Piercing Pillar
Conjure a pillar of fire beneath the target. Fully charge it to unleash a 3-hit attack, then launch the enemy into the air.
075 NEO TWEWY Creepy Crystal
Creepy Crystal
Piercing Pillar
Assail the target from left to right 3 times with stone pillars. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
076 NEO TWEWY Velvet Vampire
Velvet Vampire
Piercing Pillar
Assail the target from left to right 5 times with stone pillars. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
077 NEO TWEWY Berangere Lapin
Berangere Lapin
Piercing Pillar
Simultaneously conjure 2 pillars of light beneath the target. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
078 NEO TWEWY Gregoire Lapin
Gregoire Lapin
Piercing Pillar
Simultaneously conjure 3 pillars of light beneath the target. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
079 NEO TWEWY Righteous Rabbit
Righteous Rabbit
Patrol Rounds
Send 3 arching boomerang hurtling at your target. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back.
080 NEO TWEWY Brooding Bunny
Brooding Bunny
Patrol Rounds
Send 5 arching boomerang hurtling at your target. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back.
081 NEO TWEWY Seraphic Snow
Seraphic Snow
Patrol Rounds
Send 7 arching boomerangs hurtling at your target. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back. Chance of freezing the enemy.
082 NEO TWEWY Melancony x Melancony
Melancony x Melancony
Patrol Rounds
Send 3 arching boomerangs hurtling at your target. Fully charge it ot launch the enemy into the air or knock the enemy down.
083 NEO TWEWY Cony x Cony
Cony x Cony
Patrol Rounds
Send 5 arching boomerangs hurtling at your target. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air or knock the enemy down.
084 NEO TWEWY ShoGun Void
ShoGun Void
Trip Wire
Cast a chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
085 NEO TWEWY ManjuSage Void
ManjuSage Void
Trip Wire
Cast a chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
086 NEO TWEWY RyuGu Void
RyuGu Void
Trip Wire
Cast a thick, long-lasting chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes stuck.
087 NEO TWEWY HanaDoki Void
HanaDoki Void
Trip Wire
Cast a thick, long-lasting chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes stuck.
088 NEO TWEWY EnJo Blaze
EnJo Blaze
Trip Wire
Cast 2 chains at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of slightly burning the enemy.
089 NEO TWEWY KoYo Blaze
KoYo Blaze
Trip Wire
Cast 3 chains at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of greatly burning the enemy.
090 NEO TWEWY Tsubaki Frost
Tsubaki Frost
Trip Wire
Conjure cross-shaped chains at the target's position. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
091 NEO TWEWY HiGan Frost
HiGan Frost
Trip Wire
Conjure cross-shaped chains at the target's position. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
092 NEO TWEWY InaZuma Surge
InaZuma Surge
Trip Wire
Surround the target with chains. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of moderately shocking the enemy.
093 NEO TWEWY RaiJin Surge
RaiJin Surge
Trip Wire
Surround the target with chains. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy. Engraved with the words, "With FuJin..."
094 NEO TWEWY HoGyoku Gleam
HoGyoku Gleam
Electric Wire
Cast a vertical chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
095 NEO TWEWY KeiRyu Epoch
KeiRyu Epoch
Electric Wire
Cast a horizontal chain at your target. High chance of chaining any foes struck.
096 NEO TWEWY SuiGen Void
SuiGen Void
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target.
097 NEO TWEWY KoCho Void
KoCho Void
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target.The swords may scatter and stalk multiple foes.
098 NEO TWEWY ShiDare Shade
ShiDare Shade
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. The swords may scatter and stalk multiple foes. Chance of confusing the enemy.
099 NEO TWEWY Tsuzumi Echo
Tsuzumi Echo
Spectral Swords
Serd a swarm of swift swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When a swarm strikes an enemy, it changes courses and purses a new target.
100 NEO TWEWY KaChu Blaze
KaChu Blaze
Stir up a whirlpool of fire around the target that damages any foe caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm slowly follows. Chance of moderately burning the enemy.
101 NEO TWEWY AkaFuji Blaze
AkaFuji Blaze
Stir up a whirlpool of fire around the target that damages any foes caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm slowly follows. Chance of moderately burning the enemy.
102 NEO TWEWY GoKa Blaze
GoKa Blaze
Stir up a whirlpool of fire around the target that damages any foes caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm swiftly follows while spewing embers. Chance of greatly burning the enemy.
103 NEO TWEWY AraUmi Gale
AraUmi Gale
Guardian Glaives
Countless bladelike leaves float on the wind, protecting the wearer and dealing damage to any foe that comes in contact.
104 NEO TWEWY FuJin Gale
FuJin Gale
Guardian Glaives
Countless bladelike leaves float on the wind, protecting the wearer and dealing damage to any foe that comes in contact. Engraved with the words, "With RaiJin..."
105 NEO TWEWY IroGoi Shift
IroGoi Shift
Guardian Glaives
Draw in debris to shield the wearer and deal damage to any foe that comes in contact. Enemies struck by large objects will be knocked back.
106 NEO TWEWY ShoRyu Gleam
ShoRyu Gleam
Guardian Glaives
Conjure swords of light to protect the wearer and deal damage to any foe that comes in contact.
107 NEO TWEWY Chain Is Gonna Come
Chain Is Gonna Come
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be knocked back. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
108 NEO TWEWY Back on the Chain Bang
Back on the Chain Bang
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion might become chained. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically)
109 NEO TWEWY Boom in the Night
Boom in the Night
Time Bomb
Place a massive ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be sent flying in the air. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
110 NEO TWEWY Bee in Your Bomb-et
Bee in Your Bomb-et
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be drawn in. Chance of confusing the enemy. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically)
111 NEO TWEWY Bad to the Bomb
Bad to the Bomb
Make a line of 4 time bombs ahead of you. Enemies caught in the explosion will be knocked back. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
