Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch

Ivysaur Learned Moves, Evolution and Locations

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This is a page about the Pokemon Ivysaur in the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX for Nintendo Switch. Learn Ivysaur's Moves, Abilities, Rescue Camp, Evolution Chain, and which Dungeons Ivysaur can be found in.

Basic Information


Ivysaur Image
Type 1 Type 2
Grass Poison


Ability Effect
Overgrow When the Pokemon's HP is low, the power of Grass-type moves goes up.

Is Recruiting Ivysaur Worth It?

Check out our list on Best Pokemon for the Story to find out which Pokemon are best to recruit!

Best Pokemon for the Story

Learned Moves

By Level Up

Lv. Move Type Effect
Base Tackle NormalNormal It damages an enemy.
Base Growl NormalNormal It lowers the Attack of enemies in the same room.
Base Leech Seed GrassGrass It gives an enemy the Leech Seed status condition.
9 Vine Whip GrassGrass It damages an enemy. It reaches up to 2 tiles away.
13 Poison Powder PoisonPoison It makes an enemy Poisoned. But it has no effect on Grass-type Pokemon.
13 Sleep Powder GrassGrass It makes nearby enemies go to Sleep. But it has no effect on Grass-type Pokemon.
15 Take Down NormalNormal It damages an enemy-but you'll receive recoil damage, too.
20 Razor Leaf GrassGrass It damages a Pokemon, even one far away. It has a high critical-hit rate.
23 Sweet Scent NormalNormal It gives off a sweet scent that lowers the evasiveness of all enemies in the same room. It could also make enemies' Bellies emptier.
28 Growth NormalNormal It boosts your Attack and Sp. Atk. During Sunny weather or in Extremely Harsh Sunlight, your stats go up even higher. The stats return to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
31 Double-Edge NormalNormal It damages an enemy-but you'll receive recoil damage too.
36 Worry Seed GrassGrass It changes the target's Ability to Insomnia. The effect wears off when you go to the next floor.
39 Synthesis GrassGrass It restores your HP. During Sunny weather or in Extremely Harsh Sunlight, it restores your HP even more. During Rain, Heavy Rain, Hail, or a Sandstorm, the amount regained goes down.
44 Solar Beam GrassGrass You'll get the Solar Beam condition, which lets you charge power to try a powerful attack on the next turn. During Sunny weather or in Extremely Harsh Sunlight, it charges for an immediate attack on the first turn. But during Rain, Heavy Rain, Hail, or a Sandstorm, the damage will be reduced.


Move Type Effect
Attract NormalNormal It makes an enemy Infatuated, which makes the enemy's moves more likely to fail.
Confide NormalNormal It lowers the enemy's Sp. Atk.
Double Team NormalNormal It boosts your evasiveness. The stat returns to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Echoed Voice NormalNormal It damages enemies. It causes more damage if its used repeatedly. The power also goes up when you use it after a teammate uses it.
Energy Ball GrassGrass It damages a Pokemon, even one far away. It could also lower the enemy's Sp. Def.
Facade NormalNormal It damages an enemy. The damage it causes goes up if you have a bad status. It also prevents your Attack from being lowered when you use this move while you have a Burn.
Frustration NormalNormal It damages an enemy. The less you have opened up to your team, the more powerful this move will be.
Grass Knot GrassGrass It damages an enemy. The heavier the enemy, the greater the damage caused by the move.
Hidden Power NormalNormal It damages an enemy. The move's type changes on each adventure.
Light Screen PsychicPsychic You and your teammates in the same room get the Light Screen condition, which reduces the damage taken from special moves.
Nature Power NormalNormal Borrowing power from nature, a variety of damaging moves will be used depending on the scenery of the floor.
Protect NormalNormal You'll Protect yourself from enemies' moves. But its chance of failure rises if you use it after you've already used a move that blocks enemies' attacks.
Rest PsychicPsychic You'll get the Napping condition. With the Napping condition, you'll fall asleep, awakening later with all your HP restored and bad statuses healed.
Return NormalNormal It damages an enemy. The more you've opened up to your team, the more powerful this move will be.
Round NormalNormal It damages an enemy. It causes more damage if your teammate in the same room just used the same move.
Safeguard NormalNormal You and your teammates in the same room get the Safeguard condition, which prevents you from having bad statuses.
Sleep Talk NormalNormal If you're sleeping, a move you know will be used automatically on an enemy near you. But keep in mind that nothing will happen if you use this while you're wide awake.
Sludge Bomb PoisonPoison It damages a Pokemon, even one far away. It could also make the enemy Poisoned.
Solar Beam GrassGrass You'll get the Solar Beam condition, which lets you charge power to try a powerful attack on the next turn. During Sunny weather or in Extremely Harsh Sunlight, it charges for an immediate attack on the first turn. But during Rain, Heavy Rain, Hail, or a Sandstorm, the damage will be reduced.
Substitute NormalNormal You'll create a Substitute if you have more than half your max HP. Every time you use this move, your HP decreases. When you create a Substitute, you won't be targeted by enemies, but you can't use moves or items, and you can't restore your HP naturally.
Sunny Day FireFire It changes the floor's weather to Sunny. The power of Fire-type moves goes up, and the power of Water-type moves goes down.
Swagger NormalNormal It makes an enemy Confused, but it also sharply raises the enemy's Attack.
Swords Dance NormalNormal It sharply boosts your Attack. The stat returns to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.
Toxic PoisonPoison It makes the enemy Badly Poisoned. It never misses if used by a Poison-type Pokemon. It will even hit a Pokemon that's used Dig, Fly, or the like.
Venoshock PoisonPoison It damages an enemy. Its power goes up if the enemy is Poisoned or Badly Poisoned.
Work Up NormalNormal It boosts your Attack and Sp. Atk. The stats return to normal when you go to the next floor or step on a Wonder Tile.

By Move Tutor

Tutor Move Type Effect
Bind NormalNormal It damages an enemy. It could also cause the enemy to be Bound.
Giga Drain GrassGrass It damages an enemy. It also restores your HP. The greater the damage it causes, the more HP it restores.
Knock Off DarkDark It damages an enemy. The power goes up if the enemy has an item. It also knocks the enemy's held item to the floor near it.
Seed Bomb GrassGrass It damages an enemy.
Snore NormalNormal If you're sleeping, it will be used automatically and will damage enemies around you. It could also make them Flinch. Keep in mind that nothing will happen if you use it while you're wide awake.
Synthesis GrassGrass It restores your HP. During Sunny weather or in Extremely Harsh Sunlight, it restores your HP even more. During Rain, Heavy Rain, Hail, or a Sandstorm, the amount regained goes down.
Worry Seed GrassGrass It changes the target's Ability to Insomnia. The effect wears off when you go to the next floor.


Evolution Chain

Pokemon How to Evolve
BulbasaurBulbasaur -
IvysaurIvysaur Evolves from Bulbasaur at Lv. 16
VenusaurVenusaur Evolves from Ivysaur at Lv. 32

Can Ivysaur Mega Evolve?

This Pokemon can not Mega Evolve.

How to Get Ivysaur

Dungeons Where Ivysaur is Found

This Pokemon is not found in any Dungeons.

Ivysaur's Rescue Camp

Rescue Camp Price
Beau Plains 2700

Related Links

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Ghost.jpegGhost Dragon.jpegDragon Dark.jpegDark
Fairy.jpegFairy Steel.jpegSteel Normal.jpegNormal

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