NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY)

Burnin' Boar (Pin No. 238): Overview and Rating

This is a guide on the Burnin' Boar pin (No. 238) in NEO: The World Ends with You (NEO TWEWY). Read on for Burnin' Boar's Psych abilities and rating, how to get Burnin' Boar, and Burnin' Boar evolution.

Burnin' Boar Pin and Psych Overview

Burnin' Boar Pin Info

Burnin' Boar (Pin No. 238)
Affinity Fire
Max Level 5
Value ¥-
Psych Drift Tackle

Drift Tackle Psych Info

Drift Tackle
Hold the button to clad yourself in fire and charge forward, then use the Left Stick to change your direction. Enemies will be knocked back on impact.
Command Switch
NEO TWEWY Drift Tackle Switch
NEO TWEWY Drift Tackle PS4
Max Power 1018
Limit 4.4 seconds
Reboot 10 seconds
Growth Fast

Burnin' Boar Beatdrop Attack

Strike again after landing two successful hits on a single target.

Burnin' Boar Ability

Frozen Fatality
Greatly increases Attack when the enemy is immobilized.

How to Get Burnin' Boar Pin

Purchase from Shop

HOG FANG (Annex)
(Cat Street)

Trade Materials Required

Burnin' Boar Pin Evolution

Burnin' Boar does not have an Evolution.

Is Burnin' Boar Pin Worth It?

Burnin' Boar Rating

Pin Rating NEO TWEWY Pins B tier
Reason This pin is of average value. It is useful for damage and crowd control. This will also help on your second week, but may prove to be insufficient on the third one.

You can safely subtract it from your deck if it doesn't synergize with the other pins.

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Pin Brands

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Tigre PUNKS Brand - NEO Twewy.pngTigre PUNKS Top oTop o' Topo Unbranded Brand - NEO Twewy.pngUnbranded

Pin Affinities

All Pin Affinities
Fire Icon.pngFire Ice Icon.pngIce Electric Icon.pngElectric Wind Icon.pngWind
Water.pngWater Stone Icon.pngStone NEO Twewy Affinity Icon - Poison.pngPoison Burst.pngBurst
Sound Icon.pngSound Light Icon.pngLight Darkness Icon.pngDarkness Gravity Icon.pngGravity
Kinesis Icon.pngKinesis NEO TWEWY Noisepedia Time Icon.pngTime No Affinity IconNone -

All Hog Fang Pins

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Heartful Hot DogHeartful Hot Dog Star QuarterbackStar Quarterback Dine Dine 'n' Dash BurninBurnin' Boar
HOG FANGHOG FANG Big Bang BoarBig Bang Boar Bolt BoarBolt Boar Mr. FangmanMr. Fangman
Rip-RoarinRip-Roarin' Red UFO RescueUFO Rescue Runaway RocketRunaway Rocket HOG HealerHOG Healer
FANG DefenderFANG Defender


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