112 NEO TWEWY Snake in the Blast
Snake in the Blast
Make a line of 4 time bombs ahead of you. Enemies caught in the explosion will be knocked back. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
113 NEO TWEWY Out of Your Mine
Out of Your Mine
Make a row of 3 time bombs in front of you. Enemies caught in the explosion will be knocked back. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
114 NEO TWEWY Be of Two Mines
Be of Two Mines
Make a row of 5 time bombs in front of you. Enemies caught in the explosion will be knocked back. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
115 NEO TWEWY In the Snipeline
In the Snipeline
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 5 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
Don't Miss Your Shot
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 7 rockets at your target. Lock onto multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
117 NEO TWEWY Any Way You Snipe It
Any Way You Snipe It
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 8 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact. Chance of chaining the enemy.
118 NEO TWEWY garagara
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 10 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact. Chance of chaining the enemy.
119 NEO TWEWY Shot in the Dank
Shot in the Dank
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 8 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy.
120 NEO TWEWY Fuel to the Fire
Fuel to the Fire
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. Chance of moderately burning the enemy
121 NEO TWEWY Fire in the Belly
Fire in the Belly
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. The swords may scatter and stalk multiple foes. Chance of greatly burning the enemy
122 NEO TWEWY Ifs, Ands, or Bolts
Ifs, Ands, or Bolts
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy
123 NEO TWEWY Sparks Will Fly
Sparks Will Fly
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. The swords may scatter and stalk multiple foes. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy.
124 NEO TWEWY A Drawn Conclusion
A Drawn Conclusion
Snare Trap
Seize the foes surrounding your target to stop their movements. This has no effect when there is only one enemy.
125 NEO TWEWY Gravving at Straws
Gravving at Straws
Snare Trap
Seize the foes surrounding your target to stop their movements. This has no effect when there is only 1 enemy.
126 NEO TWEWY Thunder and Lightning
Thunder and Lightning
Psychic Storm
Summon bolts of lightning to strike the target and surrounding enemies. Chance of slightly shocking the enemy.
127 NEO TWEWY Caught in the Undertow
Caught in the Undertow
Psychic Storm
Drench the target and surrounding enemies with torrents of rain. Chance of knocking the enemy down.
128 NEO TWEWY Let the Rain Fall Down
Let the Rain Fall Down
Psychic Storm
Drench the target and surrounding enemies with torrents of rain. Chance of knocking the enemy down.
129 NEO TWEWY Taste of Poison Paradise
Taste of Poison Paradise
Psychic Storm
Drench the target and surrounding enemies with torrents of rain. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy.
130 NEO TWEWY Diamonds in the Sky
Diamonds in the Sky
Psychic Storm
Drop debris on the target and surrounding enemies. Enemies struck by large objects will be sent flying.
131 NEO TWEWY All Comes Crashing Down
All Comes Crashing Down
Psychic Storm
Drop debris on the target and surrounding enemies. Enemies struck by large objects will be sent flying.
132 NEO TWEWY Where I Break Free
Where I Break Free
Circuit Breaker
Cast a chain at your target. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby. Chance of chaining the enemy.
133 NEO TWEWY What a Wicked Game
What a Wicked Game
Circuit Breaker
Fire an electrifying attack at the target. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby. Chance of moderately shocking the enemy.
134 NEO TWEWY Born of Stormy Skies
Born of Stormy Skies
Circuit Breaker
Fire up to 2 electrifying attacks at the target and enemies behind them. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy.
135 NEO TWEWY Lightning in My Hands
Lightning in My Hands
Circuit Breaker
Fire up to 3 electrifying attacks at the target and surrounding enemies. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy.
136 NEO TWEWY In the Stars Tonight
In the Stars Tonight
Circuit Breaker
Fire up to 3 lasers at enemies around you. The attack will chain if the enemies are nearby.
137 NEO TWEWY Blinded by the Light
Blinded by the Light
Circuit Beaker
Fire a laser at your target. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby.
138 NEO TWEWY In My Misery
In My Misery
Circuit Breaker
Fire a laser at your target. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby. Chance of confusing the enemy.
139 NEO TWEWY What Can Never Be
What Can Never Be
Psychic Shotgun
Send a wide-sweeping shock wave at your target. Those caught in the middle will take heavy damage. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back.
140 NEO TWEWY Let the Storm Rage On
Let the Storm Rage On
Psychic Shotgun
Send a wide-sweeping shock wave at your target. Those caught in the middle will take heavy damage. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy.
141 NEO TWEWY Stay Gold
Stay Gold
Psychic Shotgun
Send a wide-sweeping shock wave at your target. Those caught in the middle will take heavy damage. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back. Engraved with the words, "Light and dark, forever entwined."
142 NEO TWEWY Stay Beautiful
Stay Beautiful
Psychic Shotgun
Send a wide-sweeping shock wave at your target. Those caught in the middle will take heavy damage. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back. Engraved with the words, "Light and dark, forever entwined."
143 NEO TWEWY Stuck in the Middle
Stuck in the Middle
Psychic Shotgun
Send a wide-sweeping shock wave at your target. Those caught in the middle will take heavy damage. Fully charge it to draw the enemy in.
144 NEO TWEWY Time in a Bottle
Time in a Bottle
Psychic Shotgun
Send a wide-sweeping shock wave at your target. Those caught in the middle will take heavy damage. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back.
145 NEO TWEWY The Great Balloon Voyage
The Great Balloon Voyage
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be sent flying. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
146 NEO TWEWY The Fluffy Ovine Cloud
