NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito Overview

NEO TWEWY Beat Overview.png

This is a guide for Daisukenojo 'Beat' Bito in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Read on to learn who is Beat, the character revealed on Week 2, Day 2. Find out about his Soundsurfing Psych ability, unique Thread abilities, and food preferences here.

Beat in NEO: TWEWY


NEO TWEWY Who is Beat

Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito Former Player and Reaper
Nicknamed "Beat," this man is a veteran of the Reapers' Game. Stubborn and hot-blooded, he is quick to anger, but his short temper belies a more brotherly, nurturing side. He has the ability to Soundsurf, or move across town at high speed.
Affiliation Wicked Twisters
Voice Actor: English: Crawford Wilson
Japanese: Subaru Kimura

Beat Unique Psych

NEO TWEWY Soundsurfing Groove.png

Beat's Soundsurfing Psych allows you to sprint and move faster while free roaming. Simply tap B (Switch) or X (PS4) in order to dash forward while going around Shibuya.

Soundsurfing with Beat

Beat Pins Mutation

Pin Psych Stats
NEO TWEWY Topo the Adventurous PinTopo the Adventurous Laser Inferno
Shoot a laser at the target. Chance of greatly burning the enemy.

Max. Power: 1249
Limit: 4.4 seconds
Reboot: 10 seconds
NEO TWEWY Disco Divekick PinDisco Divekick Massive Hit
Strike your target with an aerial kick. Fully charge it to send the enemy flying. Charging up for an attack takes less time than usual.

Max. Power: 1103
Limit: 2 times
Reboot: 13.2 seconds
NEO TWEWY Slashcicle PinSlashcicle Heavy Onslaught
Hold and release the button to close in on your target and assail them with your fists, then finish with a hard hit that knocks the enemy back. Hold longer to throw more punches. Chance of freezing the enemy.

Max. Power: 855
Limit: 1 time
Reboot: 10.6 seconds
Hold the button to clad yourself in fire and charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.

Max. Power: 1486
Limit: 4.4 seconds
Reboot: 12 seconds

List of All Pin Mutations

Beat Threads

Name Stats Ability Where to Get
NEO TWEWY Bondage ShortsBondage Shorts HP: +78
DEF: +105

Req. STYLE: 150
Beat: ATK Boost IV

Enormously increases Beat's Attack when he wears this.
Tigre Punks (Tsutaya O-East)
NEO TWEWY Tiger BackpackTiger Backpack HP: +71

Req. STYLE: 150
Beat: DEF Boost IV

Enormously increases Beat's Defense when he wears this.
Tigre Punks (Tsutaya O-East)
NEO TWEWY Turquoise HeadbandTurquoise Headband ATK: +8
DEF: +54

Req. STYLE: 31
Beatdrop Bonus

Slightly extends the window for Beatdrop combos.
Social Network Reward - Genzo Koitabashi: Reach VIP Level 3 garagara
NEO TWEWY Monochrome CapMonochrome Cap ATK: +8
DEF: +56

Req. STYLE: 70
Beat: HP Boost III

Greatly increases the team's HP when Beat wears this.
Monocrow (Udagawa Backstreets)
NEO TWEWY Monochrome HoodieMonochrome Hoodie HP: +35
DEF: +88

Req. STYLE: 125
Beat: ATK Boost III

Greatly increases Beat's Attack when he wears this.
Monocrow (Udagawa Backstreets)
NEO TWEWY Monochrome WatchMonochrome Watch ATK: +32
DEF: +16

Req. STYLE: 115
Beat: DEF Boost III

Greatly increases Beat's Defense when he wears this.
Petit Bonheur (Tokyu Plaza)
NEO TWEWY Flat-Brim SnapbackFlat-Brim Snapback ATK: +3
DEF: +12

Req. STYLE: 31
Beatdrop Bonus

Slightly extends the window for Beatdrop combos.
HOG FANG (Center Street)
Tokyu Hands 2F
Hog Fang Annex (Cat Street)
NEO TWEWY Camo Cargo PantsCamo Cargo Pants HP: +84
DEF: +104

Req. STYLE: 150
Beat: HP Boost IV

Enomoursly increases the team's HP when Beat wears this.
HOG FANG Annex (Cat Street)
NEO TWEWY Half-Hearted Summer GiftHalf-Hearted Summer Gift HP: +27
ATK: +27

Req. STYLE: 170
Beat: Jackpot

Increases drop rate by 5 when Beat wears this.
croaky panic (Takeshita Street)

