NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Week 2, Day 2: Living Legend Chapter Guide and Walkthrough | Where is Neku?

Living Legend Banner.png

This is a walkthrough for Living Legend, Week 2, Day 2 of NEO: The World Ends with You. Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, puzzle solutions, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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New Game Living Legend Sound Surfer

Urban Legends Basic Information

Chapter Information

Week 2
Day 2
Boss Mr. Mew
While the gang struggles to overcome their differences, they receive some unsettling orders: erase Neku. Once again, the Twisters find themselves playing catch-up with the Ruinbringers, managing to track down Neku just as Tsugumi moves in for the kill.

Urban Legends Main Objectives

Sniff out clues about Neku around the Scramble Crossing

1 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (1).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Purehearts.
Talk to the two groups of Purehearts in the crossing to get clues about Neku's whereabouts.

Look for Neku over by TOKYU PLAZA/Win a 3-reduction chain battle near TOWER RECORDS

2 NEO TWEWY - 02 Tower Records.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter TOKYU RECORDS.
After gathering information in the Scramble Crossing, follow the waypoint to enter TOKYU RECORDS.
3 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (2).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Reaper.
Talk to the Reaper guarding the path to Cat Street. He will then ask you to win a 3-reduction chain battle. Complete his special mission to gain access to the area.

Wear a Karma Shoulder Bag from JotM, then show it to the Reaper/Find Modiriyama/Imprint Modoriyama with the idea to head back to the shop

4 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (3).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Reaper.
Enter Cat Street and talk to the Reaper blocking the path to TOKYU PLAZA, where will ask you to purchase and wear a Karma Shoulder Bag from JotM.
5 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (4).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngInteract with the guy in front of the shop.
After talking to the Reaper, follow the waypoint and interact with the man standing in front of the shop.
6 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (5).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngLook for Modoriyama.
To find Modoriyama, head towards the path to TOWER RECORDS and you'll see him wearing a purple jacket.
7 NEO TWEWY - 07 Imprint Modoriyama
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngScan and imprint Modoriyama's thoughts.
Activate your scanner and imprint his thoughts using keywords from other people in the area.
8 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (6).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngPurchase and wear the Karma Shoulder Bag.
After imprinting Modoriyama's thoughts, return to the shop and purchase the Karma Shoulder Bag. Then, open the Threads menu and equip the item to Rindo.
9 NEO TWEWY - 09 Return to the Reaper.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngReturn to the Reaper.
Return to the Reaper to show him that you've equipped the item to gain passage to TOKYU PLAZA.
10 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (7).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngEnter TOKYU PLAZA and erase the Noise.
Enter TOKYU PLAZA and erase the Noise that will ambush you.

Head back to the Scramble Crossing

11 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (8).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngMake your way back to Scramble Crossing.
After erasing the Noise, follow the waypoint to make your way back to the Scramble Crossing. Once you've reached the district, you'll enter a cutscene where you need to time travel.

Search the area around 104 for info on Neku/Find the person Fret scanned

12 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (9).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to 104.
Now in the past, you'll be given the option on where to check for Neku first. You can do it in any order but for this guide, choose 104 instead. After selecting 104, use Rindo's powers to travel back to 104.
13 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (10).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Purehearts.
Once you've arrived at 104, talk to the Purehearts in front of the building.
14 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (11).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngScan the person Fret found.
Activate your scanner and follow the waypoint to the man standing on the sidewalk. Scan his thoughts to get information about Neku's location.

Search Dogenzaka for info on Neku

15 NEO TWEWY - 15 Dogenzaka.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTime travel to Dogenzaka.
Use Rindo's powers to time travel back to Dogenzaka.
16 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (12).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Pureheart.
Upon arriving to Dogenzaka, talk to the Pureheart in the middle of the street. This will lead you to a dead end regarding Neku's location.

Rewind to when we were at the Scramble Crossing

17 NEO TWEWY - 17 Scramble Crossing.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to Scramble Crossing.
Use Rindo's powers to time travel back to Scramble Crossing and choose Center Street as the next district you'll investigate.

Search Center Street for info on Neku/Dive inside the girl's mind and erase the Noise

18 NEO TWEWY - 18 Center Street.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTime travel to Center Street and talk to the Pureheart.
Time travel back to Center Street using Rindo's powers and talk to the Pureheart standing next to the garbage bins.
19 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (14).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngDive inside the girl's mind and erase the Noise.
Follow the waypoint and dive in inside the girl's mind to erase the Noise inside her.

Search Spain Hill for info on Neku/Search Tipsy Tose Hall for info on Neku

20 NEO TWEWY - 20 Spain Hill.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTime travel to Spain Hill.
After erasing the Noise from the girl's mind, use Rindo's powers once again to time travel to Spain Hill.
21 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (15).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTalk to the Purehearts and erase the Noise.
Upon arriving to Spain Hill, talk to the Purehearts and erase the Noise.
22 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (16).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTime travel to Tipsy Tose Hall.
Use Rindo's powers once again to time travel to Tipsy Tose Hall and talk to the Pureheart wearing a pink vest.

Rewind to when we were at the Scramble Crossing

23 NEO TWEWY - 23 Scramble Crossing.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to Scramble Crossing.
Use Rindo's powers to travel back to Scramble Crossing and choose Shibuya Hikarie as the next district you'll investigate.