The Fluffy Ovine Cloud
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be sent flying. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
147 NEO TWEWY The Great Magma Escape
The Great Magma Escape
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be knocked back. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
148 NEO TWEWY The Lonely Space Warrior
The Lonely Space Warrior
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies struck with the explosion's ensuing debris will be knocked back. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
149 NEO TWEWY The Great Lunar View
The Great Lunar View
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies struck with the explosion's ensuing debris will be sent flying. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.
150 NEO TWEWY The Pyramids
The Pyramids' Old Secret
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies struck with the explosion's ensuing debris will be sent flying. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.
151 NEO TWEWY The Ever-Moving Machine
The Ever-Moving Machine
Place 5 time bombs around you. Enemies struck with the explosion's ensuing debris will be knocked back. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
152 NEO TWEWY The Ever-Arctic Treasure
The Ever-Arctic Treasure
Kick up 4 icy tornadoes around yourself that deal damage to any foe they hit. Hold the button to gradually enlarge the cyclones until they can knock the enemy back. Chance of freezing the enemy.
153 NEO TWEWY A Moonlit Night Inside
A Moonlit Night Inside
Kick up 6 icy tornadoes around yourself that deal damage to any foe they hit. Hold the button to gradually enlarge the cyclones until they can knock the enemy back. Chance of freezing the enemy.
154 NEO TWEWY The Woolly Triple Axel
The Woolly Triple Axel
Kick up a giant icy tornado with you at its center that deals damage to any foe it hits. Hold the button to gradually enlarge the cyclone until it can launch the enemy into the air. Chance of freezing the enemy.
155 NEO TWEWY A Day Off Outside
A Day Off Outside
Kick up 4 tornadoes around yourself that deal damage to any foe they hit. Hold the button to gradually enlarge the cyclones until they can launch the enemy into the air.
156 NEO TWEWY The Cozy Hilltop Windmill
The Cozy Hilltop Windmill
Kick up 6 tornadoes around yourself that deal damage to any foe they hit. Hold the button to gradually enlarge the cyclones until they can launch the enemy into the air.
157 NEO TWEWY The Breezy Ovine Wind
The Breezy Ovine Wind
Kick up a giant tornado with you at its center that deals damage to any foe it hits. Hold the button to gradually enlarge the cyclones until they can launch the enemy into the air.
158 NEO TWEWY A Tasty Ovine Snack
A Tasty Ovine Snack
Gale Force
Send a howling gust barreling toward your target. Hold the button to generate a momentary shock wave that sends the enemy flying.
159 NEO TWEWY The Gentle Airplane Pilot
The Gentle Airplane Pilot
Gale Force
Send a howling, sweeping gust barreling toward your target. Hold the button to generate a momentary shock wave that sends the enemy flying.
160 NEO TWEWY The Song of Friendship
The Song of Friendship
Gale Force
Send a powerful sound wave barreling toward your target. Hold the button to generate a momentary ring of sound waves that send the enemy fliying.
161 NEO TWEWY The Woolly Jazz Player
The Woolly Jazz Player
Gale Force
Send a powerful sound wave barreling toward your target. Hold the button to generate a momentary ring of sound waves that send the enemy flying.
162 NEO TWEWY Back to the Ewe-ture
Back to the Ewe-ture
Gale Force
Send a howling gust barreling toward your target. Hold the button to generate a momentary shock wave that sends the enemy flying.
163 NEO TWEWY Midaregami
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a fierce forward slash that knocks the enemy back.
164 NEO TWEWY Namikuguri
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash 2 fierce forward slashes that knock the enemy back.
165 NEO TWEWY Azamaru
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a fierce forward slash, then leap into the air and bring your weapon down to knock the enemy back.
166 NEO TWEWY Shishio
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a fierce forward slash, then leap into the air and bring your weapon down to knock the enemy back.
167 NEO TWEWY Fuchin
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash 2 fierce forward slashes that send the enemy flying.
168 NEO TWEWY Tenka Juzumaru
Tenka Juzumaru
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a fierce forward slash that knocks the enemy back. Engraved with the words, "May Tenka's twin swords be reunited."
169 NEO TWEWY Tenka Mikazuki
Tenka Mikazuki
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to leap into the air and bring your weapon down to knock the enemy back. Engraved with the words, "May Tenka's twin swords be reunited."
170 NEO TWEWY Kurorushi
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a fierce forward slash that knocks the enemy back.
171 NEO TWEWY Honebami
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash 2 fierce forward slashes that send the enemy flying.
172 NEO TWEWY Onimaru
Vulcan Uppercut
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a 2-hit upward slash that launches the enemy into the air.
173 NEO TWEWY Sayosamonji
Vulcan Uppercut
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a 2-hit upward slash that launches the enemy into the air.
174 NEO TWEWY Aizen
Vulcan Uppercut
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a 2-hit upward slash that launches the enemy into the air.
175 NEO TWEWY Kitsunegasaki
Vulcan Uppercut
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a 3-hit upward slash that launches the enemy into the air.
176 NEO TWEWY Yukimitsu
Vulcan Uppercut
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a 3-hit upward slash that launches the enemy into the air.
177 NEO TWEWY Tsurumaru
Vortex Saber
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a whirling slash that sends the enemy flying.
178 NEO TWEWY Reigetsu
Vortex Saber
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a fierce forward slash, then a whirling slash that sends the enemy flying.
179 NEO TWEWY Jupiter of the Monkey II
Jupiter of the Monkey II
Vortex Saber
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash 2 whirling slashes that knock the enemy back.
180 NEO TWEWY Hotaru
Vortex Saber
