New Pokemon Snap (Switch)

How to Clear Snorlax Dash Request Walkthrough

This is a guide to completing Snorlax Dash, a request in New Pokemon Snap (Pokemon Snap 2) for the Nintendo Switch. Here you can find what kind of photo you need, and how to take it, in order to clear Snorlax Dash, as well as the reward!

Snorlax Dash Map and Request Information

General Info

Course Side Path (Day) Lv. 1
Target Pokemon New Pokemon Snap SnorlaxSnorlax
Quest Giver Professor Mirror
How to Unlock ・After adding Snorlax to your Photodex.
Request Text ・“Snorlax usually seems to laze around, but you'd be amazed how it can move when it runs!”

Course and Map Information

Snorlax Dash Map.jpg

Side Path (Day) Walkthrough: List of Pokemon and How to Unlock

Snorlax Dash Walkthrough Video

How to Clear Snorlax Dash

Take the Alternate Route Through Snorlax's Lair

Side Path Alternate Route.jpg

To take the alternate route through Snorlax's lair, wait until Dodrio comes and scares off the Pichu and Scorbunny near the start of the course. Once they are gone, you can scan the grassy area to your left to find the alternate path.

Wake Up the Sleeping Snorlax

Feed Sleeping Snorlax.jpg

In the lair, you can find a sleeping Snorlax. You can wake it up by first tossing a Fluffruit into its mouth.

Snorlax Waking Up.jpg

After it eats the Fluffruit, play the Melody as you pass between the rock pillars to exit the lair. As you look back, you should see Snorlax start to get up.

Make Snorlax Dash Towards You

Snorlax Dashing.jpg

After you are transformed back to regular size, you can spot the Snorlax in the final area of the course. Throw a Fluffruit near it and as it approaches the fruit, toss an Illumina Orb at the Snorlax to make it dash. Capture a photo of the Snorlax as it runs towards you to complete the request.

Reward for Clearing Snorlax Dash

Snorlax Dash Reward.jpg

Hat 7

Completing this request will reward you with the following collectible: Hat 7.

List of Unlockables

New Pokemon Snap Request Walkthroughs

Lentalk Requests Guide

Florio Island Lentalk Requests Walkthrough

Side Path (Day) LenTalk Requests
Dancing Trio Snorlax Dash


1 Anonymous12 months

I have access to the secret side path but it won't let me get to snorlax. When I scan for the secret entrance in the grass it does nothing. ?


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