NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

List of Footwear

This is a complete guide to all available Footwear in the game NEO: The World Ends With You (NEO: TWEWY). To know more about how each Footwear affects your stats and abilities, read on!

List of Footwear

No. Name Stats Ability
014 Ribbon PumpsRibbon Pumps ATK: +8
DEF: +13

Req. STYLE: 130
Booming Synergy
015 Comfy LoafersComfy Loafers ATK: +10
DEF: +12

Req. STYLE: 30
016 Frilly SandalsFrilly Sandals ATK: +29
DEF: +48

Req. STYLE: 116
Healthy Resilience
031 Sparkling SandalsSparkling Sandals ATK: +6
DEF: +10

Req. STYLE: 130
Kinetic Synergy
032 Lace-up Knee-High BootsLace-up Knee-High Boots ATK: +20
DEF: +33

Req. STYLE: 30
033 Rouge Ruched BootsRouge Ruched Boots ATK: +21
DEF: +35

Req. STYLE: 121
Stalwart Ally II
034 Leather ShoesLeather Shoes ATK: +34
DEF: +56

Req. STYLE: 150
Neku: ATK Boost IV
053 Studded BootsStudded Boots ATK: +8
DEF: +13

Req. STYLE: 110
054 White CreepersWhite Creepers ATK: +17
DEF: +28

Req. STYLE: 130
Sonic Synergy
055 Tiger CreepersTiger Creepers ATK: +30
DEF: +50

Req. STYLE: 130
Fiery Synergy
056 Belted BootsBelted Boots ATK: +43
DEF: +61

Req. STYLE: 67
Minamimoto: HP Boost II
076 Deadly NightshadeDeadly Nightshade ATK: +8
DEF: +15

Req. STYLE: 156
Rocky Synergy
077 BougainvilleaBougainvillea ATK: +13
DEF: +20

Req. STYLE: 121
Stalwart Ally
078 AnthuriumAnthurium ATK: +27
DEF: +48

Req. STYLE: 156
Magnetic Synergy
095 Violet-Ebony FoxgloveViolet-Ebony Foxglove ATK: +8
DEF: +15

Req. STYLE: 143
Fiery Synergy
096 Maiden BlossomMaiden Blossom ATK: +20
DEF: +30

Req. STYLE: 133
Stalwart Ally II
097 Crimson Sand BlossomCrimson Sand Blossom ATK: +27
DEF: +39

Req. STYLE: 128
Healthy Resilience
113 Bohemian SandalsBohemian Sandals ATK: +8
DEF: +13

Req. STYLE: 35
Fret: DEF Boost
114 Bohemian Slip-onsBohemian Slip-ons ATK: +20
DEF: +33

Req. STYLE: 130
Booming Synergy
115 Beaded SandalsBeaded Sandals ATK: +26
DEF: +44

Req. STYLE: 121
Stalwart Ally II
116 Moccasin BootsMoccasin Boots ATK: +44
DEF: +66

Req. STYLE: 116
Healthy Resilience
129 FuturoFuturo ATK: +37
DEF: +50

Req. STYLE: 156
Shady Synergy
130 InfinitoInfinito ATK: +35
DEF: +55

Req. STYLE: 156
Shocking Synergy
149 Slip-onsSlip-ons ATK: +6
DEF: +10

Req. STYLE: 101
Stalwart Ally
150 Strapped PumpsStrapped Pumps ATK: +7
DEF: +9

Req. STYLE: 130
Gusty Energy
165 Om SneakersOm Sneakers ATK: +15
DEF: +22

Req. STYLE: 30
166 Gekirin SneakersGekirin Sneakers ATK: +27
DEF: +45

Req. STYLE: 130
Sonic Synergy
167 Kshana SneakersKshana Sneakers ATK: +34
DEF: +56

Req. STYLE: 31
Speed Boost
168 Samsara SneakersSamsara Sneakers ATK: +42
DEF: +64

Req. STYLE: 150
Neku: DEF Boost IV
174 Legendary SneakersLegendary Sneakers ATK: +11
DEF: +22

Req. STYLE: 22
Speed Boost
186 Leather SneakersLeather Sneakers ATK: +24
DEF: +40

Req. STYLE: 130
Toxic Synergy
187 Sneaker SandalsSneaker Sandals ATK: +29
DEF: +49

Req. STYLE: 130
Temporal Synergy
188 Sneaker BootsSneaker Boots ATK: +32
DEF: +54

Req. STYLE: 30
208 Minimalistic MulesMinimalistic Mules ATK: +10
DEF: +18

Req. STYLE: 130
Frosty Synergy
209 PVC PumpsPVC Pumps ATK: +20
DEF: +32

Req. STYLE: 110
210 Chukka BootsChukka Boots ATK: +30
DEF: +43

Req. STYLE: 31
Speed Boost
228 High-top SneakersHigh-top Sneakers ATK: +6
DEF: +10

Req. STYLE: 65
Rindo: HP Boost II
229 Work BootsWork Boots ATK: +20
DEF: +33

Req. STYLE: 101
Stalwart Ally
230 Low-top SneakersLow-top Sneakers ATK: +22
DEF: +34

Req. STYLE: 110
231 Patched-up SneakersPatched-up Sneakers ATK: +33
DEF: +55

Req. STYLE: 130
Shining Synergy
232 Wallet ChainWallet Chain ATK: +6
DEF: +6

Req. STYLE: 65
Fret: HP Boost II
233 Chain NecklaceChain Necklace ATK: +9
DEF: +8

Req. STYLE: 89
PP Boost
249 Ankle BootsAnkle Boots ATK: +20
DEF: +33

Req. STYLE: 130
Shining Synergy
250 Mid-Calf BootsMid-Calf Boots ATK: +41
DEF: +65

Req. STYLE: 141
Stalwart Ally III
264 StiltsStilts ATK: +25
DEF: +38

Req. STYLE: 130
Water Synergy
265 Roller SkatesRoller Skates ATK: +35
DEF: +58

Req. STYLE: 99
Jinxed Defense II
275 B.H.C.C ShoesB.H.C.C Shoes ATK: +40
DEF: +95

Req. STYLE: 155
Stalwart Ally III
276 B.H.C.C Side Gore BootsB.H.C.C Side Gore Boots ATK: +50
DEF: +80

Req. STYLE: 33

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Headwear Tops
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