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash 3 whirling slashes that knock the enemy back. The third slash reaches a wider area.
181 NEO TWEWY Takanosu
Swift Strike
Nimbly ram yourself at the target, using the Left Stick to change your direction. Strike 3 times to send the enemy flying.
182 NEO TWEWY Kumokiri
Swift Strike
Nimbly ram yourself at the target, using the Left Stick to change your direction. Strike 2 times to send the enemy flying.
183 NEO TWEWY Iwatoshi
Swift Strike
Nimbly ram yourself at the target, using the Left Stick to change your direction. Strike 3 times to knock the enemy back. Chance of entombing the enemy
184 NEO TWEWY Omokage
Swift Strike
Nimbly ram yourself at the target, using the Left Stick to change your direction. Strike 3 times to knock the enemy back. Chance of entombing the enemy.
185 NEO TWEWY Taikokane
Swift Strike
Nimbly ram yourself at the target, using the Left Stick to change your direction. Strike 4 times to send the enemy flying, with each successive strike dealing more damage.
186 NEO TWEWY Kasen Kanesada
Kasen Kanesada
Swift Strike
Nimbly ram yourself at the target, using the Left Stick to change your direction. Strike 4 times to send the enemy flying, with each successive strike dealing more damage.
187 NEO TWEWY Just Up Ahead
Just Up Ahead
Lance Lunge
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back, then send them flying.
188 NEO TWEWY Honor and Sacrifice
Honor and Sacrifice
Lance Lunge
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back, then send them flying.
189 NEO TWEWY All or Nothing
All or Nothing
Lance Lunge
Thrust your spear at the target. Rapidly attack to knock the enemy back, then send them flying
190 NEO TWEWY One Day Closer
One Day Closer
Lance Lunge
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back, then send them flying.
191 NEO TWEWY Time is Relative
Time is Relative
Lance Lunge
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back, then send them flying.
192 NEO TWEWY No Turning Back
No Turning Back
Assassin Strike
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy.
193 NEO TWEWY Trial Without Error
Trial Without Error
Assassin Strike
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy.
194 NEO TWEWY Got Your Back
Got Your Back
Assassin Strike
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
195 NEO TWEWY Take a Chance
Take a Chance
Assassin Strike
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
196 NEO TWEWY No Plan Required
No Plan Required
Grave Marker
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back, then land a low strike that knocks them down.
Don't Be Shocked
Grave Marker
Thrust your spear at the target. Knock the enemy back with a 2-hit attack, then land a low 5-hit strike that knocks them down.
198 NEO TWEWY Cut Me Down
Cut Me Down
Grave Marker
Thrust your spear at the target. Knock the enemy back with a 3-hit attack, then land a low 7-hit strike that knocks them down.
199 NEO TWEWY Quench Your Thirst
Quench Your Thirst
Grave Marker
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back, then land a low strike that knocks them down.
200 NEO TWEWY Try It Again
Try It Again
Grave Marker
Thrust your spear at the target. Knock them back with a 3-hit attack, then land a low 7-hit strike that knocks them down.
Trick Cards
Throw cards that pursue foes around the target in waves of 2. Keep attacking to release a final card that knocks the enemy back.
202 NEO TWEWY The Idol Within
The Idol Within
Trick Cards
Throw cards that pursue foes around the target in waves of 3. Keep attacking to release a final card that knocks the enemy back.
203 NEO TWEWY Be My Last
Be My Last
Trick Cards
Throw red cards that pursue foes around the target in waves of 2. Keep attacking to release a final card that knocks the enemy back. Chance of moderately burning the enemy.
204 NEO TWEWY All Burned Out
All Burned Out
Trick Cards
Throw red cards that pursue foes around the target in waves of 4. Keep attacking to release a final card that knocks the enemy back. Chance of greatly burning the enemy.
205 NEO TWEWY Aspect of Truth
Aspect of Truth
Trick Cards
Throw black cards that pursue foes around the target in waves of 3. The cards creep toward the enemy, then knock them back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
206 NEO TWEWY Live Your Truth
Live Your Truth
Trick Cards
Throw black cards that pursue foes around the target in waves of 4. The cards creep toward the enemy, then knock them back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
207 NEO TWEWY Watch Your Step
Watch Your Step
Draw in an object at random, then use the Left Stick to roll it around and deal damage. Enemies will be sent flying on impact.
208 NEO TWEWY You Can Overcome
You Can Overcome
Draw in an object at random, then use the Left Stick to roll it around and deal damage. Enemies will be sent flying on impact.
209 NEO TWEWY Look Out Below
Look Out Below
Draw in an object at random, then use the Left Stick to roll it around and deal damage. Enemies will be sent flying on impact.
210 NEO TWEWY Absolute Relativity
Absolute Relativity
Draw in 3 objects at random, then use the Left Stick to roll them around and deal damage. Enemies will be sent flying on impact. Engraved with the words, "Magnetic dipoles are the way of the world."
211 NEO TWEWY Relative Absoluteness
Relative Absoluteness
Generate a giant gravitational storm around the target that damages any foe caught inside. Chance of knocking the enemy down. Engraved with the words, "Magnetic dipoles are the way of the world."
212 NEO TWEWY Sugar Beam
Sugar Beam
Force Rounds
Fire rounds at the target. Keep attacking to blast the enemy with a piercing bullet that knocks them back.
213 NEO TWEWY Nighty-Night Beam
Nighty-Night Beam
Force Rounds
Fire rounds at the target. Keep attacking to blast enemy with 2 piercing bullets that knock them back.
214 NEO TWEWY Stylish Beam
Stylish Beam
Force Rounds
Fire rounds at the target. Keep attacking to blast enemy a bullet that knocks them back. Chance of freezing the enemy.
215 NEO TWEWY Lovebird Magnum
Lovebird Magnum
Force Rounds
Fire rounds at the target. Keep attacking to shoot in 3 directions and knock the enemy back. Chance of freezing the enemy.
216 NEO TWEWY Freestyle Launcher
Freestyle Launcher
Force Rounds
Send spheres of ice hurtling at your target. Keep attacking to fire in 6 directions and knock the enemy back. Chance of freezing the enemy.
217 NEO TWEWY Glitter Beam
Glitter Beam
