
How to Farm Resin

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This is a guide to farming Resin in Valheim. Learn how to get Resin quickly, how Resin can be used, and the materials required to craft Resin.

Resin Basic Information

Name Resin ImageResin
Item Type Material
Weight 1.8
Description Sticky tree resin that insulates well. If put to the flame it burns slow and steady.
Max Capacity 50
Item Spawn Code Resin

How to Get Resin

Look for Greydwarf Spawners

Greydwarf Spawner

If you want to farm Resin, we suggest looking for Greydwarf Spawners found in Black Forest biomes. This will net you a consistent amount of Resin but be careful because these things have a high chance of spawning Brutes and Shamans!

Dropped by Enemy

Enemy Enemy Lv. Qty. Drop Rate
Greydwarf 1 1 100%
Greydwarf 2 2 100%
Greydwarf 3 4 100%
Greydwarf Shaman 1 1 100%
Greydwarf Shaman 2 2 100%
Greydwarf Shaman 3 4 100%
Greyling 1 1 100%
Greyling 2 2 100%
Greyling 3 4 100%

Can Be Spawned with Console Command

If you don't mind using cheats to obtain it, Resin can easily be spawned with the console command.

To spawn the item, first turn on cheat codes by typing devcommands in the F5 console, and use the spawn Resin command to create the item.

All Cheats and Spawnable Items

How to Use Resin

Craftable Weapons

Item Name Crafting Station Type Materials Needed
Wood Shield Workbench (Lv. 1) Leather Scraps x4
Resin x4
Wood x10
Tankard Workbench (Lv. -) Resin x2
Torch N/A (Lv. -) Resin x1
Wood x1
Fire Arrow Workbench (Lv. 2) Feathers x2
Resin x8
Wood x8
Ooze Bomb Workbench (Lv. 1) Leather Scraps x5
Ooze x10
Resin x3

Used to Construct Buildings

Building Name Required Crafting Station Materials Needed
Fermenter Forge Bronze x5
Fine Wood x30
Resin x10
Raft Workbench Leather Scraps x6
Resin x6
Karve Workbench Bronze Nails x80
Deer Hide x10
Fine Wood x30
Resin x20
Standing Wood Torch Workbench Resin x2
Wood x2
Standing Iron Torch Forge Iron x2
Resin x2
Sconce Forge Copper x2
Resin x2
Wood x2
Jack-o-turnip Workbench Resin x2
Turnip x4

Valheim Related Guides

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All Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials
Crafting Materials Ore and Scrap Metal Trophies
Food Ingredients Key Items
Potions and Mead Seeds Valuables
Other Items

All Material Items

Ancient Bark Barley Black Metal
Bloodbag Bone Fragments Bronze
Bronze Nails Chitin Coal
Copper Core Wood Deer Hide
Dragon Tear Feathers Fine Wood
Flametal Flax Flint
Freeze Gland Greydwarf Eye Guck
Hard Antler Iron Iron Nails
Leather Scraps Linen Thread Lox Pelt
Needle Obsidian Ooze
Queen Bee Resin Serpent Scale
Sharpening Stone Silver Stone
Surtling Core Tin Troll Hide
Wolf Fang Wolf Pelt Wood
Ymir Flesh Chain


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