
List of Armor Sets

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This is a guide to all the Armor Sets in Valheim. Learn what materials are needed to craft each armor set, as well as the stats of every armor set piece!

Valheim Armor Sets

Leather Armor Set

Leather armor is the first armor set you encounter by hunting deer. You should have this before you begin fighting the Eiktyhr. This armor set is made at the Workbench.

How to Get The Leather Armor Set

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Deer Hide Cape ImageDeer Hide Cape ・Armor: 1
・Durability: 400
Bone Fragments x5
Deer Hide x4
Leather Tunic ImageLeather Tunic ・Armor: 2
・Durability: 400
Deer Hide x6
Leather Helmet ImageLeather Helmet ・Armor: 2
・Durability: 400
Deer Hide x6
Leather Pants ImageLeather Pants ・Armor: 2
・Durability: 400
Deer Hide x6

Troll Armor Set

It's possible to get troll armor before fighting Eiktyhr, but this is your midway armor until you gather enough ores to make bronze armor. It has its use, especially for hunting, as it increases your stealth. It's not made of hide for nothing! This armor set is made at the Workbench (Lv. 3).

How to Get The Troll Armor Set

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Troll Hide Cape ImageTroll Hide Cape ・Armor: 1
・Durability: 500
・Special: Sneak +25%
Bone Fragments x10
Troll Hide x10
Troll Leather Tunic ImageTroll Leather Tunic ・Armor: 6
・Durability: 500
・Special: Sneak +25%
Troll Hide x5
Troll Leather Helmet ImageTroll Leather Helmet ・Armor: 6
・Durability: 500
・Special: Sneak +25%
Bone Fragments x3
Troll Hide x5
Troll Leather Pants ImageTroll Leather Pants ・Armor: 6
・Durability: 500
・Special: Sneak +25%
Troll Hide x5

Bronze Armor Set

Bronze armor is the first forged armor you get, only accessible after defeating Eikthyr and getting the Antler Pickaxe. This is what you should ideally be wearing when fighting The Elder. This armor set is made at the Forge (Lv. 1).

How to Get The Bronze Armor Set

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Bronze Plate Cuirass ImageBronze Plate Cuirass ・Armor: 8
・Movement: -5%
・Durability: 1000
Bronze x5
Deer Hide x2
Bronze Helmet ImageBronze Helmet ・Armor: 8
・Durability: 1000
Bronze x5
Deer Hide x2
Bronze Plate Leggings ImageBronze Plate Leggings ・Armor: 8
・Movement: -5%
・Durability: 1000
Bronze x5
Deer Hide x2

Iron Armor Set

Iron armor will be accessible once you defeat The Elder and have access to the Swamp's Sunken Crypts. This is what you should be wearing against the Bonemass. This armor set is made at the Forge (Lv. 2).

How to Get the Iron Armor Set

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Iron Scale Mail ImageIron Scale Mail ・Armor: 14
・Movement: -5%
・Durability: 1000
Deer Hide x2
Iron x20
Iron Helmet ImageIron Helmet ・Armor: 14
・Durability: 1000
Deer Hide x2
Iron x20
Iron Greaves ImageIron Greaves ・Armor: 14
・Movement: -5%
・Durability: 1000
Deer Hide x2
Iron x20

Wolf Armor Set

Wolf armor accessible once you get to the mountains and fight wolves and drakes, as well as find silver. This is most useful in the mountains as it also offers cold resistance. You should be wearing this when squaring off against Moder. This armor set is made at the Forge (Lv. 2).

How to Get The Wolf Armor Set

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Wolf Fur Cape ImageWolf Fur Cape ・Armor: 1
・Durability: 1000
・Special: Resistance VS Frost
Silver x4
Wolf Pelt x6
Wolf Trophy x1
Wolf Armor Chest ImageWolf Armor Chest ・Armor: 20
・Movement: -5%
・Durability: 1000
・Special: Resistance VS Frost
Silver x20
Wolf Pelt x5
Chain x1
Drake Helmet ImageDrake Helmet ・Armor: 20
・Durability: 1000
Silver x20
Wolf Pelt x2
Drake Trophy x1
Wolf Armor Legs ImageWolf Armor Legs ・Armor: 20
・Movement: -5%
・Durability: 1000
Silver x20
Wolf Fang x4
Wolf Pelt x5

Padded Armor Set

The strongest armor in the game (as of now), this endgame item can be made from linen, one of the top tier crafting stations made from Dragon Tears. You need to be wearing this when fighting Yagluth. This armor set is made at the Forge (Lv. 2).

How to Get The Padded Armor Set

Item Name Stats Materials Needed
Padded Cuirass ImagePadded Cuirass ・Armor: 26
・Movement: -5%
・Durability: 1000
Iron x10
Linen Thread x20
Padded Helmet ImagePadded Helmet ・Armor: 26
・Durability: 1000
Iron x10
Linen Thread x15
Padded Greaves ImagePadded Greaves ・Armor: 26
・Movement: -5%
・Durability: 1000
Iron x10
Linen Thread x20
Linen Cape ImageLinen Cape ・Armor: 1
・Durability: 1500
Linen Thread x2
Silver x1

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Valheim Armor done.png

List of Armor

All Armor Types

List of Armor by Type
Wolf Armor Chest.pngChest Armor Wolf Armor Legs.pngLeg Armor
Drake Helmet.pngHelmets Wolf Fur Cape.pngCapes

All Armor Sets

List of Armor Sets

List of Armor Sets
Padded Cuirass.pngPadded Armor Wolf Armor Chest.pngWolf Armor Iron Scale Mail.pngIron Armor
Bronze Plate Cuirass Icon.pngBronze Armor Troll Leather Tunic.pngTroll Armor Leather Tunic.pngLeather Armor


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