Force Rounds
Fire high-speed piercing bullets at the target. Keep attacking to blast the enemy with a piercing bullet that knocks them back. Chance of moderately shocking the enemy.
218 NEO TWEWY Zip-Zap Beam
Zip-Zap Beam
Force Rounds
Fire high-speed piercing bullets at the target. Keep attacking to blast the enemy with a piercing bullet that knocks them back. Chance of greatky shocking the enemy.
219 NEO TWEWY Lovely Launcher
Lovely Launcher
Energy Rounds
Fire sonic bullets at your target. After bouncing off nearby foes up to 5 times, they will knock the enemy back.
220 NEO TWEWY Cupid Launcher
Cupid Launcher
Energy Rounds
Fire sonic bullets in 3 directions. After bouncing off nearby foes up to 5 times, they will knock the enemy back.
221 NEO TWEWY Cuddly Launcher
Cuddly Launcher
Energy Rounds
Fire a line of 3 radiant bullets at your target, then a final round that knocks the enemy back.
222 NEO TWEWY Heartthrob Launcher
Heartthrob Launcher
Energy Rounds
Fire a line of 5 radiant bullets at your target, then a final round that knocks the enemy back.
223 NEO TWEWY Icky Beam
Icky Beam
Shrapnel Rounds
Deploy bubbles toward the target in waves of 2. Keep attacking to release a giant bubble that knocks the enemy back. Chance of slightly poisoning the enemy.
224 NEO TWEWY Garbage Gatling
Garbage Gatling
Shrapnel Rounds
Throw trash at the target in waves of 4. Large objects appear at random to knock the enemy back.
225 NEO TWEWY Top Dog Gatling
Top Dog Gatling
Shrapnel Rounds
Throw trash at the target in waves of 4. Large objects appear at random to send the enemy flying.
226 NEO TWEWY Notice Me Lightning
Notice Me Lightning
Stir up a whirlpool of lightning around the target that damages any foe caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm slowly follows. Chance of moderately shocking the enemy.
227 NEO TWEWY Oh Em Gee Lightning
Oh Em Gee Lightning
Stir up a whirlpool of lightning around the target that damages any foe caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this stormslowly follows. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy.
228 NEO TWEWY Trendy Tornado
Trendy Tornado
Invoke a sandstorm around the target that damages any foe caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm slowly follows. Chance of entombing the enemy.
229 NEO TWEWY Giddy Graviton
Giddy Graviton
Generate a gravitational storm around the target that damages any foe caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm slowly follows. Chance of knocking the enemy back.
230 NEO TWEWY Good Mood Graviton
Good Mood Graviton
Generate a giant gravitational storm around the target that damages any foe caught inside. Chance of launching the enemy into the air.
231 NEO TWEWY Never Too Young
Never Too Young
Protective Field
Erect a barrier for a short time, nullifying all enemy attacks.
232 NEO TWEWY Lost in Space
Lost in Space
Protective Field
Erect a barrier for a short time, nullifying all enemy attacks.
233 NEO TWEWY Rainbow Route 66
Rainbow Route 66
Protective Field
Erect a barrier for a short time, nullifying all enemy attacks. Deals damage to enemies who come into contact and knocks them far back.
234 NEO TWEWY Hogway to Heaven
Hogway to Heaven
Protective Field
Erect a barrier for a short time, nullifying all enemy attacks. Deals damage to enemies who come into contact and knocks them far back.
235 NEO TWEWY Heartful Hot Dog
Heartful Hot Dog
Protective Field
Erect a barrier for a short time, nullifying all enemy attacks. Deals heavy damage to enemies who come into contact and knocks them far back.
236 NEO TWEWY Star Quarterback
Star Quarterback
Drift Tackle
Hold the button to charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
237 NEO TWEWY Dine
Dine 'n' Dash
Drift Tackle
Hold the button to charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
238 NEO TWEWY Burnin
Burnin' Boar
Drift Tackle
Hold the button to clad yourself in fire and charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
Drift Tackle
Hold the button to clad yourself in fire and charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
240 NEO TWEWY Big Bang Boar
Big Bang Boar
Drift Tackle
Hold the button to charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be sent flying on impact.
241 NEO TWEWY Bolt Boar
Bolt Boar
Drift Tackle
Hold the button to clad yourself in electricity and charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
242 NEO TWEWY Mr. Fangman
Mr. Fangman
Drift Tackle
Hold the button to clad yourself in electricity and charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
243 NEO TWEWY Rip-Roarin
Rip-Roarin' Red
Healing Aura
Instantly cures your team's status ailments.
244 NEO TWEWY UFO Rescue
UFO Rescue
Healing Aura
Hold the button to slowly restore your team's HP. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
245 NEO TWEWY Runaway Rocket
Runaway Rocket
Healing Aura
Hold the button to slowly restore your team's HP. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
246 NEO TWEWY HOG Healer
HOG Healer
Healing Aura
Hold the button to slowly restore your team's HP. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.) Engraved with the words, "Aligned we shall create the ultimate sound."
247 NEO TWEWY FANG Defender
FANG Defender
Protective Field
Erect a barrier for a short time, nullifying all enemy attacks and recovering HP. Engraved with the words, "Aligned, we shall create the ultimate sound."
248 NEO TWEWY St. Ver
St. Ver's Uppercut
Vulcan Uppercut
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a 3-hit upward slash that launches the enemy into the air. Engraved with the words, "Seasons' greetings."
249 NEO TWEWY St. Aestas
St. Aestas' Shrapnel
Shrapnel Rounds
Throw sun-shaped objects at the target. Keep attacking to randomly hurl a larger object that knocks the enemy back. Engraved with the words, "Seasons' greetings."
250 NEO TWEWY St. Autumnus
St. Autumnus' Strike
Massive Hit
Strike your target with an aerial kick. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying. Engraved with the words, "Seasons' greetings."
251 NEO TWEWY St. Hiems
St. Hiems' Shotgun
Psychic Shotgun
Send a wide-sweeping shock wave at your target. Those caught in the middle will take heavy damage. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back. Engraved with the words, "Seasons' greetings."
252 NEO TWEWY Charge Punch E
Charge Punch E
Heavy Onslaught
