
How to Get Cold Purification and Mod Effects | Is Cold Purification Worth It?

Cold Purification is a Technomancer Mod in Outriders. Find out whether Cold Purification is a good Mod to use, the effects of Cold Purification, and more!

Cold Purification Overview

General Info

Increase Damage
Increase Damage
Tier I
Description Cryo Turret: Every turret's shot deals extra damage.

Is Cold Purification Worth It?

Mod Ranking A Rank Icon
Reason A great mod to equip when Cryo Turret is an active skill as you're dealing more damage on enemies. Best paired with mods that take advatage of Freeze.

Outriders Related Links

List of Mods

Tier I Technomancer Mods

Advanced RocketsAdvanced Rockets Armor ReductionArmor Reduction Bang for Your BuckBang for Your Buck
Better PartsBetter Parts Bonus DurationBonus Duration Cleansing WindCleansing Wind
Cold PurificationCold Purification Critical AnalysisCritical Analysis Demolition ManDemolition Man
FeedbackFeedback Fine-TunedFine-Tuned Fixer UpperFixer Upper
FortifyFortify Freeze BarrageFreeze Barrage FrostbiteFrostbite
Hail ShotHail Shot Ice ComponentIce Component Ice Ice BabyIce Ice Baby
Ice PackIce Pack Increase DamageIncrease Damage Increased RangeIncreased Range
Initial BlastInitial Blast KnockwaveKnockwave Long WinterLong Winter
MassacreMassacre More DamageMore Damage More TrapsMore Traps
Mr.FixitMr.Fixit No Pain  No GainNo Pain, No Gain Painful ChillPainful Chill
Portable ArmoryPortable Armory Rain of PainRain of Pain Spare MagSpare Mag
SuppliesSupplies SurpriseSurprise Trick Up The SleeveTrick Up The Sleeve
UntouchableUntouchable Upgraded GunUpgraded Gun

Tier III Technomancer Mods

Currently UnavailableBigger Sector Breath InBreath In CannonadeCannonade
CryodownCryodown Enriched AnthraxEnriched Anthrax Icicle StormIcicle Storm
Med BurstMed Burst QuartermasterQuartermaster Currently UnavailableRocket Man
Special DeliverySpecial Delivery Splash BoostSplash Boost To the BoneTo the Bone
Trap ClusterTrap Cluster TwinsTwins

Mod Types

Mod Types
Technomancer Mods Pyromancer Mods
Trickster Mods Devastator Mods
Weapon Mods Armor Mods
Best Mods to Equip Best Defensive Mods


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