
How to Get Death Shell and Mod Effects | Is Death Shell Worth It?

Death Shell is a Trickster Mod in Outriders. Find out whether Death Shell is a good Mod to use, the effects of Death Shell, and more!

Death Shell Overview

General Info

Death Shell
Death Shell
Tier III
Description Borrowed Time: Killing enemies while Borrowed Time is active reduces incoming Weapon Damage by 10% and Anomaly Damage by 10% for 10 seconds. Buff is removed at the end of the skill. Stacks up to 4 times.
Source Item Upper Chronosuit

Is Death Shell Worth It?

Mod Ranking Currently Unranked
Reason Mod rating coming soon!

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List of Mods

Tier I Trickster Mods

A Little Bit of PainA Little Bit of Pain Additional MagAdditional Mag Anomalic CaliberAnomalic Caliber
Anomaly CutAnomaly Cut Apply ShieldApply Shield Armor of EonsArmor of Eons
BackstabberBackstabber Big RangeBig Range Blue BloodBlue Blood
Cut LooseCut Loose Dance of DeathDance of Death Double StopDouble Stop
Double TimeDouble Time DurationDuration Eager EdgesEager Edges
GeigerGeiger's Wave Grand BastionGrand Bastion GunshieldGunshield
Healing SliceHealing Slice Long RangeLong Range MiseryMisery
No EscapeNo Escape Radiation JumpRadiation Jump SharpeningSharpening
Shield EvokerShield Evoker Short-Term LoanShort-Term Loan SlasherSlasher
Speed BoostSpeed Boost Speed UpSpeed Up Stretched TimeStretched Time
Strong SliceStrong Slice Strong TwistStrong Twist Thunder DomeThunder Dome
Time CrackTime Crack Time-Space ProtectionTime-Space Protection TimeblastTimeblast
Twisted FateTwisted Fate Ultimate Big RangeUltimate Big Range Weakening The PreyWeakening The Prey
Weakening ZoneWeakening Zone WeaklingsWeaklings Wind SlashWind Slash

Tier III Trickster Mods

Aggressive TeleportationAggressive Teleportation Ammo BargainAmmo Bargain And Another OneAnd Another One
Boomerang BladesBoomerang Blades Damage MitigationDamage Mitigation Death ShellDeath Shell
Currently UnavailableDelivery On Time Double SliceDouble Slice Currently UnavailableInstant Reload
Life DrainLife Drain Currently UnavailablePain Transfer ReboundRebound
Shield of the FallenShield of the Fallen Sniper BladesSniper Blades Temporal ArmorTemporal Armor
Ultimate DurationUltimate Duration

Mod Types

Mod Types
Technomancer Mods Pyromancer Mods
Trickster Mods Devastator Mods
Weapon Mods Armor Mods
Best Mods to Equip Best Defensive Mods


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