Hold and release the button to close in on your target and assail them with your fists, then finish with a hard hit that knocks the enemy back. Hold longer to throw more punches. Engraved with the words, "A true friend shares your dreams."
253 NEO TWEWY Snare Trap E
Snare Trap E
Snare Trap
Seize only the target to stop their movements for a long time. Engraved with the words, "A true friend shares your dreams."
254 NEO TWEWY Black Cat Crush
Black Cat Crush
Lance Lunge
Assail the target with Mr. Mew. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back, then launch a 3-hit attack that sends them flying. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."
255 NEO TWEWY Black Cat Cards
Black Cat Cards
Trick Cards
Throw an adorable Mr. Mew card. Keep attacking to release a final card that knocks the enemy back. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."
256 NEO TWEWY Black Cat Burst
Black Cat Burst
Piercing Pillar
Manifest a Mr. Mew pyramid below the target. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."
257 NEO TWEWY Black Cat Comet
Black Cat Comet
Meteor Strike
Slam the target from above with a meteorite shaped like Mr. Mew. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."
258 NEO TWEWY Black Cat Blades
Black Cat Blades
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of Mr. Mews soaring at the target. Whenever a Mr. Mew strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. Chance of freezing the enemy. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."
259 NEO TWEWY Black Cat Burn
Black Cat Burn
Stir up a whirlpool of black flames around the target that damages any foes caught inside. Wherever the target goes, Mr. Mew slowly follows. Chance of confusing the enemy. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."
260 NEO TWEWY Spin Twinz
Spin Twinz
Vulcan Uppercut
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to leap into the air and bring your weapon down, then unleash a 50hit upward slash that launches the enemy into the air.
261 NEO TWEWY Hobblin
Hobblin' Hippo
Energy Rounds
Throw shuriken in 6 directions, then hurl a huge star that will knock the enemy back.
262 NEO TWEWY croaky panic
croaky panic
Energy Rounds
Throw shuriken in 8 directions, then hurl a huge star that will knock the enemy back.
263 NEO TWEWY I Scream, U Scream!
I Scream, U Scream!
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be launched into the air. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
264 NEO TWEWY Bloom 4 U
Bloom 4 U
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be launched into the air. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
265 NEO TWEWY Catch a Wave
Catch a Wave
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 15 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked down on impact.
266 NEO TWEWY Kappa Panic
Kappa Panic
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 15 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be sent flying on impact. Engraved with the words "Fill the mystic dish with moisture and light."
267 NEO TWEWY Doku Doku Panic
Doku Doku Panic
Electric Wire
Cast a chain that chases your target and nearby enemies. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of moderately poisoning the enemy.
268 NEO TWEWY Slitherin
Slitherin' Snake
Electric Wire
Cast 2 chains that chase your target and nearby enemies. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy.
269 NEO TWEWY Ring-a-Ling
Patrol Rounds
Draw in and launch an object at your target. The object is chosen at random during charging. Enemies struck by large objects will be sent flying.
270 NEO TWEWY Flyin
Flyin' High
Patrol Rounds
Draw in and launch an object at your target. The object is chosen at random during charging. Enemies struck by large objects will be sent flying.
271 NEO TWEWY Snap Crackle Popcorn
Snap Crackle Popcorn
Black Hole
Draw in enemies with a whirling tide that damages any foes caught inside. Colliding enemies deal heavy damage to each other.
272 NEO TWEWY Sunny Side Skillet
Sunny Side Skillet
Black Hole
Draw in enemies with a whirling tide that damages any foes caught inside. Colliding enemies deal heavy damage to each other.
273 NEO TWEWY Thirsty Frog
Thirsty Frog
Black Hole
Draw in enemies with a whirlpool of light that damages any foes caught inside. Colliding enemies deal heavy damage to each other.
274 NEO TWEWY Golden Kappa Panic
Golden Kappa Panic
Black Hole
Draw in enemies with a whirlpool of light that damages any foes caught inside. Colliding enemies deal heavy damage to each other. Engraved with the words, "Fill the mystic dish with moisture and light."
275 NEO TWEWY Cursed Croaker
Cursed Croaker
Black Hole
Draw in enemies with a black hole that damages any foes caught inside. Colliding enemies deal heavy damage to each other.
276 NEO TWEWY Roly Poly Cricket
Roly Poly Cricket
Black Hole
Draw in enemies with a black hole that damages any foes caught inside. Colliding enemies deal heavy damage to each other.
277 NEO TWEWY Chef Amphibie
Chef Amphibie
Gale Force
Send a wave crashing toward the target. Hold the button to conjure a giant surge that rushes the enemy and knocks them back.Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy.
278 NEO TWEWY Shockwave
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a fierce forward slash that knocks the enemy back.
279 NEO TWEWY Force Rounds
Force Rounds
Force Rounds
Fire rounds at the target. Keep attacking to blast the enemy with a bullet that knocks them back.
280 NEO TWEWY Firestorm
Stir up a small whirlpool of fire around the target that damages any foes caught inside. Wherever the target goes, this storm swiftly follows. Chances of slightly burning the enemy.
281 NEO TWEWY Just Keep Swimmin
Just Keep Swimmin'!
Vortex Saber
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to leap into the air and bring your weapon down, then unleash a whirling slash that knocks back enemies in a wide area. Engraved with the words, "Did I leave the lights on?"
282 NEO TWEWY What a Shock!
What a Shock!
Psychic Storm
Summon bolts of lightning to strike the target and surrounding enemies. Chance of moderately shocking the enemy. Engraved with the words, "Do you hear that music?"
283 NEO TWEWY Stop the Music!
Stop the Music!
Patrol Rounds
Send 3 arching boomerangs hurtling at your target that explode on impact, damaging any in the area. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying. Engraved with the words, "Keep on swimmin'?"
284 NEO TWEWY Coochy-Coochy-Coo
Energy Rounds
