NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

How to Beat Soul Pulvis | Boss Fight Guide

Soul Pulvis Banner.png

This is a guide to beating Soul Pulvis in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Learn about Soul Pulvis' attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Soul Pulvis Basic Information


No. 086 Noise Group NEO TWEWY Noisepedia - Soul Pulvis Noise Type.png
NEO TWEWY Noisepedia - Soul Pulvis.png
Capable of transforming itself into all kinds of Noise, this is the embodiment of all that has stood in the Wicked Twisters' way up until now. You'll need to harness all the tricks you learned while fighting if you're to come out on top!
Location W3D7 (Boss Noise, Story)


HP 9500
PP 1772
EXP. 1200
NEO TWEWY - Darkness Icon.png Darkness

NEO TWEWY - Light Icon.png Light

The data shown is set on Normal Diffculty.

Drop Rates

Easy Drop: Shadow Matter
Rate: 4.00%
Normal Drop: Dark Matter
Rate: 4.00%
Hard Drop: Black Cat Blades
Rate: 1.34%
Ultimate Drop: Time in a Bottle
Rate: 0.16%

The data shown is on 1x Drop Rate.

Soul Pulvis Attacks and Abilities

Transformed to Noise.jpg

Soul Pulvis has the ability to transform to any noise you have encountered before. Its attack patterns and weaknesses also mimic those of the noise it has copied.

Best Pins for Soul Pulvis

Aspect of Truth IconAspect of Truth
Heartthrob Launcher IconHeartthrob Launcher

Sould Pulvis is weak to darkness and light.

Aspect of Truth is a great choice because it can help you build up groove easily. Pair it with Heartthrob Launcher and you'll have pins that not only deal tons of damage but also help you stack up combos nicely.

To top it all off, Heartthrob Launcher also heals you based on damage dealt.

Tips & Strategies for Beating Soul Pulvis

Strategy Checklist
CheckmarkAttack Soul Pulvis directly

CheckmarkFight the transformed noise like it's a normal noise battle

CheckmarkBuild up your groove

Attack Soul Pulvis Directly

Attack Soul Pulvis.jpg

Since you mostly have darkness and light pins, attacking Soul Pulvis directly would deal more damage compared to attacking the transformed noise that it made.

You can recognize Soul Pulvis easily by looking for a noise that doesn't have the outline of any noise you have encountered before.

Treat the Transformed Noise Like It's A Normal Noise Battle

Noise that have transformed will have the same attack pattern and weaknesses as all of the noise you have fought before. Dodge their attacks like you would in a normal noise battle.

Build Up Your Groove

Building up your groove is surely the best way to deal tons of damage to the enemy. Perform a killer remix for maximum damage.

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