
How to Farm Surtling Cores

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This is a guide to farming Surtling Cores in Valheim. Learn how to get Surtling Cores quickly, how Surtling Cores can be used, and the materials required to craft Surtling Cores.

Surtling Core Basic Information

Name Surtling Core ImageSurtling Core
Item Type Material
Weight 5
Description It throbs with inner heat.
Max Capacity 10
Item Spawn Code SurtlingCore

How to Get Surtling Cores

Clear Dungeons

Surtling Cores Obtained from Dungeons

Surtling Cores are important early-mid game items required to build the Smelter and Charcoal Kiln. The easiest and the earliest you can get Surtling Cores are from Dungeons scattered all over the map - mostly in Black Forest biomes. However, the contents of dungeons are random hence it is still an unreliable source.

Dungeons Guide: Locations and Types

Dropped by Surtlings

The more reliable option for farming Surtling Cores is from the Surtling themselves. These fiery creatures are found in the Swamp biome chilling beside a roaring fire or in the Ashlands. Be careful because these things can hurt!

Dropped by Enemy

Enemy Enemy Lv. Qty. Drop Rate
Surtling 1 1 ~50%
Surtling 2 2 100%
Surtling 3 4 100%

Can Be Spawned with Console Command

If you don't mind using cheats to obtain it, Surtling Cores can easily be spawned with the console command.

To spawn the item, first turn on cheat codes by typing devcommands in the F5 console, and use the spawn SurtlingCore command to create the item.

All Cheats and Spawnable Items

How to Use Surtling Cores

Used to Construct Buildings

Building Name Required Crafting Station Materials Needed
Smelter Workbench Stone x20
Surtling Core x5
Blast Furnace Artisan Table Fine Wood x20
Iron x10
Stone x20
Surtling Core x5
Charcoal Kiln Workbench Stone x20
Surtling Core x5
Bonfire N/A Ancient Bark x5
Core Wood x5
Fine Wood x5
Surtling Core x1
Portal Workbench Fine Wood x20
Greydwarf Eye x10
Surtling Core x2
Ward N/A Fine Wood x5
Greydwarf Eye x5
Surtling Core x1

Valheim Related Guides

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All Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials

Types of Items and Materials
Crafting Materials Ore and Scrap Metal Trophies
Food Ingredients Key Items
Potions and Mead Seeds Valuables
Other Items

All Material Items

Ancient Bark Barley Black Metal
Bloodbag Bone Fragments Bronze
Bronze Nails Chitin Coal
Copper Core Wood Deer Hide
Dragon Tear Feathers Fine Wood
Flametal Flax Flint
Freeze Gland Greydwarf Eye Guck
Hard Antler Iron Iron Nails
Leather Scraps Linen Thread Lox Pelt
Needle Obsidian Ooze
Queen Bee Resin Serpent Scale
Sharpening Stone Silver Stone
Surtling Core Tin Troll Hide
Wolf Fang Wolf Pelt Wood
Ymir Flesh Chain


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