NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Week 1, Day 6: Into the Crossing Chapter Guide and Walkthrough

Day 6 Banner.png

This is a walkthrough for Into the Crossing, Week 1, Day 6 of NEO: The World Ends with You. Learn more about the objectives of this chapter, puzzle solutions, tips for completion, as well as boss fight strategies!

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Head to Head Into the Crossing Game Theory

Into the Crossing Basic Information

Chapter Information

Week 1
Day 6
Boss Deep Rivers Societist
Having triumphed over the Deep Rivers Society, everything is looking up for the Wicked Twisters. Although Rindo wishes he could share Fret's confidence about their ability to claim first place, he is afforded little time to reflect as the team gets dragged into a turf war.

Pins You Get in this Chapter

Event Reward
After defeating the Purehearts in Scramble Crossing. NEO TWEWY Top oTop o' Topo
After defeating the Deep Rivers Society in Tower Records Shibuya. NEO TWEWY Got Your Back PinGot Your Back
Score 45,000 points in the Scramble Slam. NEO TWEWY Axion PinAxion
Score 60,000 points in the Scramble Slam. NEO TWEWY Just Keep SwimminJust Keep Swimmin'!

Into the Crossing Main Objectives

Stake our claim on the area around 104 and the Scramble Crossing

NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngHead to 104 district.
Follow the waypoint to enter 104.
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NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngErase all the Turf Noise in 104.
Once you're in the 104 district, use your scanner to look for Turf Noise and erase them.
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NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngDefeat the Purehearts in Scramble Crossing.
After clearing the 104, enter Scramble Crossing and defeat the Purehearts in the area.

Optional: Consider teaming up with the Deep Rivers Society to take down the Variabeauties

NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngClear Center Street or Tipsy Tose Hall to overthrow the Variabeauties.
If you want to take down the Variabeauties, you can either clear Center Street or Tipsy Tose Hall.
If you want to keep Deep Rivers Society in last place, clear TOWER RECORDS after staking your claim on Scramble Crossing.

Stake our claim on the remaining areas

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NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngClear the remaning areas.
Regardless of what you choose between the Deep Rivers Society and Variabeauties, proceed to clear the remaining districts.
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NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngHead to Udagawa.
After staking your claim on the remaining districts, follow the waypoint to enter Udagawa.
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NEO TWEWY - Quest Icon.pngFight the Deep Rivers Societists.
Once you're in Udagawa, continue following the waypoint until you confront the Deep Rivers Societists once again. You will then engage in the final battle of the day.

Deep Rivers Societist Overview and Pin Drops

Into the Crossing Pig Noise Locations

Spain Hill

Location Noise Type Reward

Spain Hill, Steps Near Visual Effects
Pig Waltz Axion

Udagawa Backstreets

Location Noise Type Reward

Udagawa Backstreets, Left Alley
Pig Samba 5,000 Yen

List of Pig Noise

NEO: The World Ends with You Related Links

Story Guides

NEO TWEWY Story Walkthrough Partial Banner.jpgStory Walkthrough
NEO TWEWY Prologue WalkthroughPrologue
Week 1
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersThe Reapers' Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgGet Twisted
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Deep Dive Day 3.jpgDeep Dive
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Day 4 Real Eyes Realize Real Lies.jpgReal Eyes Realize Real Lies
(Day 4)
Day 5 Banner.pngHead to Head
(Day 5)
Day 6 Banner.pngInto the Crossing
(Day 6)
Day 7 Banner.pngGame Theory
(Day 7)
Week 2
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersNew Game
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgLiving Legend
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgSound Surfer
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgUrban Legends
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgInversion
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 6 Banner.jpgDesire Destination
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 7 Banner.jpgCheckmate
(Day 7)
Week 3
NEO TWEWY - The ReapersSudden Death
(Day 1)
NEO TWEWY - Get Twisted Day 2.jpgDearly Beloved
(Day 2)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 3.jpgRestart
(Day 3)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 4 Banner.jpgComeback
(Day 4)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgVision
(Day 5)
NEO TWEWY - Week 2 Day 5 Banner.jpgBackstabbed
(Day 6)
NEO TWEWY Partial Day 24.jpgSHIBUYA
(Day 7)

Mission Guides

Day Guide
Week 1, Day 1 All Skull Locations in Scramble Crossing
Week 1, Day 4 How to Find Backstreet Refreshments
Sinful Ramen Puzzle Solution
Week 2, Day 1 How to Solve Vending Machine Puzzle
Week 3, Day 1 How to Beat Plague Noise

Optional Quests

All Optional Quests
All Side Quests Banner.pngSide Quests NEO TWEWY Secret Reports Banner.jpgSecret Reports
NEO TWEWY Partial Another Day.jpgAnother Day
All Endings Guide


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