NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Week 3, Day 6: Backstabbed Chapter Guide and Walkthrough


This is a walkthrough for Backstabbed, Week 3, Day 6 of NEO: The World Ends with You. Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, puzzle solutions, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Vision Backstabbed SHIBUYA

Backstabbed Basic Information

Chapter Information

Week 3
Day 6
Boss Cervus Cantus
The Wicked Twisters play another game of hide-and-seek with Susukichi in order to learn Shiba's whereabouts but, in their desperation, they end up trapped in the Shibuya River. Meanwhile, Neku voices his concerns about Rindo abusing his time-traveling powers.

Pins You Get in this Chapter

Event Reward
After completing the Reaper's request in Scramble Crossing. NEO TWEWY KoYo Blaze PinKoYo Blaze
Before meeting up with Susukichi in the Expressway Underpass. NEO TWEWY St. AutumnusSt. Autumnus' Strike

Backstabbed Main Objectives

Chase after Susukichi

1 NEO TWEWY W3D6 - 1.jpg
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngFollow Susukichi to the Scramble Crossingl
Cut through Tipsy Tose Hall. A pack of Plague Wolves will be waiting to ambush you as you approach Center Street.
2 NEO TWEWY W3D6 - 2.jpg
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngFollow Susukichi to the Expressway Underpass
Run past Center Street and through Scramble Crossing. Talk to the Reaper. Win a 5-reduction chain battle.
3 NEO TWEWY W3D6 - 3.jpg
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngFollow Susukichi to SHIBUYA STREAM
Take a detour in West Exit Bus Terminal. Plague Frogs and Plauge Grizzlies will be waiting to ambush you as you approach the exit point.
4 NEO TWEWY W3D6 - 4.jpg
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngPass through the Expressway Underpass
More Plague Noise will be waiting for you here.
5 NEO TWEWY W3D6 - 5.jpg
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngHead down into the Shibuya River
Have Shoka warp you down to the river, then head inside.
6 NEO TWEWY W3D6 - 6.jpg
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngRewind time to not get trapped in Shibuya River.
Okay, you were tricked and trapped. Rewind back time and make sure you don't go down.
7 NEO TWEWY W3D6 - 7.jpg
NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngDefeat Susukichi.
Susukichi will be waiting for you in the Expressway Underpass.

Backstabbed Side Quest

Elegant Possession

Quest Overview

Location Tower Records Shibuya
Quest Giver Marino Orihara
NEO TWEWY Dibaryon PinDibaryon FP Icon.pngx5 NEO TWEWY - Marino Orihara Icon.pngMarino Orihara


1 Marino Orihara at MODI Building.jpg
Head to Tower Records Shibuya via Scramble Crossing. Find a school girl standing at MODI Building and interact with her.
2 Scan.jpg
Scan the area to interact with her thoughts.
3 Dive.jpg
Use Nagi's Dive to rid her of the noise in her head.
4 Defeat Noise.jpg
Defeat all the noise. This fight has five reductions and can get quite difficult so make sure to equip pins with water, fire, kinesis, burst, gravity, ice, electric, poison, wind, or stone affinities to defeat the noise easily.
5 Solved.jpg
Elegant Possession side quest complete!

Backstabbed Pig Noise Locations

Tipsy Tose Hall

Location Noise Type Reward

Tipsy Tose Hall, Roof of Middle Building
Pig Bolero
Pig Mambo
Dark Matter

Tower Records Shibuya

Location Noise Type Reward

Tower Records Shibuya, Top of MODI
Pig Cha-cha x2 10,000 Yen

List of Pig Noise

Tips and Strategies

Plague Noise will hound you at every area. It wouldn't hurt to save before entering an area. Make sure you save before facing Susukichi in the Expressway Underpass.

Boss Strategy: Cervus Cantus

NEO TWEWY W3D6 - 8.jpg

You have to face Cervus Cantus two times in this Chapter. On the first fight, use the cars as covering when he is about to send a gigantic shockwave. Use Burst Pins to get a tactical advantage. On the second fight focus on his antlers to knock him down.

How to Beat Cervus Cantus

NEO: The World Ends with You Related Links

Story Guides

NEO TWEWY Story Walkthrough Partial Banner.jpgStory Walkthrough
NEO TWEWY Prologue WalkthroughPrologue
Week 1
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersThe Reapers' Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgGet Twisted
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Deep Dive Day 3.jpgDeep Dive
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Day 4 Real Eyes Realize Real Lies.jpgReal Eyes Realize Real Lies
(Day 4)
Day 5 Banner.pngHead to Head
(Day 5)
Day 6 Banner.pngInto the Crossing
(Day 6)
Day 7 Banner.pngGame Theory
(Day 7)
Week 2
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersNew Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgLiving Legend
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NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgSound Surfer
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgUrban Legends
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NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgInversion
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 6 Banner.jpgDesire Destination
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 7 Banner.jpgCheckmate
(Day 7)
Week 3
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersSudden Death
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgDearly Beloved
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgRestart
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgComeback
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgVision
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgBackstabbed
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY Partial Day 24.jpgSHIBUYA
(Day 7)

Mission Guides

Day Guide
Week 1, Day 1 All Skull Locations in Scramble Crossing
Week 1, Day 4 How to Find Backstreet Refreshments
Sinful Ramen Puzzle Solution
Week 2, Day 1 How to Solve Vending Machine Puzzle
Week 3, Day 1 How to Beat Plague Noise

Optional Quests

All Optional Quests
All Side Quests Banner.pngSide Quests NEO TWEWY Secret Reports Banner.jpgSecret Reports
NEO TWEWY Partial Another Day.jpgAnother Day
All Endings Guide


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