Face the target and shoot poison needles in 3 directions. Keep attacking to release a mighty needle that knocks the enemy back. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy.
Let's Have Fungis!
Spectral Swords
Disperse bubbles in 3 directions, including at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When a bubbles strike an enemy, it changes course and purses a new target.
286 NEO TWEWY Handstandin
Handstandin' Panda
Draw in building debris, then use the Left Stick to roll it around and deal damage. Enemies will be sent flying on impact.
287 NEO TWEWY Exercisin
Exercisin' Gator
Seize the target and slam them down multiple times. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
288 NEO TWEWY Aw, That Shucks!
Aw, That Shucks!
Inspiring Aura
Hold the button to slow the flow of time.
289 NEO TWEWY Holy Guacamole!
Holy Guacamole!
Guardian Glaives
Conjure flaming swords to protect the wearer and deal damage to any foe that comes in contact. Chances of greatly burning the enemy.
290 NEO TWEWY Thanks Very Moochi!
Thanks Very Moochi!
Snare Trap
Seize again after the enemy has been tied up.
291 NEO TWEWY Frog
Shrapnel Rounds
Deploy a wave of bursting bubbles that change the tide of battle. Keep attacking to release a large bubble that knocks the enemy back
292 NEO TWEWY Raven
Patrol Rounds
Glide through the air with breathtaking black wings. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying.
293 NEO TWEWY Grizzly
Tear through the enemy with a single stroke from a razor-sharp rake and send them flying.
294 NEO TWEWY Jelly
Electric Wire
Conjure clones then course an electrifying current through the chain connecting them. High chance of chaining any foes struck. Chance of greatly shocking the enemy.
295 NEO TWEWY Wolf
Swift Strike
Your fleet feet can't be stopped as you pursue your prey at breakneck speed. Strike 8 times to send the enemy flying.
296 NEO TWEWY Shark
Gale Force
Send a wave crashing toward the target. Hold the button to conjure a giant shark-shaped surge that rushes the enemy and sends them flying.
297 NEO TWEWY Stinger
Assassin Strike
Strike at your target's blind spot with your poisonous tail. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back. Chance of tremendously poisoning the enemy.
298 NEO TWEWY Puffer
Time Bomb
Stick a spiked bomb on your target. Enemies caught in the explosion will be knocked back.Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically.)
299 NEO TWEWY Rhino
Protective Field
Erect a barrier for an instant, nullifying all enemy attacks. Its heavenward horn deals damage to any it touches and launches them into the air.
300 NEO TWEWY Popguin
Piercing Pillar
Ice sculptures peck the target with their sharp bills, their adorable appearance belying their fearsome strength. Fully charge it to launch the enemy into the air.
301 NEO TWEWY Leon
Snare Trap
A single touch of that tounge is all it takes to become its prisoner. Grab the target and surrounding enemies, then draw them in.
302 NEO TWEWY Pachy
A giant foot descends down to stomp after the target. Any foe trampled underfoot will be sent flying.
Meteor Strike
Slam a fossil fragment of an ancient king down onto the target. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down.
Draw in a majestic statue, then use the Left Stick to roll it around and deal damage. Enemies will be sent flying on impact. This roly-poly is truly the king of cute!
305 NEO TWEWY Beringei
Heavy Slammer
Slam down on your target with a wild, hefty hand. Keep attacking to knock the enemy down.
306 NEO TWEWY Cervus
Drift Tackle
Charge forward with your lightning-imbued horn out, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be sent flying on impact.
307 NEO TWEWY Mr. Mew
Mr. Mew
Diffusion Beam
Don't let this cool cat's cute face fool you. It blasts through enemies with an erratic and extremely destructive beam.
308 NEO TWEWY Grus
Trick Cards
A mysterious orb chases the target as if it has a wall of its own, then knocks the enemy back on impact. Chance of confusing the enemy.
309 NEO TWEWY Iris
Psychic Storm
Shower spears down on the target and surrounding enemies. Chance of greatly poisoning the enemy.
310 NEO TWEWY Leo Armo
Leo Armo
Massive Hit
Swiftly drop down onto your enemy from above and show off your perfect vector kick. Fully charge it to knock the enemy down.
311 NEO TWEWY Shiba
Spectral Swords
Phantom butterflies scatter across the stage, dealing damage to any they touch. They float from flower to flower, following their foe.
312 NEO TWEWY Phoenix
Circuit Breaker
Pierce the target with your rainbow tail feathers. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby. Inflicts enemy with a random status effect.
313 NEO TWEWY 1 Yen
1 Yen
Cash this in for ¥1.
314 NEO TWEWY 5 Yen
5 Yen
Cash this in for ¥5
315 NEO TWEWY 10 Yen
10 Yen
Cash this in for ¥10.
316 NEO TWEWY 50 Yen
50 Yen
Cash this in for ¥50.
317 NEO TWEWY 100 Yen
100 Yen
Cash this in for ¥100.
318 NEO TWEWY 500 Yen
500 Yen
Cash this in for ¥500.
319 NEO TWEWY 1,000 Yen
1,000 Yen
Cash this in for ¥1,000.
320 NEO TWEWY 5,000 Yen
5,000 Yen
Cash this in for ¥5,000.
321 NEO TWEWY 10,000 Yen
10,000 Yen
Cash this in for ¥10,000.
322 NEO TWEWY 100,000 Yen
100,000 Yen
Cash this in for ¥100000.
323 NEO TWEWY Scarletite
A pin inlaid with a red jewel. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
324 NEO TWEWY Rare Metal
Rare Metal
A pin inlaid with two orange jewels. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
325 NEO TWEWY Tektite
A pin inlaid with three yellow jewels. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
326 NEO TWEWY Adamantite
A pin inlaid with four green jewels. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
327 NEO TWEWY Orichalcum
A pin inlaid with five light blue jewels. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
328 NEO TWEWY Shadow Matter
Shadow Matter
A pin inlaid with six blue jewels. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
329 NEO TWEWY Dark Matter
Dark Matter
A pin inlaid with seven purple jewels. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
330 NEO TWEWY Axion
A pin reminiscent of the world of memories. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
331 NEO TWEWY Dilaton
A pin reminiscent of a transient world. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
332 NEO TWEWY Dibaryon
A pin reminiscent of an unseen world. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.
333 NEO TWEWY Sfermion
A pin reminiscent of a multiplanar world. Exchange it for items at a certain shop.

