Far Cry 6

Pecking Orders Mission Walkthrough and Rewards

Far Cry 6 - Pecking Orders Walkthrough.png

This is a walkthrough for Pecking Orders, a mission in Far Cry 6. Learn more about the objectives of this Yaran Story, available rewards, as well as tips for completing the mission!

Chicharron Mission Walkthroughs
Man's Best Enemy Pecking Order Wingman

Pecking Orders Basic Information

Mission Type
Quest Giver Reinaldo Alvarez
Location Sierra Perdida - Vacía Coast Military Kennels
Rewards 100 XP
Help Chicharrón destroy the army's files.
Chicharrón is displeased with the fact that the military has sensitive files and intel on the guerrillas. Accompany him on his rage induced rampage to destroy that intel and all who get in his way.

How to Unlock Pecking Orders

This mission is available after completing the Man's Best Enemy mission. To accept it, talk to Reinaldo Alvarez who can be found at the Vacía Coast Military Kennels.

Pecking Orders Mission Walkthrough

Destroy the Intel on the Guerrillas

Follow Chicharrón
Follow Chicharron to the Vacia Coast Military Archives indicated by the marker on your map.
Protect Chicharrón
Chicharrón will begin going on a rampage through the surrounding area. It is up to you to keep him alive by any means necessary throughout his rampage. Follow him around making sure his health does not drop to zero.
Secure the Building
Eventually you will reach the Vacía Coast Military Archives. Following Chicharróns lead, kill all the guards inside while he destroys the files. Leave no survivors.
Vandalize the Banner on the Facade
With the soldiers dead and the files destroyed, it is now time to leave Chicharrón's signature tag.

Follow Chicharrón outside and climb the ladder. Use your Grapple Kit to tag the banner and complete the mission.

Tips and Strategies

Find a vantage point

Find a good spot where you can see both elevator doors and shoot down anyone you see walk out of it. We recommend the end of the stairs as decent start.

Shoot the elevator when it opens

Finish the soldiers before they even step foot outside the elevator. This makes it easier for Chicharron to do his thing.

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