Search Shibuka Hikarie for info on Neku/Search the Expressway Underpass for info on Neku/Remind the Pureheart about Neku

24 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (17).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTime travel to Shibuya Hikarie.
Use Rindo's powers to time travel to Shibuya Hikarie. Upon arriving, talk to the guy in front of the shop.
25 NEO TWEWY - 25 Expressway Underpass.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTime travel the Expressway Underpass.
After talking to the guy, time travel to the Expressway Underpass using Rindo's powers.
26 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (18).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRemind the Pureheart about Neku.
Talk to the Pureheart near you. Then, use Fret's powers to remind him about Neku.

Search the West Exit Bus Terminal for info on Neku

27 NEO TWEWY - 27 West Exit Bus Terminal.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTime travel to the West Exit Bus Terminal.
Once again, use Rindo's powers to time travel to the West Exit Bus Terminal.
28 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (19).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngFight the Purehearts.
Once you're in the West Exit Bus Terminal, talk to the Pureheart in front of the shop, which will then lead to a team battle where you have to defeat them.

Rewind to when we were at the Scramble Crossing/Figure out where Tsugumi fought Neku

29 NEO TWEWY - 29 Scramble Crossing.png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to Scramble Crossing.
After defeating the Purehearts, use Rindo's powers to travel back to the Scramble Crossing.
30 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (20).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngFigure out where Tsugumi fought Neku.
Using all the information you've gathered. Figure out where Tsugumi might be. In the map, choose West Exit Bus Terminal.
31 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (21).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngTravel back to the West Exit Bus Terminal.
After figuring out Neku's location, use Rindo's powers to travel back to the West Exit Bus Terminal.

Change our fate

32 NEO TWEWY WK2DAY2 (22).png
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngFight the Boss.
Upon arriving to the West Exit Bus Terminal, you'll enter a quick cutscene between your teammates. Then, use Rindo's powers once more to change your fate, which will lead to a cutscene and then to a boss fight. Defeat the boss to finish the day.

Urban Legends Side Quests

Identity Crisis

Quest Overview

Location Tower Records Shibuya
Quest Giver Eiru
NEO TWEWY Adamantite PinAdamantite FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Eiru Icon.pngEiru


Head to Tower Records Shibuya.
Go to Modi and find a boy name Eiru.
Scan the area to learn about the boy's problem.
Use Imprint.
Pick Different and Utilize.
Problem solved!

A Peroxidoll's Problem

Quest Overview

Location TOKYU Plaza
Quest Giver Miss Banks
NEO TWEWY Dilaton PinDilaton FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Miss Banks Icon.pngMiss Banks


Go to Tokyu Plaza.
Look fot a girl name Miss Banks.
Scan the area to see what's bothering her.
Use Nagi's Dive to eliminate the noise.
Defeat all of the noise. Equipping pins with electric, wind, kinesis, stone, ice, burst, darkness, water, light, and sound affinities will help tremendously in the fight.
Defeating all of the noise will complete the side quest.

Living Legend Pig Noise Locations

Tower Records Shibuya

Location Noise Type Reward

Tower Records Shibuya, Under the Arch Behind Eiru (Side Quest: Identity Crisis)
Pig Samba Adamantite

Cat Street

Location Noise Type Reward

Cat Street, 2nd Floor of Mystery Circle (middle)
Pig Waltz 5,000 Yen

List of Pig Noise

Boss Strategy: Mr. Mew

Mr. Mew.jpg
You'll be forced to go against the fluffy Mr. Mew on Week 2, Day 2. He is weak to light so you might want to equip a pin with this affinity. If you don't have one, you can just equip your strongest pins.

Mr. Mews.png
Small and medium-sized Mr. Mews will always come after you. Make sure to dodge their attacks.

Mr. Mew Barrage.jpg
A barrage of Mr. Mews will also try to attack you. Stay out of their way to avoid taking damage.

At some point during the firght, he will become huge and will also fire lasers that will leave marks on the floor. Dodge both and be careful of the latter since it explodes after a while.

How to Beat Mr. Mew

NEO: The World Ends with You Related Links

Story Guides

NEO TWEWY Story Walkthrough Partial Banner.jpgStory Walkthrough
NEO TWEWY Prologue WalkthroughPrologue
Week 1
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersThe Reapers' Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgGet Twisted
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Deep Dive Day 3.jpgDeep Dive
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Day 4 Real Eyes Realize Real Lies.jpgReal Eyes Realize Real Lies
(Day 4)
Day 5 Banner.pngHead to Head
(Day 5)
Day 6 Banner.pngInto the Crossing
(Day 6)
Day 7 Banner.pngGame Theory
(Day 7)
Week 2
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersNew Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgLiving Legend
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgSound Surfer
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgUrban Legends
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgInversion
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 6 Banner.jpgDesire Destination
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 7 Banner.jpgCheckmate
(Day 7)
Week 3
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersSudden Death
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgDearly Beloved
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgRestart
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgComeback
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgVision
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgBackstabbed
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY Partial Day 24.jpgSHIBUYA
(Day 7)

Mission Guides

Day Guide
Week 1, Day 1 All Skull Locations in Scramble Crossing
Week 1, Day 4 How to Find Backstreet Refreshments
Sinful Ramen Puzzle Solution
Week 2, Day 1 How to Solve Vending Machine Puzzle
Week 3, Day 1 How to Beat Plague Noise

Optional Quests

All Optional Quests
All Side Quests Banner.pngSide Quests NEO TWEWY Secret Reports Banner.jpgSecret Reports
NEO TWEWY Partial Another Day.jpgAnother Day
All Endings Guide


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