NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

List of All Darkness Pins

This is a list of all Pins of the Darkness Affinity in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Read on to see all Darkness Pins, their Psychs, and their Mash-Up Attack!

List of All Darkness Pins

No. Pin Psych
013 NEO TWEWY A Forlorn Treasure
A Forlorn Treasure
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 8 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact. Chance of confusing the enemy.
014 NEO TWEWY Cave of Secrets
Cave of Secrets
Homing Rockets
Launch up to 10 rockets at your target. Lock on to multiple foes by changing targets while charging. Enemies will be knocked back on impact. Chance of confusing the enemy.
022 NEO TWEWY Hammond
Hammond's New Home
Diffusion Beam
Simultaneously shoot 2 lasers at the target. Chance of confusing the enemy.
098 NEO TWEWY ShiDare Shade
ShiDare Shade
Spectral Swords
Send a swarm of swords soaring at the target, dealing damage to any struck. When the swarm strikes an enemy, it changes course and pursues a new target. The swords may scatter and stalk multiple foes. Chance of confusing the enemy.
110 NEO TWEWY Bee in Your Bomb-et
Bee in Your Bomb-et
Time Bomb
Place a ticking time bomb at your feet. Enemies caught in the explosion will be drawn in. Chance of confusing the enemy. (Pin gauge will not refill automatically)
138 NEO TWEWY In My Misery
In My Misery
Circuit Breaker
Fire a laser at your target. The attack will chain if enemies are nearby. Chance of confusing the enemy.
142 NEO TWEWY Stay Beautiful
Stay Beautiful
Psychic Shotgun
Send a wide-sweeping shock wave at your target. Those caught in the middle will take heavy damage. Fully charge it to knock the enemy back. Engraved with the words, "Light and dark, forever entwined."
170 NEO TWEWY Kurorushi
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash a fierce forward slash that knocks the enemy back.
171 NEO TWEWY Honebami
Close in on your target and slice them. Keep attacking to unleash 2 fierce forward slashes that send the enemy flying.
194 NEO TWEWY Got Your Back
Got Your Back
Assassin Strike
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
195 NEO TWEWY Take a Chance
Take a Chance
Assassin Strike
Thrust your spear at the target. Keep attacking to knock the enemy back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
205 NEO TWEWY Aspect of Truth
Aspect of Truth
Trick Cards
Throw black cards that pursue foes around the target in waves of 3. The cards creep toward the enemy, then knock them back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
206 NEO TWEWY Live Your Truth
Live Your Truth
Trick Cards
Throw black cards that pursue foes around the target in waves of 4. The cards creep toward the enemy, then knock them back. Chance of confusing the enemy.
259 NEO TWEWY Black Cat Burn
Black Cat Burn
Stir up a whirlpool of black flames around the target that damages any foes caught inside. Wherever the target goes, Mr. Mew slowly follows. Chance of confusing the enemy. Engraved with the words, "Naught is more ferocious than six felines combined."
275 NEO TWEWY Cursed Croaker
Cursed Croaker
Black Hole
Draw in enemies with a black hole that damages any foes caught inside. Colliding enemies deal heavy damage to each other.
276 NEO TWEWY Roly Poly Cricket
Roly Poly Cricket
Black Hole
Draw in enemies with a black hole that damages any foes caught inside. Colliding enemies deal heavy damage to each other.
308 NEO TWEWY Grus
Trick Cards
A mysterious orb chases the target as if it has a wall of its own, then knocks the enemy back on impact. Chance of confusing the enemy.

Darkness Mash-up Attack

NEO TWEWY Darkness Affinity Mash-up Attack

For Darkness Affinity Mash-ups, gear-like sphere will continuously appear, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

How to Build Up Groove

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Pin Brands

All Pin Brands
Cony x Cony Brand - NEO Twewy.pngCony x Cony croaky panic Brand - NEO Twewy.pngcroaky panic gara gara Brand - NEO Twewy.pnggaragara
Gatto Nero Brand - NEO Twewy.pngGatto Nero Hog Fang Brand - NEO Twewy.pngHog Fang Il Cavallo Del Re Brand - NEO Twewy.pngIl Cavallo del Re
Joli Becot Brand - NEO Twewy.pngJoli bécot Jupiter of the Monkey Brand - NEO Twewy.pngJupiter of the Monkey Monocrow Brand - NEO Twewy.pngMonocrow
Natural Puppy Brand - NEO Twewy.pngNatural Puppy RyuGu Brand - NEO Twewy.pngRyuGu Shepherd House Brand - NEO Twewy.pngShepherd House
Tigre PUNKS Brand - NEO Twewy.pngTigre PUNKS Top oTop o' Topo Unbranded Brand - NEO Twewy.pngUnbranded

Pin Affinities

All Pin Affinities
Fire Icon.pngFire Ice Icon.pngIce Electric Icon.pngElectric Wind Icon.pngWind
Water.pngWater Stone Icon.pngStone NEO Twewy Affinity Icon - Poison.pngPoison Burst.pngBurst
Sound Icon.pngSound Light Icon.pngLight Darkness Icon.pngDarkness Gravity Icon.pngGravity
Kinesis Icon.pngKinesis NEO TWEWY Noisepedia Time Icon.pngTime No Affinity IconNone -


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