New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Meganium's Pal Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Meganium's Pal, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Meganium's Pal, as well as the reward!

Meganium's Pal Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Park (Illumina Spot) Lv. 2 or higher
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap MeganiumMeganium
Target Pokemon 2 New Pokemon Snap HoothootHoothoot
Quest Giver Rita
How to Unlock ・After completing the first Illumina Spot
Request Text ・“When Meganium gets to this spot, it starts looking around kinda restlessly. Do you think it's looking for one of its friends?”

Course and Map Information

Park (Night) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Meganium's Pal Walkthrough Video

How to Clear Meganium's Pal

1. Meganium Goes Behind Tree

Meganium's Pal can only be completed if Meganium goes behind the tree in the final area. This request depends quite a bit on RNG (or random outcomes) for Meganium to do so, but here are a few steps that would increase the probability of success.

Meganium Starts on the Right

Meganium is more likely to go behind the tree at the end if it spawns already awake on the right side of the starting area. Just keep restarting the level until you get it to spawn there!

Get Shaymin to Ride Meganium

If Shaymin is brought out to the edge of the cliff, it will hop on Meganium.

Securing Shaymin as a passenger on Meganium guarantees more points for when Meganium sits down for the photo.

You need Illumina Orbs to lure Shaymin out of its hiding place on the cliff just after the first crystabloom. Once Shaymin is lured onto the edge of the cliff, Meganium will meet Shaymin and allow it to hop on its head.

Glowing Crystabloom

Immediately after getting Shaymin to ride Meganium, throw an Illumina Orb at the second Crystabloom. The timing has to be just right!

The Crystabloom has to be glowing when Meganium leans down to smell it, but it shouldn't trigger Meganium's Illumina Phenomenon, or else the Pokemon will get excited and run far ahead of the NEO-ONE.

Throw the Illumina Orb preferrably 2 seconds before Meganium is completely leaned down.

2. Get Hoothoot Out of the Tree

Hopefully, all those variables will have triggered Meganium to take an alternative route behind the tree in the end zone. The NEO-ONE will slow down and give you time to throw Fluffruit at the tree. Aim for the top part of the trunk covered by leaves, rather than the bottom part.

You need to successfully throw about 5 to 6 fluffruit before Hoothoot falls out. You have to time Hoothoot falling out with when Meganium smells the air after almost completely passing the tree.

When Hoothoot falls out, Meganium will sit down beside it for a couple seconds, allowing you to take the photo and complete the request.

Reward for Clearing Meganium's Pal

No Reward

There are no obtainable rewards for completing this request.

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Florio Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Park (Illumina Spot) LenTalk Requests
Meganium's Pal


11 Anonymous7 months

There is a faint view of a nest in the tree that might be Hoothoot’s. Maybe try aiming fruit at it…

10 Anonymousover 2 years

I found I could reliably get Meganium to walk behind the tree by throwing fluffruits hard to the left (towards the tree) at the second crystabloom. He would turn his head and then follow the fluffruits behind the tree.


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