Pins Social Network

NEO _ The World Ends with You_Adding Extra Pins Social Network.jpg
Some Social Networks will let you equip extra pins and view conditions required to make pins evolve. Unlock the Social Networks listed below to have them.

Pin Multi-Wield (2x)

Allows you to equip an extra pin assigned to the same button as another.

Character Shoka / Tsugumi
FP Cost 8
Timeframe Week 2 | Final Day (Shoka)
Week 2 | Day 1 (Tsugumi) - first connect with Susukichi on Week 3 | Day 6

Uber Pin Unlock (x6)

Allows you to equip an extra Uber pin.

Characters Fuya / Kanon / Susukichi / Shiba / Go Modoriyama / Taka the Handyman
FP Cost 6
Timeframe Day 5 (Fuya) - first connect with Katsuhiko Tanimaru on Day 4
Week 2 | Day 5 (Taka)
Week 3 | Day 1 Side Quest (Go Modoriyama)
Week 3 | Day 3 (Kanon)
Week 3 | Day 6 (Susukichi)
Week 2 | Final Day (Shiba) - first connect with Susukichi

List of Uber Pins

Evolutionary Secrets

Displays the conditions required to make certain pins evolve.

Character Marino Orihara
FP Cost 10
Timeframe Week 3 | Day 6

List of All Pin Mutations

Pins Reward

NEO _ The World Ends with You - Pin Rewards - Pin Grafitti.jpg

There are multiple rewards available for completing and mastering Pins. Make sure to change your team level to increase drop rate of pins.

Graffiti Unlock Condition
NEO TWEWY My First Pin GraffitiMy First Pin Master one type of pin.
NEO TWEWY Ten Pin Master GraffitiTen Pin Master Master 10 types of pins.
NEO TWEWY Play to Pin GraffitiPlay to Pin Master 30 types of pins.
NEO TWEWY Pin Pincher GraffitiPin Pincher Master 50 types of pins.
NEO TWEWY Pins Aplenty GraffitiPins Aplenty Master 100 types of pins.
NEO TWEWY Pin Perfection GraffitiPin Perfection Master 300 types of pins.
How to Farm Pin Points
NEO TWEWY True Pinthusiast GraffitiTrue Pinthusiast Collect all Pins.
List of All Pins
NEO TWEWY Viva la Evolution GraffitiViva la Evolution Evolve a pin.

How to Get All Graffiti

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