New Pokemon Snap Walkthrough Comments


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    5 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I got the 4 Pumpkaboo mentioned in the directions, nothing more, and it showed up just fine

    4 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    5 Pumpkaboo, first 3 are on the first room. 1st to your left behind the spikes with the Carbink and Gengar; 2nd immediately after 1st to your right after/behind cliff with the Driffloon and Joltiks; 3rd is the cliff behind Gengar and Carbinks; 4th is the upper ledge to the left when you enter the waterfall room; 5th is behind you when you decend into the alternate route.

    3 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Yeah, the first one is immediately to your left behind some spikes

    2 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    The concert doesn’t work, there are actually five pumpkaboo

    1 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    I tried this method seven times. Then I read somewhere else that you also have to activate Diancie’s concert to complete the request

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