List of Threads

Beat Food Preferences

Shop Beat Favorite
Favorite Food
NEO TWEWY Hachiko CafeHachiko Cafe
(Scramble Crossing)
Iced Cafe au Lait
Ice Cream Float
BLT Sandwich
Chicken Soup Curry
NEO TWEWY Justice BurgerJustice Burger
(Scramble Crossing)
Hero Hamburger
Cheesy Champion
Freedom Fries
Superhero Soda
Justice Burger
NEO TWEWY Kyoto SweetsKyoto Sweets
(Shibuya Hikarie)
NEO TWEWY Donburi TownDonburi Town
(Center Street)
Matsuzaka Beef Bowl
Tokyo Roast Beef Bowl
Nagoya Eel Bowl
Grand Slam Meat Bowl
NEO TWEWY Glutton 4 GlutenGlutton 4 Gluten
(Center Street)
Dandan Noodles
Dark Dandan Noodles
Sinful Noodles
NEO TWEWY Suzu SlurpzSuzu Slurpz
Shoyu Ramen
Miso Ramen
Spicy Miso Ramen
NEO TWEWY Spicy Curry DonSpicy Curry Don
Chicken Curry
Dal Curry
Fish Curry
Triple Triad Plate
NEO TWEWY Crowned CurryCrowned Curry
Non-Vegetarian Thali
Banana Leaf Banquet
Chicken Biryani
NEO TWEWYVegeloversVegelovers
(Tower Records Shibuya)
Air in a Can
NEO TWEWY BubblevisionBubblevision
(Spain Hill)
Strawberry Boba Latte
(Tipsy Tose Hall)
Rotisserie Chicken
Whole Hog BBQ
NEO TWEWY Udagawa ParfaitUdagawa Parfait
(Udagawa Backstreets)
NEO TWEWY Moyai MartMoyai Mart
(West Exit Bus Terminal)
Salmon Onigiri
Between-Act Bento
Fried Chicken
Potato Chips
Bowl of Oden
NEO TWEWY somedrinkssomedrinks
(Shibuya Stream)
NEO TWEWY Tacos y Mas TacosTacos y Mas Tacos
(Shibuya Stream)
Hearty Beef Tacos
NEO TWEWY fluffy fluffy 'n' sweet
(Miyashita Park)
NEO TWEWY Asia FantasiaAsia Fantasia
(Tokyu Plaza)
Cheesy Corndog
Banana Tigim
Takoyaki Tray
NEO TWEWY Cutie PiesCutie Pies
(Takeshita Street)
Fluffy Pancake Stack

Best Food to Raise Each Stat

Beat Social Network Reward

NEO TWEWY Dodging Attacks.png

Reward Divine Dodge
Description Increases the length of time you're invulnerable while dodging in battle.
FP Cost 3
Timeframe Week 2 | Day 2

Social Network Best Rewards

Beat Backstory (TWEWY)

Meeting Neku


Beat entered the previous Reaper's Game with his sister, Rhyme after dying in a hit-and-run accident. He first appeared trying to fight Neku and Shiki, as he thought they were Reapers, only to be stopped by Rhyme. He then offered to work together with Neku and Shiki, but Neku declined, as he disliked being dragged down.

This angered the hot-blooded Beat. However, on Day 3, the pairs joined forces after Beat and Rhyme helped defeat golden Noise and proved to be reliable allies.

Losing Rhyme

On Day 4, due to hastiness, Beat and Rhyme were caught in a Noise trap that ended up erasing Rhyme from existence. Devastated, Beat sought to be erased as well, but was saved by Mr. H, a Fallen Angel from the Higher Plane. Mr. H gave Beat a Pin made from Rhyme's soul, which Beat vowed to use to bring Rhyme back with.

Joining the Reapers (Week 2)

Beat as Reaper TWEWY
Beat joined the Reapers hoping to find information on how to bring back Rhyme. His first task was to erase Neku and Joshua, despite being against Reapers' Game rules.

Despite besting them multiple times, Beat never could bring himself to erase them. In one encounter, he accidentally dropped Rhyme's Pin, which was picked up by Neku. Neku returned the Pin to him the next encounter which resonated with him.

Allying with Neku (Final Week)

Beat as Neku
During the final week, Beat left the Reapers in order to help the now partnerless Neku. They set their sights on taking down the game's Game Master and Composer, with Rhyme's pin on the line.

Saving Shibuya

In the final stretch of the game, Beat and Neku faced off against the game's Game Master, Conductor, and Composer (who turned out to be Joshua), and even Sho Minamimoto, all in order to bring back Rhyme and Shiki.

The final standoff came down to Neku and Joshua, where Joshua relents to sparing Shibuya. Afterward, in a secret ending to TWEWY, Neku meets up with Beat, Shiki, and Rhyme at Hachiko Statue.

NEO: TWEWY Related Guides

NEO TWEWY Characters Wiki.pngList of Characters


Wicked Twisters
TWEWY Rindo Icon.jpgRindo TWEWY Fret Icon.jpgFret TWEWY Minamimoto Icon.jpgMinamimoto TWEWY Nagi Icon.jpgNagi
Beat IconBeat TWEWY Shoka Icon.jpgShoka Neku IconNeku -
TWEWY Susukichi Icon.jpgSusukichi TWEWY Tsugumi Icon.jpgTsugumi
Deep Rivers Society
TWEWY Fuya Icon.jpgFuya
TWEWY Kanon Icon.jpgKanon
TWEWY Motoi Icon.jpgMotoi


Shibuya Reapers
TWEWY Kariya Icon.jpgKariya TWEWY Uzuki Icon.jpgYashiro TWEWY Coco Icon.jpgCoco
Shinjuku Reapers
TWEWY Shiba Icon.jpgShiba TWEWY Kubo Icon.jpgKubo TWEWY Ayano Icon.jpgAyano
TWEWY Kaie Icon.jpgKaie TWEWY Hishima Icon.jpgHishima -

Other Characters

Rhyme IconRhyme Joshua IconJoshua Shiki TWEWY IconShiki
NEO TWEWY Hazuki Mikagi IconHazuki - -


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